Sentences with phrase «to afford one's fees»

Because she had not afforded the fee for a prenatal visit, she was refused care when she arrived at the government hospital in full labor.
Those who can not afford the fees upfront can sometimes arrange waivers or payment arrangements.
And if they can't afford the fees, their services are likely to be relegated to slow lanes and never resonate with consumers.
However, Inspite of being meritorious, some students can not afford the fee of High - end universities.
Independent schools must do more than educate those who can afford their fees in order to retain their charitable status, the Upper Tribunal has decided
Dan suggests that most lawyers know companies doing angel deals haven't been able to afford the fees for a preferred share agreement.
A New York City Housing Authority tenant leader also attacked Councilwoman Helen Rosenthal, the wife of an investment banker, for leading school children in a cheer claiming their parents could afford the fee at a recent rally in support of the proposal.
Republicans blasted the proposal, saying the poorest would have the hardest time affording the fees.
This claim of low - quality private provision for the poor has also been taken up by British prime minister Tony Blair's Commission for Africa, which recently reported that although «Non-state sectors... have historically provided much education in Africa,» many of these private schools «aiming at those [families] who can not afford the fees common in state schools... are without adequate state regulation and are of a low quality.»
Whether you intend to pace the writing or come over with a paper you need at short notice, we believe that the average student out there should be able to comfortably afford our fees.
According to a 2012 TD Economics survey, 68 % of condo owners had no idea their monthly maintenance fees could increase, while 38 % weren't confident that they could afford a fee increase.
If you have trouble affording the fee, the Humane Society has a national registry of groups offering spay / neuter assistance or visit the Oakland Animal Services page for Bay Area resources.
This overhead is passed directly to students resulting in tuition costs that segregate the incoming classes into those who are either able to afford these fees directly or who are able to access the necessary loans — increasing the divide between the rich and the poor - the poor for whom education becomes more elusive.
Even if it really were an irresistible inference from the decline in claims that at least some potential claimants could not realistically afford the fees, there is still no basis for forming any reliable view about the numbers of such cases, or how typical they may be; and, for reasons which will appear, that is an important matter.
Regarding the size of the fee, the Supreme Court held that «where households on low to middle incomes can only afford fees by sacrificing the ordinary and reasonable expenditure required to maintain what would generally be regarded as an acceptable standard of living, the fees can not be regarded as affordable» (para [93]-RRB-.
The bulk of the students who end up as NCA are those who can not afford the exorbitant law school fees here, and are better able to afford fees in England or Aussie and / or can only manage a law school education part - time, because they need a job to put food on the table.
So I became Uber's political adviser that day, and I got really lucky when Travis [Kalanick] called me back and said, «I can't afford your fee, will you take equity instead?»
First, many people don't have access to health care, whether that's because they have language barriers; lack proper transportation; or can't afford fees, premiums, and copays.
For users who can afford the fee and want to pay, they'll get a more purposeful experience on Facebook where they only see what they want in the News Feed.
For users who can't afford the fee or don't want to pay, their Facebook experience remains largely the same.
The people who can afford fees this high can pay an extra $ 5000 per year to keep their precious offspring away from the common riff raff.
Those who can afford the fees can get around these stumbling blocks by employing the services of a qualified financial adviser.
It is understood that a fee of # 3.5 million would be enough to bring the 25 - year - old to England, and with Spurs and the Gunners unlikely to be unable to afford this fee, it may be that after considerable time spent scouting the player, the pair believe there are better options to be had.
The conversion of Brazilian Reais to British Pounds would make it hard for the club to afford a fee of the Premier League standards.
That is how some police and fire stations can offer free checkups and I often refer parents to these if they can not afford my fee.
I believe every woman deserves a childbirth and postpartum doula, so if you are not able to afford my fee I am open to discuss special arrangements.
For persons who can not afford the fees, there is usually assistance available from the tax - payer supported state department or the non-profit agency, and anyone can request from them how - to request this help.
Most asylum seekers who want to pursue higher education in the UK simply can not do so because they have an uncertain and undefined life and like Wisdom they can not afford the fees.
The president said it was worrying to see that thousands of children in times past could not go to school because their parents can not afford the fees and other need items.
Those unable to afford fees will get the right to defer paying.»
For instance, low - income parents often can not afford the fees and expenses for uniforms, and their work schedules may make it difficult or impossible to transport their children to and from activities.
Financial Aid is available for learners who can not afford this fee, so that's something you should always keep in mind.
Smaller private schools will be expected to share resources by offering up teachers to give lessons in local state schools, and independent educators must offer more scholarships and bursaries to pupils who can not afford fees.
They offer, the argument goes, a private - standard education to families who can not afford fees.
These new entrants, the report argues, might not only boost performance but bring choice to parents who can't afford fees or who do not want religion - based schooling for their children.
Make sure you can afford these fees and are willing to take them on before applying for a card.
No lender in the industry can afford fees this high.
If you can not afford the cash to pay for the items outright, you certainly can not afford the fees and interest incurred throughout a billing cycle.
If the borrower can not afford this fee, some counseling agencies will waive the fee for qualified applicants.
Make sure you can afford the fees.
If you own a home, have a lot of high - interest credit card debt, and can afford the fees and your new monthly mortgage payment, a cash - out refinance could be the right debt management option for you.
Any fee - for - service planner will be too expensive for this cohort — most young adults can't afford his fee (a $ 2,000 flat rate), Heath admits — and the fresh - out - of - school bank advisors who don't have any experience aren't much help either.
If you can't afford the fee, you are still entitled to the counseling.
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