Sentences with phrase «to argue one's case»

He said he has not argued a case in court in at least a decade, but doesn't think that impacts his odds.
Thus, there is little point in arguing the case for traditional marriage in the public sphere.
Why are you not arguing the case of AV on the merits of whether it is a more democratic voting system rather than looking at it from a party political standpoint?
Look for lawyers who argue cases based on the facts and steer clear of tying a case up in procedural problems.
It's a fraught question with passionately argued cases on both sides of the debate.
They're temporary by nature so if you want to undo this kind of custody arrangement, you can argue your case at trial when a final custody order is decided.
The most effective lawyers argue your case with compassion and empathy.
From my time working at the ministry, I learned how to balance arguing my case with a willingness to compromise.
At the time, she had no idea the decision would mean she would someday argue a case by telephone with a newborn attached to her breast.
Watch and decide who you think argued their case better in our poll!
I want to be free to argue my case against them vigorously.
They would not know how to argue a case effectively in a courtroom.
... the drivers now have the chance to argue their case without paying the fine first.
He has also argued cases in state and federal appellate courts.
Even if you won, you would end up paying legal fees to have an attorney argue your case for you.
Some will still argue the case for just one or the other but having both gives you the most options.
The lead researcher from the original study responded, and the two sides argued the case in our post.
Note: You should know the difference between arguing your case because of road conditions vs. making excuses for lack of paying attention to the road.
Others argued the case was not eligible for a judge's ruling because that would amount to the government's judicial branch interfering with the legislative branch.
I've known a lot of counsel who argued cases there.
An experienced attorney can provide evidence and argue case law to ensure the victim is awarded maximum compensation.
The moving company argued the case should be dismissed because the employee was not acting in the course and scope of her employment with the company at the time of the collision.
If you're looking to start a business blog or get more investment for one you've already started, the reasons above are a great place to start arguing your case.
But virtually all of the statements belonging to this genre argue the case for their critical position on abortion from the doctrine of creation — the nature of human life.
He can argue his case about why he should stay up later like a lawyer.
He has every right to his point of view, and to argue his case within the party.
The final chapter of a movie trilogy rarely works, much less argues the case that it's the best of the three.
Watch and decide who you think argued their case better in our poll!
My daughter, a natural litigator on issues ranging from doing homework to practicing the piano, enjoyed arguing her case.
I can intelligently argue my case, but at some point, it's up to the individual to do what feels right.
This is true both when a woman argues the case and when women form part of the appellate team.
The bill would allow defendants to argue their case based merits of the law, encouraging jurors to find them not guilty even in cases where evidence shows otherwise.
Both sides in the litigation argued their case through motion practice with no oral hearings.
The organization argued the case had no reasonable chance of success.
You and your spouse have the opportunity to submit evidence and argue your case before an experienced arbitrator.
It simply means that if you choose to do so you will be allowed to hire a lawyer to conduct and argue your case at the hearing.
In fact, system 2 can act not as an impartial judge but as a lawyer, arguing a case on behalf of its client, system 1.
Be prepared to argue your case by having examples to hand, and make it clear that you're concerned about the project outcome, unless they follow your advice.
Instead of arguing the case for a progressive enabling state, the coalition rests on a shared belief that the state is often the problem.
If the environmental movement hadn't established some degree of popularity and acceptance, I don't think I'd have to argue the case against it so often.
I'd argue the case of a brilliant 21 year old Dutch student.
Lawyers argue their cases to a jury, and the jury decides who wins.
He or she can negotiate with prosecutors, file motions, and determine how to argue your case effectively to convince the prosecutor or judge that your charges should be reduced or dismissed altogether.
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