Sentences with phrase «to analyze the content»

The phrase "to analyze the content" means to closely study and examine the information or material that is being presented or discussed. Full definition
Learn how the system analyzes the content on your resume.
It automatically sets TV screen and audio to the optimal level by analyzing the content source being played, such as DTS - X, HDR or Atmos.
We also analyzed content gaps in our own archive and created additional posts to make sure we were covering our subjects from every angle.
«Teaching Writing Is Teaching Thinking» article includes information about the patterns of thinking that historians use when analyzing content and crafting written arguments.
After analyzing your content, it gives you hints on how to improve your text by highlighting words or sections that may need replacing.
However, the more data you're able to capture with your audit, the better off you'll be when it comes to analyzing your content in order to develop an action plan.
In general, marketers would do well to partner with an outside agency that can help them create, distribute, and analyze content professionally and at scale.
Then, the researcher is analyzed content analysis by using the feminist theory, the capitalism for analyzing the data and presents the result of research in a descriptive.
Creating the right blend in blended learning requires carefully analyzing your content, your learners, your technology, your needs, and many other factors.
Once we receive inputs from the client, we start analyzing the content and proceed with the next steps.
One of the most important planning steps involves analyzing the content structures of existing books in your field.
They read and check the assignment copy to analyze the content quality and grammar mistakes.
Writing an essay in law is a tough task to accomplish because you need to gather your sources first and analyze content before you get to the writing part.
This report aims to bring a more rigorous and scientific approach to analyzing content on the dark web.
By analyzing content, SEO campaigns and other marketing and advertising strategies, you see what channels are most effective at bringing in new customers.
They also analyzed the content that users ultimately clicked on and consumed.
When analyzing the content, you also need to check if it is suitable for mobile devices.
Small group spaces can help those who need to process information or analyze content in order to grasp the problem or to form a solution.
Address this dilemma by doing research to develop customer personas, as well as analyzing the content created by competitors in your industry.
Speaking to GHOne TV News on the sidelines of the NPP's press conference which analyzed the content of the policy document by its main opponents the NDC on Monday, she revealed that the party is being made to reconsider the date after it emerged that Ghana's senior national football team will be using its marked venue — the Tamale Sports Stadium for an international game.
Analyze content trends on Pinterest and Instagram to gain insight into what your audience wants.
«We better explain how we combat abuse and investigate suspicious activity, including by analyzing the content people share,» Facebook said in a blog post.
He and his team didn't analyze the content of the tweets in this study, so they can't show whether the doctors were tweeting about drugs from those companies — and whether the doctors» conflicts of interest influence what they share on social media.
April 14: Update to Google's Terms of Service, including provision to automatically analyze content such as emails when content is sent, received, and stored.
Using natural language processing (NLP), Agolo's technology analyzes content, identifies different subjects, and draws connections between them.
Keywee analyzes your content and automatically finds qualified audiences that drive business results.
The link strategist analyzes the content and publishing market, identifies market pains solved by content, and then allies with public - facing content creators and illustrates what they can do to make their content more engaging to the linking audience.
When using an ETD device, officers swab a piece of luggage or passenger hands and then place the sample inside the ETD unit, which analyzes the content for the presence of potential explosive residue.
How can critics consistently do their jobs well actually analyzing the content of the films they're reviewing if they have to worry about aggravating the spoiler police?
He then analyzes the content (existing training material), talks to Subject Matter Experts of the client, understands their expectations, sets the learning objectives, prepares the outline and then gets the approval from the training manager and Subject Matter Experts or other stakeholders involved in the project to proceed to the next phase.
After bonding as a team and analyzing content domains, the ideation phase begins.
The multi-media age our students are growing up in requires the ability to constantly analyze content.
Teachers in a blended learning setting are expected to collect data upon students» performance as well as metrics to analyze content engagement which can be leveraged for real - time as well as long - term betterment of their course.
Porter et al. analyze the content of the Common Core using a process called the Survey of Enacted Curriculum (SEC) that Porter created a while back.
SmartImage is an exclusive Philips technology that analyzes the content displayed on your screen and gives you optimized display performance.
Hiring staff won't spend a lot of time analyzing your content to see if you meet the qualifications if there are other applicants who do, so emphasizing required and preferred qualifications will show staff you're qualified and move your application to the next round of the hiring process.
To be successful in college and careers, all students must be taught complex academic content, taught to analyze content using higher order thinking strategies, and taught to apply what they learn to build new understanding.
The Lunch Tray won't share your personal information with third parties or store information collected about your visit to this blog except to analyze content performance through the use of cookies, which you can turn off at any time by modifying your Internet browser's settings.
After analyzing the content of samples from local wells for a project about the quality of drinking water, fifth - and sixth - grade students at Shutesbury Elementary School display their information on a large map of the town and look for patterns in the data.
Find the best hashtags for your posts and analyze your content trends on Instagram to gain insight into what your audience wants.
And in a blog post, the network wrote, «We better explain how we combat abuse and investigate suspicious activity, including by analyzing the content people share.»
Description: By analyzing the content of your blog post, Lumen5 can automatically create a video storyboard for you.
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