Sentences with phrase «to allot time»

• Maintained an interactive classroom environment and regularly updated bulletin boards with relevant material • Devised supportive learning AV aids • Provided one on one tutoring to students with special needs • Communicated home assignments and marked the same • Supervised students as they practiced math drill exercises • Reinforced the concepts of the week and conducted remedial coaching classes in allotted time
Monitored work in progress to ensure completion within allotted time limits, as well as acceptable quality standards
The lessons that lead up to the visit at BizTown can be taught during the social studies allotted time frame and are aligned to the state standards.
Ensure that you do allot time for writing assignment during the day.
Empirical data, however, indicate that more black animals wait longer to be adopted and run out of allotted time in city shelters.
A rider on a life insurance policy that will pay an amount equal to the sum of all premiums paid in addition to the face amount owed in the event of a death of the insured within a specified allotted time period.
You only get a certain allotted time with each individual.
Especially if you work long hours yourself, allot some time before bed to chat with her about goings - on at preschool and to get the scoop on the latest dramas in her social life.
The second most popular request was the opportunity for fans to venture onto the circuit at allotted times.
hello my name is shy i «m 34 years old and i looking to get married i love kids even that i do n`t have and i «m very funny very funny very funny very out going guy love to laugh and i can make you pee in your pants from laughing i would love to tell more about me but it will take allot time to read th...
The lessons that lead up to the visit at Finance Park will be taught during the social studies allotted time frame and are aligned to the state standards.
Make everyone sit in the lunch room for the full allotted time, so that no one can «rush» out to the playground for recess (i.e., not eating)
The additional hours brought the organization's total allotted time for the year to about 7,000 hours, she said.
A clause in life insurance policies that states that if the insured commits suicide within a specified allotted time (usually two years), the insurance company is not required to pay the death benefit.
But after the team's allotted time outside he hadn't found her, and so he assumed that he had got it wrong.
What she meant was, she knew that I could do it, so she gave me an extra 20 minutes to my 1.5 hours allotted time to push baby out.
The research should also push planters to more and better preparation, as it confirms the effectiveness of the steady plodding by those who allot time to raise their own support and maintain relationships with coaches or other supportive figures.
Not long but long enough that I had to actually allot time for the soup as opposed to just 5 minutes.
he was the best baby and now he screams and crys allot every time I put him down for playtime nap etc..
She instead spent her 10 minutes of allotted time expressing her concern with the emotional state of her students.
We hadn't had the usual allotted time to really grow in relationship together.
This kind of routine can be very helpful for kids, and also establishes homework as an important task with its own allotted time.
Sheikh Hussein said Allah is the custodian of everything he created and he does with them as it pleases Him, including allotting them a time to die as it happened in the case of Senator Adeleke.
Knowing how the arctic ground squirrels allot their time and energy helps us see how they avoid predators and search for food.
Just remember, most doctors aren't allotted time in their day to handle phone calls and e-mails; they may work through their lunch hour or stay late to take care of them.
Once you have the proper feel to the exercise, you can increase the number to 600 - 700 calories in the same allotted time.
You probably allot time for a shower, but not to wait for your skin to soak up thick moisturizing lotions post-wash.
It demands a higher degree of coordination and planning among regular and special - education teachers, yet few school systems allot the time and resources to promote these exchanges.
Editing and proofreading allotted time: two weeks (I spent more time in editing / re-writing mode for my first two books than I did writing the damn things).
Believe it or not, you can pay it off faster than the originally allotted time frame!
Tip # 2: Allot Your Time Wisely Global Pet Expo is such a big show with so much to offer retailer attendees that it can easily become overwhelming — that is, unless you have a well - devised schedule for guidance.
These games, albeit being truly great iterations from Rockstar Games, occupy the supposedly allotted time to develop «Grand Theft Auto 6.»
Having six weeks of allotted time allowed me to focus on realizing my project while I experimented with a material that turned out to be so versatile it has become prominent in my recent body of work.
When supervisors give writing assignments, they go through the time management sheet with the lawyer to clarify key questions, to establish the maximum amount of (billable) time, and to allot that time effectively so the lawyer spends as much time as possible in the editing stage.
Schmid recommends allotting time for specific tasks to avoid getting sidetracked.
Conduct due diligence prior to partnering with an outplacement or career management service as numerous companies will only provide support for a brief allotted time immediately after the termination date while other career transition services continue to support the individual long after termination day.
The same problem can be with resume, in this case allot time to read about best format for resume.
However, many investors fail to treat it as a business and dedicate allotted time each day to learn and implement.
A full refund will be issued once a written cancelation has been requested within allotted time.
Parental time interference occurs when a parent actively disrupts another's allotted time with their child.
Moldaver says many counsel are overly committed to their prepared script, mistakenly thinking the court will think less of them if they fail to consume their full hour of allotted time.
The total allotted time I gave my 7th graders to complete all these activities was 12 days in class.
They must be allotted time for supervision and to attend courses for supervisors.
What to do instead: Adapt your presentation down so that it fits the allotted time.
«I also include a modest timeline with my outline based on the allotted time I have to speak.»
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