Sentences with phrase «to affirm something»

She responded in a loving way which affirmed him as a man and a lover.
When filling in your preschoolers body facts, affirm them in how they have grown and how much more they will grow.
Hence it grounds also the response of affirming one's own life even in the most adverse circumstances.
Older children can tend to feel displaced by a new baby so keep affirming him with your love and affection in extra ways during this transition.
Looking for assistance from an outside professional can sometimes be overwhelming and a little bit uncomfortable so I want to affirm you on your decision to work on becoming your best self.
Less heating concerns, which is ready to affirm you how to play heavy video video games without hold - ups.
I am affirming her while you are cutting her down and she called you on it.
A life affirming something / everything which no argument can reach.
One is rather affirming one's self through a response that takes one out of the realm of domination and enjoyment into the realm of real personal existence.
Yet occasionally the texts affirmed it as moving or dynamic.
But when the will to affirm oneself asserts itself, man calls himself in question.
So find what your wife and daughters like to do, and constantly affirm them in it.
If they are asleep do not attempt to wake them, but just talk to them in a soothing calm voice affirming them of your presence and love.
I've tried affirming him, telling him I'm proud of how he's doing in school, and giving him lots of love.
We must affirm it as real, independent of our cognition, and we should also affirm, therefore, that the bodily events of other people are real.
We both believe in something passionately and want others to affirm us in our beliefs.
The strong connection between the two artists is emphasized by the common experience of affirming one's own language and the desire for experimentation.
Menon also suggests networking from a place of strength by affirming yourself with positive statements regularly — and to stray from thinking about interactions in a transactional way.
It seems like sheer superstition to expect that by affirming belief in Christ one can gain a happy eternity, while those who do not affirm it must suffer everlasting torment in hell.
The idea of Purgatory as purification is one possible answer, though we have no basis for affirming it as a doctrine.
He seems to deny the church should be considered a heresy and affirms he believes the Law and the Prophets.
Shillings learned it was best not to downplay Roman's feelings but to simply affirm them with «I understand that you're sad and angry» before giving him a comforting hug.
This was carried on appeal to the circuit court of appeals, which affirmed it in October, 1921.
It is time for the genuine pluralism among theologians to affirm itself again as a conversing, arguing, conflictual pluralism grounded in a common commitment to publicness.
There is no assurance that our ventures in service of the weak and the poor will succeed, but there is assurance that God affirms them and uses them beyond our knowledge.
OMAS founded its brand based on the same principles and has affirmed itself over the years due to the high quality of its machines and the deep penetration in foreign markets.»
One element of Facebook that we may not realize is how often we use the Like to affirm something about ourselves.
«At a time when scientists affirm we need to keep more than eighty per cent of all crude reserves in the ground to avoid catastrophic climate change, this is the last place on Earth they should be drilling.
Many of those who believe themselves to be practicing Judaism will actually be practicing and affirming something very different; they will be in a state of spiritual exile and alienation, but will not even be aware of it.»
While most Americans reject a bodily resurrection, solid majorities of many major religious groups affirm it.
Who can thusly affirm themselves to being no more than a container of wherein nothingness becomes the bonding agent of one's body?
I'm the one who knows the Bible tells the story of wholeness and restoration, the Spirit demonstrates it, the community affirms it.
If a first reason for legally protecting the sacred interplay has to do with all those who approach it - whether to engage in that interplay or affirm it otherwise - a second reason has to do with those new human persons who result from that interplay.
I can agree God does not want sacrifice and never did, while simultaneously affirm he requires blood sacrifice for sin.
If God will raise us from death to a new life of fuller communion with himself then this will be sheer miracle: God's re-creative Word affirming us in the moment of our utter nothingness.
Rather than insisting that scripture make the doctrine of the Trinity explicit, perhaps we should allow the Trinity to remain implicit and affirm it out of our own experience, our own living with God.
The burden of this essay is to show that Camus consciously affirmed something more, but nothing less, than the value of men and that this «something more» is compatible with a «process God.»
Take the issue of predestination, well the Pharisees and Saduccess were divided on this subject but the Essenes affirmed it (not in a proto - Calvinist way but there's similarity).
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