Sentences with phrase «to answer to anyone»

This is also the perfect answer to anyone who wants a fast burst of strength and power.
I had many reasons for this, but the main reason was that I just didn't want to have to answer to anyone else as far as my work was concerned.
If doing a Ph.D. prepared me for anything, it was to be able to work independently without having to answer to anyone on a daily basis.
Individuals in control of big corporations don't answer to anyone if our govt.
looking to have a really good time but not looking for a relationship where I have to answer to anyone where I am or what I am doing
The obvious answer to anyone's need for higher MPGs in a vehicle is 9 times out of 10 the Toyota Prius.
EssayOnTime answers to anyone who may need help in writing essays — they never refuse to make orders, no matter how difficult or large it may be.
You want to allocate your funds without answering to anyone, one of the real rites of passage, and that's being delayed.
Track your expenses together Before now, you've never had to answer to anyone about your spending — as part of a team, everything you buy has an impact on your joint finances.
If you want carte blanche and detest the idea of answering to anyone else, going solo may be your best option.
In contrast to Andrew Grove and Gordon Moore, in - house counsel and their law firm counterparts don't have to answer to anyone for how they pay their lawyers, how those lawyers organize their work on behalf of the business, and for legal personnel.
This wireless Wi - Fi HD video doorbell allows you to see, hear and answer to anyone at any time from your smartphone, making you feel never being away from home no matter where you are.
It is my priority to take care of me, where I am not answering to anyone else except my own inner healer who needs the healing just as much as everyone else I give to!
He can truly answer to the people of New York because he doesn't need to answer to anyone else.
Technically, yes, an entrepreneur is his or her own boss — but that doesn't mean an entrepreneur doesn't have to answer to anyone.
TV networks or magazines that hope to attract advertisers need to keep their content purposefully broad so that they can be relevant to many potential advertisers, but when brands control the content they don't have to answer to anyone, except their audience they are trying to reach.
But a family office doesn't have to answer to anyone.
1 Peter 3:15 - 16, «But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess.
They hold that some «laws of the land», specifically, the ADA and multiple discrimination laws, do not «APPLY» to their business because «we are privately held and don't have to answer to anyone»... This isn't hear say, you understand, this came from the top of the company to my boy's almost deaf ears.
Are you prepared to given an answer to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have in Jesus Christ (1 Pet.
We are all called to give an answer to anyone who asks us about the reason for the hope that we have (1 Peter 3:15).
They do have much value, and we should always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks us for the reason for the hope that you have.
We laud those who become so powerful / wealthy that they don't have to answer to anyone.
Singles are too independent to answer to anyone: There isn't much room for selfishness in a relationship.
The first episode is so sappy it belongs on pancakes — and, yes, I realize the world is hurting, but patronizingly low - grade inspirational junk like this is not the answer to anyone's problems.
Eli Gold drinks smoothies now, Peter Florrick is running for president, and Alicia Florrick doesn't have to answer to anyone.
Captain America doesn't want to answer to anyone, and gets Falcon (Anthony Mackie), Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and later, Ant - Man (Paul Rudd), to agree with him.
These public schools don't want to answer to anyone.
So I think given that, she feels the freedom to do the things that she wants to do, without having to answer to anyone but someone who agrees with what she's doing.
Relena wants freedom, depending on herself and not having to answer to anyone, but a betrayal takes that away.
JM: The advantages of indie publishing for me are being in control of the process, being able to change my plans on the fly, getting to publish more often and not having to answer to anyone else.
I think it was because they weren't forced to answer to anyone.
As others have said, the open road symbolizes freedom to the characters because they do not have to answer to anyone and are free to go where and when they wish.
This book will help establish a successful financial future for you and your family and you will never again have to answer to anyone but yourself.
Google is used to being a shot - caller... but Samsung is getting so strong that they no longer need to answer to anyone.
I don't have to clock in anywhere, I don't have to answer to anyone, I don't have to worry about payroll, business expenses, accounting or anything else that a person running a business would likely have to be concerned with.
Owning property is definitely different from renting; however building equity, not having to answer to anyone and making changes to any given room at any given time in your home seems to make it all worthwhile!
My answer to anyone wanting to bring a dog into their home, is to visit a local animal shelter.
This game was the answer to anyone that ever called the GameCube a kiddie system.
But since Bethesda doesn't have to answer to anyone but themselves and the people backing the company, we're left to wonder and speculate, and Bethesda can keep trying new things, hoping one of them eventually sticks.
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