Sentences with phrase «to assemble the genome»

"To assemble the genome" means to put together the complete DNA sequence of an organism in the correct order. It involves analyzing and organizing smaller pieces of DNA to create a full picture of the genetic code of that organism. Full definition
Their primary mission is to produce a publicly available resource of high quality assembled genome sequences that researchers can use to address human biology and human health.
Our group has been assembling genomes for many years, ranging from tiny (viruses and bacteria) to enormous (pine trees).
A complete and fully assembled genome is critical for understanding the biological characteristics of an organism.
By integrating 36 brain transcriptomes and proteomes and a de novo assembled genome of the offspring we investigate the molecular reaction to increased CO2 as well as the heritability of the molecular phenotype.
For consistency in the analyzed dataset Oryza species that have de novo assembled genome sequences were only analyzed.
We examined the evolutionary history of domesticated rice by analyzing de novo assembled genomes from domesticated rice and its wild progenitors.
Nearly a decade after the Human Genome Project assembled the genome's three billion chemical units, an international consortium has revealed how the components fit together into sentences and chapters.
The team also assembled the genome of the Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito, the principal vector for West Nile virus.
They and their colleagues started by assembling genomes for several closely related wasp species, and they found something striking: Even close relatives among the wasps shared only about 30 to 40 percent of their venom genes.
In the study, researchers applied the pipeline to sequence the genome of an Asian individual (YH) and generated a 5.15 Gb assembled genome with a haplotype N50 of 484 kb.
Gaps from hard to assemble genome regions were bridged using a special long range DNA sequence (the specialty of Dovetail Genomics) that was obtained from a cell culture grown from one of Sally's offspring.
Furthermore, we are sequencing and assembling genomes of species selected for having interesting phenotypes in order to find genomic loci involved in these phenotypes.
«One of the biggest issues at present is that no - one is assembling genomes from scratch — in other words, when someone is sequenced, their genome is not pieced together as is,» she said.
Then researchers sequenced microbe DNA from the soils and assembled genomes for the most plentiful organism, which turned out to be the new methane producing microbe.
Nearly a decade after the Human Genome Project assembled the genome's...
«Assembling the genome is not a trivial process at all,» Devarenne explained.
A team spanning Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University, Texas Children's Hospital and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard has developed a new way to sequence genomes, which can assemble the genome of an organism, entirely from scratch, dramatically cheaper and faster.
The team focused on the six best - assembled genomes to put together a karyotype — organised profile — of the dinosaur ancestor for each chromosome.
Assembling the genome of a more worrisome virus like smallpox is probably out of the question for now.
Published August 8, 2017 in Nature Biotechnology, an international team led by researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI), a DOE Office of Science User Facility, has developed standards for the minimum metadata to be supplied with single amplified genomes (SAGs) and metagenome - assembled genomes (MAGs) submitted to public databases.
an international team led by DOE JGI researchers has developed standards for the minimum metadata to be supplied with single amplified genomes (SAGs) and metagenome - assembled genomes (MAGs) submitted to public databases.
Metagenome - assembled genomes have similar quality challenges.
It is not possible to assemble the genome of the passenger pigeon in the same way that we can assemble overlapping fragments of the band - tailed pigeon for the following reasons:
The Great Passenger Pigeon comeback is partnering with the Center for Genome Architecture, Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University to assemble the genomes of the South American Band - tailed Pigeons housed at the Bronx Zoo and additional Passenger Pigeon specimens.
I harness these technological advancements to assemble genomes for a variety of organisms and probe the genetic basis of neurological disorders, including autism and schizophrenia, better understand cancer progression and understand the complex structures of the genomes of higher plants.
An assembled genome sequence is really just a long string of DNA nucleotides.
That first genome sequence would be used to assemble the genomes of multiple specimens, and the goal of studying the species» evolution and ecology would commence — providing insight into the species» life history and extinction.
Recently, our team released an annotated genome assembly of C. krusei via NCBI Genbank, and we are currently working with the CDC to assemble genomes and predict genes for C. auris isolates from the other major clades and other closely related species; we plan to share these data in the coming weeks.
An international team of scientists has sequenced and assembled the genome of a venomous shrew - like insectivore called the Hispaniolan solenodon.
The standards are the Minimum Information about a Single Amplified Genome (MISAG) and the Minimum Information about a Metagenome - Assembled Genome (MIMAG), including, but not limited to,
The paper reports on the comparison of two culture - independent strategies for recovering bacterial genomes: single - amplified genomes and metagenome - assembled genomes, and its implication for in - depth analyses of uncultivated prokaryotic taxa.
It is not possible to assemble the genome of the passenger pigeon in the same way that we can assemble overlapping fragments of the band - tailed pigeon for the following reasons:
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