Sentences with phrase «to appoint a leader»

"To appoint a leader" means to choose or select someone to take on a position of authority, responsibility, and decision-making power within a group or organization. Full definition
Most communities fall apart quite quickly from my experience of them, and it almost always boils down to control issues on the part of the so - called self appointed leaders.
In June 2003 he was appointed Deputy Leader of the House of Commons under the Government's newly appointed Leader of the Commons, Peter Hain.
President Ronald Reagan had come to meet Mikhail Gorbachev, the newly appointed leader of the Soviet Union.
Does this mean we have also lost the significance of appointing leaders who can be witnesses to the resurrection?
While the Coptic Church appoints leaders by copying how the 12th apostle was picked after Judas» death (Acts 1:23 - 26), other churches rely on either voting by members (to varying degrees) or on the decision of existing leaders.
He said such pastors should stop manipulating politicians by saying God has revealed to them and that they should allow the Lord to speak through the ballot adding that voting is a divine way that God appoints his leaders because God is democratic.
Families also must come up with a plan for management post-investing and appoint a leader because many of the investments may not see profits or an initial public offering for years.
It is a rare corporation that appoints a leader considered unsympathetic to the desires of the corporation... Real independence for a media subsidiary is, at best, a disposable luxury.»
In Washington, D.C., Mayor Williams now has some voice in school affairs rooted in his ability to select some of the school board members, but he can not appoint a leader for the school system.
Cuomo's original proposal would have empowered a state - appointed receiver to take over the schools, but the Legislature amended the plan so localities have the ability to appoint the leader with state approval.
The fact that Mr Graham is the son of another self appointed leader makes him just as phoney as his father.
The searing heat and high unemployment rate has some self - appointed leaders in the African - American community confronting the Italian owner (Danny Aiello) of a pizzeria about why he should have a restaurant in a neighborhood with so few black - owned businesses.
There's no exception when one is put in a position of authority: Suddenly, the newly appointed leader forgets what it's like to deal with the problems he or she used to face on a daily basis.
He also said he was considering just appointing leaders to 42,000 barangays, the Philippines» smallest government unit, rather than letting them be selected in elections slated for October.
Companies should avoid appointing a leader by default (e.g., the person who volunteers to do the job or the most senior member of the board) or looking solely to the required background (such as a qualified financial expert), because temperament is often key to effectiveness in the role.
Instead of having a copy of individual blockchains on each node (as is common in bitcoin), Cardano's blockchain streamlines the number of nodes in a network by appointing a leaders responsible for verifying and validating transactions from a collection of nodes.
When that happens, self - appointed leaders rise and players follow one or the other... that's when the team becomes fractured.
However, Round 15 returned with a bang as our newly appointed leaders at the top, Lokomotiv Moscow, destroyed title rivals Zenit St. Petersburg 3 - 0 at the Krestovsky, thanks to numerous sublime performances.
NYRA is supporting two options; one would replace the reorganization board with 15 private members; a second would place four publicly appointed leaders on the 15 - member board, including two recommended by the governor, one by the Senate, and one by the Assembly.
«We are serving notice that no longer will the plantation system of... appointing our leaders exist...»
I'm under no delusion that the backlash from the real estate industry alone could make our elected and appointed leaders quake in their boots.
Mazdamundi himself (who had better have his Stegadon in the main game) then appointed him leader of the Saurus armies, and assigned him the task of exterminating all races that weren't part of the Old Ones» Great Plan.
In a statistic that will surprise no one, this brings the total number of white males appointed leaders of the Met to... ten.
Government analysts have to translate the research for the elected and appointed leaders who make policy, which sometimes makes those officials the puppets of their advisors.
He has shown humility and faith, he has been self sacrificing as a God appointed leader that is unparalleled by these so called, «the christian right.»
Amid all the debate surrounding her tenure as state - appointed leader of New Jersey's largest school district, Newark schools Superintendent Cami Anderson has taken special pride being able to retain and reward exemplary teachers while removing the poor ones.
It offers opportunities for experienced and newly appointed leaders to engage in a programme of professional development, aligned to their schools» improvement priorities, and, through a strong distributed leadership model, build the capacity and energy for transformational change.
Also, if we don't have a sense of broader Christian community (even if it «fails» us) we might end up with self - appointed leaders, who are answerable to nobody.
You said: «Also, if we donâ $ ™ t have a sense of broader Christian community (even if it â $ ˜failsâ $ ™ us) we might end up with self - appointed leaders, who are answerable to nobody.»
Just as a child in a school class might not do so well under a variety of supply teachers, as opposed to a single regular one, so we need to take care with how we appoint leaders to church groups.»
disrespecting GOD or something (according to them) because you aren't revering his appointed leader.
That term ought to be applied only to those who are «appointed leaders to perform certain representative functions» (77).
On the formation of a Parliament, following a General Election, the Queen appoints the Prime Minister, however this is done on the advice of the cabinet which would normally reflect the wishes of the PM, so either the PM advises the Queen that she can control a majority in Parliament (and so advises the Queen to reappoint) or she advises the Queen that she can not control a majority in Parliament, and advises the Queen that she should appoint the leader of the «other» party.
Under prime minister Theresa May, Lidington was appointed Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Council.
«At NUGS, we elect our national leaders and under no circumstance do we appoint leaders.
Grace, 50, was appointed leader of the powerful ZANU - PF women's wing last year and led a vicious campaign that brought about the expulsion of Mugabe's deputy president and possible successor Joice Mujuru.
He was appointed leader of the Conservative Party 2001 General Election Campaign in Wales.
They appealed to the President to appoint their leader who was instrumental in the party's 2016 campaign.
Labour MP Stephen Pound has appointed himself leader of the fledgling parliamentary movement...
Labour MP Stephen Pound has appointed himself leader of the fledgling parliamentary movement protesting against the temporary silencing of Big Ben.
The shadow education secretary has often said he would offer his rival a senior post in his shadow cabinet if he were appointed leader.
Appointed a leader to the party machine — ultimately in charge of dealing with first - level disciplinary issues — who had previously been in controversy over remarks that many perceived as downplaying racism;
He said «although I have been appointed leader of the campaign, every member of NPP, every supporter, every well - wisher is a member of the campaign because we need to get to every voter to explain issues to them.
In 2007, he was appointed Leader, Disease Biology Leadership Team, within Roche's R&D model.
In hot pursuit are soldiers following the commands of Evelyn (Naomi Watts) the crumbling metropolis's new, self - appointed leader.
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