Sentences with phrase «to arrest this officer»

The phrase "to arrest this officer" means to take the police officer into custody or detain them because they have done something wrong or against the law. Full definition
«If this council is interested in really improving police - community relations, let them introduce a bill requiring the complaints to be sworn under penalty of perjury that will help to separate real complaints from flat - our harassment of arresting officers,» PBA President Patrick Lynch said.
Attorneys from Greene Broillet & Wheeler obtained a $ 33 million jury verdict on behalf of a Miami surgeon who was handcuffed so tightly by arresting officers that his ability to perform surgery was permanently damaged.
The cases construing the Fourth Amendment thus reflect the ancient common law rule that a peace officer was permitted to arrest without a warrant for a misdemeanor or felony committed in his presence as well as for a felony not committed in his presence if there was reasonable ground for making the arrest
If the police do not owe a duty to the citizen to arrest another officer for violating the law do they at least owe a duty to the law to make a criminal complaint regarding the violation they witnessed?
Like the cops, we're paid to be skeptical, so I wasn't about to embrace pre-release police assessments that arresting officer Gary Short acted in an exemplary manner.
Washington's conviction was the 23rd overturned by the Brooklyn District Attorney's office's Conviction Review Unit and the eighth conviction to be overturned that was linked to Washington's arresting officer retired NYPD Detective Louis Scarcella.
So many groups have put an emphasis on training staff — and even arresting officers — to handle these sorts of prisoners better in hopes that they «can recognize a behavior for what it is — and not defiance of an infraction of the rules,» Maltman says.
In another, they turned up at a barracks and threatened to arrest an officer despite the fact he was acquitted by an internal probe 10 years earlier.
Notice and Instructions to Arresting Officer Vehicle Code Infraction (Trial by Written Declaration - Traffic)
You sustained an injury while helping prevent a crime or while assisting a police officer in making an arrest
There's more than enough probable cause to arrest this officer
The judge threw it all out — the video tape and the testimony of the arresting officer.
Rubio said the suspect, age 24, had completed the process to become a volunteer for World Youth Day and he added that the arresting officers at the volunteer check - in area were so discreet that many in the World Youth Day organization were not aware of what had happened until hours later.
According to some reports, despite a gunshot going off, Bates yelling «I shot him» and the suspect's desperate pleas, a police official says at least one of the arresting officers did not realize Harris had been shot, and medical attention was not immediately administered.
The murderer might have told the grocer, doctor, and cabdriver what he was going to do; he might have been videotaped doing it by a newsman, a passerby, and an automatic security camera; he might have boasted about it afterward to a coworker, bartender, and next - door neighbor; and he might have confessed, in the presence of his lawyer, to the arresting officer, the investigating officers, and the court.
It is the usual «morality play,» with a suspected criminal, arresting officers, prosecutors, a trial, and sentencing.
The 20 - year - old daughter of retired NBA star Scottie Pippen was arrested early Sunday for drunkenly urinating in a hotel lobby, before accusing the arresting officer of «being racist,» according to Iowa City police.
He testified in court that he asked his arresting officers how Smith got shot.
Um... Assuming he can even play football again ever, he was arrested 5 months ago for disorderly conduct in which he spewed a whole bunch of sexist, racist, and being entitled garbage at the arresting officer.
You can let your «arresting officer» know if you are uncomfortable with any part of your «arrest»!
He told the arresting officer that he was fishing in the pond when Cronin confronted him, alleging the man's wife hurled a beach ball into Cronin's pool two months ago, police said...
The arresting officer was very disturbed by it.
After pulling over at a gas station, Horhn allegedly yelled at the arresting officer, threatening to call the chief of police and have him fired.
The NIMASA boss said, «Wike should be reminded that Rivers people and Nigerians are no fools to be treated to a circus show where a state governor is the complainant, arresting officer and prosecutor and wanting to assume the responsibility of police commissioner.
Given the concerted efforts by county Legislator Berky and her lawyers to suppress the tape until well after Election Day, I expected something confrontational between the accused and the arresting officer.
Maxim is accused of threatening to kill another person through a text message and attempting to obstruct the arresting officers by refusing to comply with police commands.
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork / AP)-- The Bronx district attorney's office is no longer prosecuting people stopped at public housing projects under the city's stop - and - frisk policy unless the arresting officer ensures the arrest is warranted.
The arrested officers include a Brig. Gen, a Lt. Col. and five other officers of the Nigerian Army deployed to the Baga headquarters of Multinational Joint Task Force, Maiduguri.
«Watchmen» was fun because I got to be a motorcycle cop, an arresting officer and also the lead character's fist punching thru a wall!
Rusty is arrested, but sets the arresting officer aflame and escapes.
The second protagonist is Dr. Jonathan Banks (Jude Law), a psychiatrist whose first act in the film is calming a man who's been arrested and explaining to the arresting officer that the man is only suffering from grief.
The arresting officers who were waiting for him when he returned from a Hawaiian honeymoon.
Bosch is both the arresting officer and the star witness in a trial that has brought the Hollywood media pack out in full - throated frenzy.
The young wife and mother is terrified of something and has already admitted to the arresting officer — a smarmy local deputy with a huge chip on his shoulder — that she shot her husband and then tried to dispose of the bloody evidence.
A quick read of the police report, a few taps on the ten - key pad for the badge numbers of the arresting officers, and a few more strokes for the applicable sections of the criminal code, and — voilà!
After arrest for stealing a white client's wallet, «the arresting officer also discovered,» said The Sun newspaper, that the prisoner, «to sustain his pretension, and impose upon men.»
In addition, it must be established that a reasonable person standing in the same circumstances as the arresting officer, would believe there were reasonable and probable grounds to arrest.
The court suppressed the gun and the vest, holding that there was no probable cause to arrest the driver, Ayala, based either on the fact that he was allegedly texting while driving, or on the arresting officer's «mistake» in concluding that he had only a learner's permit, rather than a full - blown driver's license.
The digital data can not be used as a weapon to harm an arresting officer, and police officers have the ability to preserve evidence while awaiting a warrant by disconnecting the phone from the network and placing the phone in a «Faraday bag.»
By failing to allow a 15 - 20 minute delay, the arresting officer had acted in violation of Mark's Charter rights.
C) Did the arresting officer have reasonable and probable grounds to make a breath demand, given that he did not consider whether the accused had residual mouth alcohol when he failed the approved screening device test?
We typically use an exhaustive approach in defending these types of charges, including exploring the legality of the traffic stop, finding possible weaknesses in the validity of the breath tests, finding evidence to the contrary utilizing expert testimony of a toxicologist and performing a vigorous cross-examination of the arresting officer (s).
In Massachusetts, all passenger and commercial drivers are required to submit to a chemical or breath test if the arresting officer has reasonable cause or they are deemed to be under the influence.
Our criminal defence lawyers will attack the validity of the charges on all levels, from the initial stop and the field sobriety tests to the credibility of the arresting officer.
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