Sentences with phrase «to afford children»

Two bills would make it easier politicians and public employees to afford child care.
Maybe a special fund can be set up for those popping out children every year that can't afford children.
And guess what, I can afford my children very nicely, thank you.
Can your sense of self or your patience or your stress level afford another child?
Painting, drawing or other creating of art affords children a way literally to express, see and work through their experience of divorce.
Teachers can't buy food, afford child care, or pay their mortgages with the promise of future benefits — especially ones that never come.
Never taking in to consideration that if people can't afford children, they shouldn't have them.
In response, Drew's parents argued that revisions to IDEA since Rowley showed that Congress intended an IEP to provide opportunities that are «substantially equal to the opportunities afforded children without disabilities.»
The District Court held that the «IEP proposed by the School District was not reasonably calculated for Endrew to «achieve academic success, attain self - sufficiency, and contribute to society that are substantially equal to the opportunities afforded children without disabilities.
The Center for American Progress proposes a High - Quality Child Care Tax Credit available to help low - income and middle - class families afford child care.
Both divorce procreation from love, and both make for compelling, heart - wrenching justifications: the couple who can't afford children now and want to contracept for a time; the happy but infertile spouses who want a child of their own.
NUCO affords the children of Filipino coconut farmers the opportunity to receive a proper education by way of donating school supplies, providing transportation to and from schools, and offering unique opportunities to receive merit scholarship.
I'm terrified of getting pregnant because I can't afford another child right now.»
As for affording another child, we're OK, things worked out.
So much that some parents are giving up jobs because they can't afford a child minder and a season ticket.
Dozens of studies of afterschool programs repeatedly underscore the powerful impact of supporting a range of positive learning outcomes, including academic achievement, by affording children and youth opportunities to practice new skills through hands - on, experiential learning in project - based after school programs.
«Most importantly, it sends a message that the community is prepared to explore all options they think in their best judgment affords their children a better education.»
In order to replicate the benefits affluent parents afford their children, our schools must be able to provide the enriched environments that develop well - rounded students.
Charter - school parents speak highly of the schools and the opportunities the schools afford their children.
The programme would divert money from squeezed budgets to pay for children whose parents can easily afford them
Progressing Play advocates for the importance of affording children time and opportunity to be, play and feel a rich sense of belonging to their world.
It is the... policy of this state to encourage the continued interest, love and affection of both divorced parents for their children and to afford children ample opportunity for close contact with them.
The tax credit would provide up to $ 14,000 per child to reflect the cost of high - quality child care paid directly to providers on a monthly basis to help families afford child care.
The court makes certain that the noncustodial parent can afford the child support.
Because you feel so boxed in, otherwise — you want to take the new position to improve yourself, but then to be prevented because you can't afford child care?
Daily Mail: Judging by sales of Durex, large numbers of Brits have decided to hide from the credit crisis by tumbling into bed — or they have decided they can't afford children.
If an employee had any kind of severe event in their life — loss, an unexpected illness, not being able to afford your children's education — they had support available for you.
Forty schools were closed province - wide while de Jong was the minister of finance, and many families were forced to make tough decisions about their careers when they couldn't find or afford child care.
A husband and wife may not be able to afford another child, there may be a health risk if there is a pregnancy or an emotional risk.
Three - fourths of women who have abortions say they can not afford a child (40 percent are at the federal poverty line), and half do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner, according to the Guttmacher Institute.
We felt we could not afford another child.
Rather than focusing on a child's high school and intellectual achievements, parents should focus on how they raised their children and what type of opportunities they afforded their children as a predictor of future success.
I then imagined the amazing benefits yoga could afford all children.
These are the unanticipated, hidden costs that can undermine a team or a family's budget, leaving parents (and coaches) concerned about how to afford children's sports next year.
In many families, the next natural step is for the stepparent to legally adopt his stepchild, granting him full parental rights and responsibilities and affording the child some rights, too, such as to inherit from him.
Can you afford another child at this time?
Where attachment parents vs. non-attachment parents differ is the amount of attention / effort we ought to afford our children.
I remember trying to add it all up one day: That magic number we would need to afford a child.
On rural electrification, the DCE acknowledged receipt of materials for the extension of electricity to the Obengkrom, Donkorkrom, Kwahu, Asempanaye and Goamu zone to afford children the opportunity to acquire ICT skills and promote rural enterprises.
Working nine to five (and often much longer hours) to afford child care so someone else can take care of your kids works for some.
I want to afford my children this same respect and don't feel that I have the right to decide for them what part of their lives become permanently available online.
It isn't bad at all and actually it should be encouraged, maybe there would be less popping out the babies and families that can't afford children.
The program also helps families learn about and afford child care.
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