Sentences with phrase «to apply something to one's face»

I can apply it to my face with makeup on and rub it in.
Apply it to your face for 10 to 15 minutes being careful to not get it into your eyes.
Another great feature of this makeup set is the brushes makes it feel like real when your daughter applies it to their faces.
Being hopeful I went ahead and still applied it to my face.
Once you've found your perfect shade, use your finger to warm up the foundation and apply it to your face like a moisturizer.
I just apply it to my face, set it with powder and I am good to go.
I use this product by putting a few drops on the back of my hand then applying it to my face with the Drop Foundation Brush.
Simply dip the included kabuki brush into the cap, tap it to remove excess powder, and apply it to the face using circular motions.
Once the lather is ready, use the brush to evenly apply it to the face, again using small circular motions.
Once the ability to think flexibly emerges in an evolutionary line, descendants can apply it to face varying challenges.For example, ravens and killer whales, both highly social, also both alter the ways they gather food and use their habitat so they can live near the equator as well as in the high Arctic.
Strain the decoction and with clean cotton ball apply it to your face, focusing on the acne prone areas.
It has a primer like consistency when I first apply it to my face, it is slightly tacky so if I work fast and apply your makeup on top, it does help it last longer on my face.
Makeup Academy Skin Define Hydro Primer — This is a gel formula that melts into a lightweight primer on applying it to you face.
So, I use one of my baby beauty blenders and dab my beauty blender onto the product then apply it to my face.
Pump a few drops onto a foundation brush and apply it to your face with gentle strokes.
Another option that is great for people with dry, normal or combo skin is to apply a pump of the highlighter to your foundation and mix it together before applying it to your face.
The amount of pressure used when applying to the brush while building your lather and applying it to the face has a very significant affect on the brush knot as well.
Apply it to your face and leave for some 15 minutes.
Adults are applying it to face, lips and feet.
Select your favorite shaving cream, apply it to your face with your favorite brush, and see the difference the VIKINGS BLADE purchase can make.
Apply it to your face and leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing with a lukewarm washcloth.
Like ACV, you can apply it to your face or drink it.
Therefore if you take a pomegranate, mash up some of the flesh to extract some juice, and then apply it to your face, your skin may well absorb some of the acne nutrients.
Simply mash the ingredients together and apply it to your face.
Next, take a small amount of cream and apply it to the face & neck using gentle, upwards motions.
You can also scoop out a spoonful of our healing, superfood - infused honey, apply it to your face, and let sit for another 10 minutes before rinsing off.
In the beginning of trying out your products, I applied it to my face with a cotton swab.
With serums, I usually have to apply it to my face, then dab the product fully into my skin for it to absorb, but with how lightweight and absorbent this serum is, all I had to do was apply it to the skin.
One of the biggest mistakes I've ever made with bronzing and self tanning is applying it to my face and not my neck.
I apply it to my face (not around my eyes!)
I've used this with the Lava Mask, applying it to my face just prior to applying the mask.
All you do is put one drop of serum on your hands, rub it in until it is nice and warm and apply it to your face.
You can use turmeric in yogurt or ground dried orange peel and yogurt and apply it to your face will also help in killing bacteria.
Since it is advertised as refreshing I was expecting to feel it a little more when I applied it to my face.
I set my timer so I would mix it for the entire minute with a spoon then I started to apply it to my face.
I use a blush brush or stippling brush to pick up the product from the top of the stick, then apply it to my face.
So I had a full Face of makeup, and I mixed this cleanser with another charcoal capsule to make a thicker paste and I applied it to my face for maybe a minute, and it felt like it tingled in a way, so when I went to rinse off my face I didn't expect it to actually remove EVERYTHING and it did!!!
Once you apply it to your face you'll feel it refreshened and so smooth, your skin won't be oily.
Apply it to your face, wait the appropriate amount of time, wash it off, then admire your clear pores in the mirror.
The only downside about this is that there are little flecks of something in the product that appear on my skin when I apply it to my face.
I applied it to my face using the Dream Velvet Blender which is a makeup blending sponge that really helps to evenly distribute the product.
Now add the remaining ingredients to it and apply it to your face.
Alternatively, you can soak a clean wash cloth in the brew and apply it to your face.
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