Sentences with phrase «to argue against something»

You may disagree with me, but you you can't argue against something with nothing.
I feel like I wouldn't be able to trust anyone who argued against me on that one.
Others argue against it as being unsustainable and just a fad.
Back then (if two and a half years ago can be considered «back then») my topic was controversial with many people arguing against it.
For those who argue against her, what value system are you using to judge her position?
Teacher's unions argued against them because they were a measure of the teacher's ability.
And it's why its opponents argue against it so strongly.
Whether or not you like cap & trade, the way they go about arguing against it is terribly unprofessional and just makes them look silly.
Now, to you skeptics of climate change; This article argues against you.
I mean in the face of all that truth, how could anyone argue against you?
Same goes for evolution... read and understand an evolutionary biology textbook before arguing against it.
The picture is called I need gentle conversations, and while the sincerity of the title may not be in doubt, the picture rather argues against it.
I never use it and would still argue against it, but it adds some functionality you won't get in Chrome.
I'm pretty sure even he would argue against you on that point.
I'm not going to argue against it as there is plenty of truth to the statement, as there is with most arguments against games.
I well understood her decision and did not argue against it.
If you don't propose amounts, then people arguing against it could pick their own levels.
If no one's arguing against it because it's scraps, well then just ignore this!
There are some who argue against it, but I think its fine in your case.
People argue against it by saying, «Hey, you know the carbon footprint of flying food thousands of miles is ridiculous so we should grow [things] locally» but the counter argument is, but if you can grow so much wheat sufficiently in Kansas even including the transportation for thousands of miles it's still more efficient in terms of resources.
It is very possible, and this instance highly likely, that the qualifications are so obvious that no one has been willing to bear the expense of arguing against them at the Supreme Court level.
The USDA proposed wholesomeness, excellence and variety, and we need to stop arguing against it.
People have been arguing against it since Socrates was put to death.
Originally, I might of argued against them; when I was first thrown into Warlords «color - coded chaos, it was quite off - putting.
In the Assembly, for example, Ways and Means Chairman Herman Denny Farrell argued against it citing potential constitutional issues and questioning why it should be done now.
Ha, no ones crying, people are just stating the obvious, that COD games are just carbon copies released every year to the same dimwitted audience just to make money, there is no room to even argue against it.
Indeed, comparing Sinha's findings to CDC reports seems nearly impossible, and his data team argued against it.
Someone please argue against me that Jesus and his teachings are a bad example of how we should live as human beings.
To argue against it means you are saying 99.9 % of all the scientists, regardless of country, culture or religion are in a grand conspiracy just to fool people like you.
Calvin not only argued against them on the basis of clear scripture, proper definitions and dialectical reasoning.
«Our best men argued against him as hard as they could.
The younger Osborne wanted to buy land to expand, but his father argued against it.
The people arguing against you believe this is a balanced team that the defense should only be asked to keep the opponent's score low allowing the high powered offense to do its job any more than that would be a bonus.
I've already argued against you stats vs stats (Benzema is superior) and included how Wenger himself says THE most important aspect in judging a player is what you see.
Barkley has the benefit of playing for the second ranked team in the nation, and playing in the Big Ten East, but if Love can somehow keep up his torrid pace, it would be hard to argue against him come December.
While it's difficult to argue against him taking the opportunity given the money involved, he will undoubtedly have considered the fact that it will make it a lot more difficult for him to keep his place in the national team under new coach Giampiero Ventura moving forward.
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