Sentences with phrase «to arrive at the truth»

Experience figures prominently in the process, not just at the point of receiving lessons and truths to be implemented, but in the process of arriving at those truths.
We can not arrive at the truth about appetite by removing all social influences.
It is argued that reason alone is not able to arrive at any truth about such ultimate questions.
It assumes that ordinary people on a jury, having heard two sets of scientific evidence from experts, will be able to arrive at the truth by choosing between the two versions.
It's possible that Chesky and Kalanick arrived at this truth independently.
But perhaps his greatest contribution — greater even than his explanations of Darwinism — is his steadfast explanation - cum - celebration of the scientific method as civilization's most powerful tool for arriving at truth.
Weinstein: I'm not sure that I agree with the premise of the question, and I can't imagine how we could even arrive at the truth.
«Their life experience and potential knowledge of indigenous traditions and customs would have assisted the entire 12 - person jury at arriving at the truth because they would have experiences that they could share with the remainder of the jury that would put things in perspective about what the witness was testifying about,» he says.
It reveals the whole problem of knowledge that remainsself - sufficient and so does not arrive at Truth itself, which ought to transform man» (p. 207).
I'd have to agree with folks saying that the atheist community is not about the search for truth because they have arrived at their truth, that there is no being / beings watching over us.
So I try to study as many perspectives as I can, and then hopefully, arrive at the truth, which should be lived out in love.
So is it just the case that the most intelligent person will arrive at the truth?
I hate to break it to you, but faith implies a lack of knowledge and truth implies perfect knowledge, for only when we know everything there is to know about a subject do we arrive at the truth.
I thought group discussion meant «I listen to you, you listen to me, and together we arrive at the truth — perhaps with some gentle correction along the way.»
Mind, while dependent upon nature as the means whereby it may arrive at the truth, is nevertheless separate from nature in some fundamental sense.
We must follow a fruitful method, such as science, if we are to arrive at the truth.
It is not merely through historico - critical presuppositions that we arrive at the truth.
All to say, «arriving at Truth» without defining a domain, method and objectives would be meaningless to me.
In short, I am just at a point in my life where I arrive at truth in a different manner than many.
Mostly the researchers are exposed as doing what they are supposed to do: engaging in an often adversarial process to arrive at the truth.
At the centre of this issue is the relationship between scientific evidence and ability of the law to use it to arrive at the truth.
This is becasue I like a plot that forces you to think outside the box and only lets you arrive at the truth at the end.
The tight - lipped Mona is weary of opening up, and rightly so, but the challenge is to overcome perceptions and arrive at the truth.
Two Pulitzer Prize - winning journalists tell the riveting true story of Marie, a teenager who was charged with lying about having been raped, and the detectives who followed a winding path to arrive at the truth.
We arrive at truth through the gaps of translation, the slippage between communication, and that expanse of time that is filled with nothing — during which we, like Didi and Gogo in the play, Wait!
Officially founded in 1924 when André Breton published his First Surrealist Manifesto, the movement of Surrealism sought to free one's mind from the past and from everyday reality to arrive at truths one has never known.
What Cicero practiced as the means of forensic success, requires to be imitated by all who study any subject in order to arrive at the truth.
Feynman may have chosen the politically expedient path at the expense of arriving at the truth.
We all learned in first - year law school that the adversarial system, by which two advocates zealously advance arguments in favour of their respective parties before an impartial trier of fact, is the best way to arrive at the truth of a matter, and thereby at justice.
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