Sentences with phrase «to agree on everything»

If you and your spouse agree on everything in your divorce, then maybe you can manage to get divorced without a lawyer.
Couples don't need to agree on everything about saving and spending.
Though they may not necessarily agree on everything, the conversations will provide information to build a more robust estate plan with fewer potential surprises.
«In the writers room it's like no one agrees on everything,» he says.
Though partners in satisfying relationships tend to be similar to one another, they rarely agree on everything.
We don't all have to agree on everything but its important that you judge a group or an organization or a person on all their merits, not just one opinion.
Even if you think you and the person you're dealing with agree on everything, it is always useful to spell out the understanding on each side.
Marriage is not supposed to mean that both people will get along all the time by agreeing on everything.
If you and your spouse agree on everything regarding the divorce, then it might be time - saving and cost - efficient to file independently.
I can agree with someone or a doctrine on one thing, but that doesn't mean we need to agree on everything else.
Life would be a lot easier if we all automatically agreed on everything, but unfortunately that isn't the case.
I know we wont agree on everything but yelling at each other, I don't like.
One is never entirely certain whether both authors agree on everything, having debated each point until exhausted.
Since the spouses have agreed on everything up front, there is no need for the service of process and hearing notices typical of contested divorces.
It does not bother me that we don't agree on everything... not at all.
While we don't always agree on everything, we still discuss it and learn from each other.
You certainly don't have to agree on everything about money, raising kids, or dealing with household responsibilities.
At the hearing, the judge will make sure that you and your spouse agree on everything and that the separation agreement is not unfair to either party.
The couple does not need to agree on everything when making a cohabitation agreement.
«And while we won't agree on everything going forward, we agree that Uber's acquisition of Otto could and should have been handled differently.»
I do not agree with the catholic teachings so I don't go to their church.I went to a church for many years and when they went a different way than what I believe I stopped going to it.I didn't try to change them.Government and a church will never agree on everything and its not the church job to change government and the government should not change a church beliefs.If you are a member of a church and do not agree with them anymore you should leave that church.
He added: «It doesn't mean everybody agrees on everything all the time - that I understand - but the general direction of opposition to austerity, opposing the Tories on grammar schools, those are actually the kind of things that unite the party.»
Just how he plans to get that onto the Senate floor when his deal with Skelos calls for the two of them to agree on everything before it comes up for a vote, remains to be seen.
Every healthy relationship has conflict because the very nature of relationships breed conflict; no two people agree on everything all the time.
I mean grant it were not going to agree on everything in life, but it would be a step in the right direction to at least make good use of our time, especially if we actually cared about such things as solutions.
Many Atheist think of all Christians as «lockstep» where as you can barely get Christians to agree on everything within a single denomination, so explain how do you figure this grand Christian theocracy would come into being?
Agree on everything except I would loan Szczesny; still young can still come good or resell at higher value if put one good season elsewhere under his belt
In other words, both Klein and whoever is leading the Senate Dems in 2015 — presumably the current leader, Sen. Andrea Stewart - Cousins — will have to jointly agree on everything that comes to the Senate floor for a vote.
I totally agree on everything you said and that red and mustard stands out perfectly making winter more colorful and not depressing.
Many of these local races were heated, I know, and it's healthy that we don't agree on everything here in Oakland; but overall this election was a reminder that we have much more in common than not: a shared commitment to move towards a more just community where all persons — regardless of zip code, skin color, religion, sexual orientation, or disability — are treated with dignity and respect.
«We discovered that we get along well and generally agree on everything,» says Diego.
We do not think all the stakeholders in the animal issues in Fort Smith have suddenly agreed on everything.
some things I do not agree with, we cant agree on everything:)... transition.....
However, even if you and your soon to be ex-spouse agree on everything, it is still important to consult with a King County divorce mediation lawyer who can make sure that your rights are protected, advise you of your legal rights, and file the appropriate paperwork to finalize your divorce.
Introduction Someone has said «If two people always agree on everything, one of them is unnecessary.»
«The idea that because we are all Democrats we should necessarily agree on everything doesn't reflect the Democratic party,» Denno said.
«And while we won't agree on everything going forward, we agree that Uber's acquisition of Otto could and should have been handled differently,» the Uber CEO said.
Everyone thinks they are right, and no one agrees on everything the same way (even Neo-calvinists and Neo-Anabaptists).
People who claim the «Conservative» label rarely agree on everything, in many cases they differ radically, William F. Buckley, for example, supported legalization of marijuana and cocaine, which other people who think themselves conservatives call the height of liberalism.
We don't agree on everything but our party is the poorer if it can't accommodate a broad range of views
You'd agree on everything about parenting, because you'd be so similar in the first place, and in all of your years on earth, the two of you would have independently developed the exact same likes and dislikes, the same ideals, the same set of personal beliefs and the same goals for your futures.
Since it is rare to agree on everything before you get to mediation, be prepared to disagree with your spouse on some things but make sure you really listen to what your spouse is saying and regard his / her opinions with the same importance as your own.
Not everybody feels the same way however (and that's ok — life would be incredibly dull if everyone agreed on everything).
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