Sentences with phrase «to ask deep questions»

Design creates the innovative products and solutions that will propel our economy forward, and artists ask the deep questions about humanity that reveal which way forward actually is.
I was a very spiritually sensitive person; always asking the deeper questions of life.
The idea was, if their platform proved to be effective, anyone can apply it to their own dating life and feel more comfortable asking deeper questions on a first date.
And friendship begins by asking deep questions, an expression of care and interest.
We can use this as an opportunity to ask deeper questions about dark periods in our lives, considering how they might actually help us grow in unexpected ways.
This leads us to ask deeper questions of the Native Title Act: is it just in its structure?
As we uncover the dark money behind the Brexit campaign, establishment Remainers must also ask deeper questions about why they lost.
It's also worth asking the deeper questions, like whether or not your company is contributing to disproportionate unemployment of trans * workers, or whether your company is placed to attract top talent from the trans community.
This personality test of sorts asks you deeper questions than your typical «do you like movies?»
When he starts asking deeper questions about American surveillance, the questions are morally righteous but there's never really a debate here about Snowden's actions or questions about what was the turning point for him.
During the project, students began to ask me deep questions like, «Can the reader change historical outcomes?»
When a college student asks a deep question, the teachers say that it is fascinating to see how the students will expand their thinking and persevere.
Astute readers then ask a deeper question: why do different institutions come up with slightly different numbers for the same planet?
not only asks some deep question, but refers to the seatbelt that the driver * should * be wearing to literally hold them back.
Remember, miscommunication is common without asking deeper questions to understand each other better.
H. G. Wells is, however, asking deep questions on what we mean by humanity and what separates us from the beasts.
One invaluable aspect of it was being taught to think critically about scripture and to wrestle with it and ask deeper questions of the text, such as: «Who wrote that passage?
During the vendor selection process, many buyers focus primarily on the learning experience, and are not equipped to ask the deep questions about technical integrations.
The incident prompted her to ask deeper questions about her life of 18 - hour workdays, seven days a week.
Ask the deep questions, write whatever you learn.
They ask deeper questions others do not so as to discover their own truths.
Then, you should ask deeper questions to analyze your strategy.
I am asking a deeper question... when you espouse a belief... state what foundation of education you speak from... what you yourself have discovered... not what is PC or published in USA today by the Democrats.
«Women are asking deep questions that must be addressed,» the pope said.
Some attend while still in short - term or even long - term partnerships, desiring a safe place to assess where they are at and to ask some deeper questions.
Here's a great quote from Brian Greene: «The boldness of asking deep questions may require unforeseen flexibility if we are to accept the answers.»
The irony is that it is our ability to ask deep questions that begins great religious movements.
But my sense is that Rosario is asking a deeper question.
I've tried to note here how much interaction is requested in these journals and planners, some spend more time with checkboxes, while others ask deep questions.
As I got older I asked deeper questions — mainly, how are pattern and form generated?
Ask them deep questions to get them thinking.
Get the fresh air, touch the ocean, read the books, ask the deep questions, dance in the rain.
He's moving beyond surface conversation now as he's intrigued enough by you to try and ask deeper questions to see if you might be a qualified candidate for his personal requirements for a potential partner and relationship.
Although it's not important to is to ask deep questions.
Kojima's thoughtful, divisive, blockbuster was arguably decades ahead of its time, asking deep questions of the player's role in video - games and the nature of sequels — yet allowed you to perform nude cartwheels, explode melons and teach parrots to talk.
Burnett tries to build a deeper connection, throwing a seemingly random, clinically depressed, old high school acquaintance into Katie's life to ask her the deep questions she won't ask herself, including those about sexual abuse as a child.
Our circle became a safe circle in which students were unafraid to take part, express their ideas, and ask deep questions.
If Burack has his way, schools will regress to a 19th - century focus on traditional history and the concomitant aversion to asking deep questions.
An important aspect of inquiry - based learning is teaching students how to ask deeper questions.
A 63 - page brief on the best teaching techniques identifies precisely two with «strong evidence»: giving lots of quizzes and asking deep questions.
Beyond just describing the contents of each note, Sabba wanted her students to make connections, ask deeper questions, and construct new understandings based on how they considered their curated content.
When we ask deeper questions of all students, expect all to engage and provide wait time, we position them as active agents in their learning.
In my case, what comes to mind are the ability to think critically, ask deep questions and apply lessons from the classroom to real - world settings.
How can we create a culture of critique and revision, where students continually seek feedback and ask deeper questions to grow in their learning?
I also found his approach to financial goals useful, because it asks the deeper questions on what the ultimate reasons for living are: not only ways in which we want to be served, but ways in which we want to serve.
Keep in mind, we are not trying to definitively say that such factor strategies do not work, but instead hoping potential users of these strategies will pause and ask deeper questions about them.
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