Sentences with phrase «to aid in recovery»

His thinking is that he is thereby really aiding in a recovery from alcoholism.
This will further aid in the recovery of small businesses, resulting in an increase in new businesses throughout the country.
An understanding partner may also aid in the recovery process by setting proper boundaries in the relationship and learning more about the recognized illness known as love or sexual addiction.
Soy protein is a good plant - based source of amino acids that are easily absorbed by the body and help aid in recovery.
We are grateful to our partners, those who have aided us in our recovery efforts through resources and support.
The placenta is specifically designed for your body containing vitamins, minerals and hormones to aid in recovery after delivery.
Specifically, eating carbs 15 to 60 minutes before working out will help you push harder in your training and may also aid in recovery and muscle growth.
He stole thousands of dollars which could have aided in his recovery as opposed to the other guys who are still struggling to get by.
Though there are certain things in your collection that could never be replaced if they are ever lost, you could still be aided in your recovery by a repayment of their value.
It has long been accepted that a period of rest from physical activity aids in the recovery from concussion.
Yoga therapy involves the use of different tools and techniques to modify poses and allow the body to build strength and flexibility while aiding in recovery from injury and disease.
For skin conditions, just like in any other type of condition, there are particular foods and nutrients that can specifically aid in recovery.
Choosing to live without the destructive behaviors associated with sex addiction and being held accountable to other members of the group aid in the recovery process.
In many cases, medicines and rest will aid in the recovery of your cat's breathing problems.
These exercises will also help to stimulate circulation and help aid in recovery.
Today, chile peppers are used to help prevent and aid in recovery from many illnesses.
It's been shown to be extremely effective in dogs with arthritis, disc disease, hip dysplasia, and to aid in recovery after major orthopedic surgeries.
Combining branched - chain amino acids and valine to optimize its effects this BCAA Powder with L - Glutamine can help build muscle and aid in recovery for athletes.
Embracing minimalist training will not only aid in recovery but will also make time for other activities in life, such as spending time with loved ones or discovering a new hobby.
Stress away blend is another oil in the premium starter kit which can support healthy endocrine system which aids in recovery from strenuous exercise routines.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo took a second trip to Puerto Rico since a hurricane devastated the island and pledged more state aid in its recovery process.
The team detected unusually high concentrations of AGF around the wound sites, indicating that the protein aids in recovery.
While the initial study was intended to measure whether OMT aided in recovery, the second study sought to identify characteristics of patients who received the most benefit from the treatments.
The oil completely removed any lactic acid buildup that I have dealt with weekly from the intensity of my workouts along with greatly aiding in the recovery process.
And how T3 Fuel and Gut Shield aided in her recovery as well.
I found that I was able to run faster and longer by taking fluids during the run — hydration not only to helps sustain the run but also to aid in recovery afterwards — to fuel the next run!
As a result, clinical studies have shown BetaTOR combined with an intense training program increases strength, power, and endurance; improves body composition; and aids in recovery when compared with placebo supplementation.
As one of the most abundant amino acids in muscle cells, glutamine aids in recovery by strengthening the immune system.
Cherry juice appears to provide a viable means to aid recovery following strenuous exercise by increasing total antioxidative capacity, reducing inflammation, lipid peroxidation and so aiding in the recovery of muscle function.»
The wound should not be licked and Traumheel as well as Arnica aids in the recovery of the surgery rather well.
We know that when people are reunited with their pets, it significantly aids in their recovery process, so it is even more imperative to keep displaced pets in the area.
When your dog undergoes chiropractic and a massage, it increases its agility thereby directly aiding in its recovery especially if conducted as a follow - up after surgery.
Lawyers with Staver Law Group worked hard to represent both clients and prior to trial, they achieved settlements of $ 29,500.00 and $ 25,500.00 for their respective injuries, which would go a long way towards aiding them in their recoveries.
Richard Thomas Robol, Esq., who aided in the recovery of treasure from a shipwreck, has been sanctioned by a District Court in Ohio for engaging in bad faith conduct during related litigation.
But what's also important is hiring a medical malpractice lawyer who is concerned about your well - being and aside from handling your case, our medical malpractice lawyers want to ensure you have the best medical professionals aiding you in your recovery.
Rosselló on Thursday asked Cuomo for goods and services to aid in recovery efforts through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, Cuomo's office said.
By applying specific pressure with the roller to points of your body (especially in your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves) you can help aid in the recovery of muscles, increase blood flow and allow them to return to a normal healthy state.
It is this tightness that helps improve posture and aid in recovery after baby is born.
Taking a few days off from the gym and getting adequate rest can not only aid in your recovery, but can actually increase your strength gains and allow you to put on more muscle mass.
It is important to feed her a nutrient - dense food with proportionally higher nutrients for the nursing process — this will also aid in recovery from the dog pregnancy.
AMHERST, N.Y. (WBEN)-- Tops Friendly Markets held a food and supplies drive at their Maple Road, Transit Road, and South Park Ave locations on Friday where the company collected non-perishable food items along with cleaning supplies and toiletries to help aid in the recovery from those affected by...
-LSB-...] it's flesh the rich orange color), and has been shown to aid in recovery for athletes.
Improved Blood Circulation and Lymph Flow: the increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles aids in the recovery of the body, while the lymphatic system removes toxins to fight fatigue and reduce stress effects on the body.
«As Puerto Rico rebuilds, Florida remains committed to doing everything we can to help the families impacted by Hurricane Maria and aid in the recovery process,» Gov. Rick Scott said in a statement issued October 2, the same day Florida declared a state of emergency in reference to the arrival of Puerto Rican migrants.
He is also calling for a «Disaster Recovery Marshall Plan» for the BVI and other territories, which «will aid in recovery, sustainable reconstruction and long - term revitalisation of the local economy.»
Gov. Larry Hogan is sending a 26 - member unit of the Maryland National Guard to Puerto Rico to aid in the recovery from Hurricane Maria.
By hearing this the alkie can hear in the AA meetings how others sought this help and aided in recovery
Now, recent studies suggest that this native American berry may also promote gastrointestinal and oral health, prevent the formation of kidney stones, lower LDL and raise HDL (good) cholesterol, aid in recovery from stroke, and even help prevent cancer.
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