Sentences with phrase «to appoint the school board»

But that does not mean that, given the power to appoint school board members, they wouldn't want to use that power — if only to extract something from the mayor.
But in 1997, the city agreed to share the power to appoint the school board with the state in exchange for an infusion of state funds.
But some contend that appointed school boards allow for more diversity, so that boards reflect the racial makeup of a jurisdiction and include parents and financial or education experts.
In Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse, mayoral control could include a system where mayors appoint school board members or superintendents or both.
Virginia was the last state in the country to have only appointed school boards.
She said appointing the school board, rather than having voters choose it, would ensure a consistent vision.
And a number of community groups proposed other changes in the system's governance — including the suggestion that Mayor Michael R. White appoint the school board.
Mayor Thomas Menino's appointed school board no longer squabbled as the elected board had, and the school system eventually embraced such reforms as charter schools.
Los Angeles is last of the big - city school districts to hold elections for local school board members — mayors in cities like Chicago and New York appoint their school boards, and Washington, D.C., dissolved its local school board altogether in 2007, giving education decision - making power to the mayoral - appointed schools chancellor.
When Mayor Rahm's appointed school board privatized custodial work at CPS in 2014, Tim Cawley, CPS» chief administrative officer at the time said the deal was, «truly a win, win, win,» He said it would save CPS millions of dollars, free up principals to focus on instruction and result in cleaner schools.
Don't forget that Mayor Emanuel's appointed school board president, David Vitale, was the Chairman of AUSL, a fact conveniently left out of his Board biography.
After overseeing the Philadelphia school system for 16 years, the state - run School Reform Commission (SRC) is disbanding and turning over the city schools to a nine - member, locally appointed school board.
The mayor appoints school board members, and the city council confirms them for five - year terms.
Mayoral control would allow Lavine, if elected, to appoint school board members with the consent and advice of Common Councilors, she said.
Laura Lavine, former superintendent for LaFayette School District, said Tuesday she would pursue a new structure under which the mayor appoints the school board.
That proposal would mean an appointed school board would be surrounded by suburban districts with elected members and annual budget votes.
«Giving the mayor the ability power to appoint the school board members and remove the current publicly - elected board completely takes the democratic process away from the people.»
Yonkers» mayors appoint the school board, and the mayor's office and city council approve district budgets.
He also supports a shift from an elected to an appointed school board.
On education matters, he appoints the school board and lets the members run the Boston schools as they please — so long as they avoid upsetting the local teachers union.
The task force's mission is to help the district make the transition from an appointed school board to an elected one late this year, and to monitor its deficit - elimination plans.
Recently, his appointed school board approved only 7 of 22 proposed charters, and it decided not to sell 43 abandoned public - school buildings to charter operators.
In places like New York and Chicago, the mayor appoints the school board, so unions concentrate their money on mayoral races.
The call for «community» was manifested not as power sharing, but rather as a campaign to get citizens excited about whatever agenda was being handed down by the CEO, the appointed school board, and the central office.
The examples of mayors Richard Daley in Chicago and Michael Bloomberg in New York City» both of whom sought and won direct control over their city's school systems — have inspired other mayors, such as Anthony Williams in Washington, D.C., to press for the power to appoint the school board's members or dissolve the board altogether.
On the other hand, a mayoral - appointed school board would be set up so the mayor appoints the decision makers, the issues, and possible candidates would be presented in the process of the mayoral election, but not necessarily be the focus.
They have power, too, and because they are ACTUALLY ELECTED, they are more responsive than appointed school boards, appointed secretaries of education, etc..
Firstly despite what some individuals may think, many studies have shown elected school boards to greater benefit students as opposed to an appointed school board.
Philadelphia's state - appointed school board (called the School Reform Commission) recently suspended the expired contract that city's local of Randi Weingarten's American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has been working under for two years.
Among its basic goals, DSBA is dedicated to advancing the quality of Delaware's public schools, promoting efficient and effective administration of those schools and strengthening the tradition of local citizen control through the establishment of education policy by elected and appointed school board members directly accountable to the communities they serve.
Amid growing criticism of the city's appointed school board and calls for...
Most school boards consist of adults who live in the local community and are selected by the community (or, if it's an appointed school board, selected by either the mayor or county elected officials).
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