Sentences with phrase «to associate pain»

Cats often associate this pain with the litter box and begin to avoid it.
Let's say, for example, that your cat associates the pain of constipation with the litter box, and stops using it.
It may be that your cat associates pain or a bad experience with the box.
Cats will often associate any pain or discomfort that they are having with the environment at that moment, and this can create a litter box aversion.
Some cats will associate the pain response that an electric collar produces with their owner, and may begin to become depressed.
Cats sometimes associate pain they are feeling with an animal or person near them.
The goal of treatment is to restore normal eye pressure and decrease associated pain.
We strive to find and treat dental disease early to minimize health care problems and associated pain for your pet, which is an added cost to you.
Often cats will associate this pain with the litter box and so stop using it.
It could be things such a painful BM because of constipation on the potty and now the child associates the pain with the potty and will resist doing BMs in the potty.
This causes the pancreas to end up self - digesting its own glandular tissue causing much associated pain and inflammation.
Such differences have been identified in functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of patients with fibromyalgia.25 If severe early breastfeeding - associated pain reflects pain catastrophizing, then aberrations in central nociception pathways may lead to both curtailed breastfeeding and perinatal depression.
In a final year project, MChem undergraduate student Edward Howe, working in Professor David Smith's research team in the Department of Chemistry at York looked for a way of eliminating the adverse side - effects associated pain - killing drugs, particularly in the stomach, and the problems, such as ulceration, this could cause patients.
ITBS - associated pain tends to materialize at the end of runs, worsening with increased mileage.
She combines the dietary therapy with pain medication to minimize associated pain during the first week or so of treatment, and antibiotics to treat an infection, if present — all equaling good results for both pet and owner.
Declawed cats often associate the pain when digging in litter with the litter box itself, and will avoid it, choosing softer carpeting instead.
If a cat is in pain when he tries to urinate, he will quickly associate that pain with the litter box and begin hunting for an alternate solution.
For example a painful case of cystitis or urethral blockage may have your cat associating the pain of urination with it's litter tray and it will therefore avoid it's litter tray
It could be things such a painful BM because of constipation on the potty and now the child associates the pain with the potty and will resist doing bowel movements in the potty.
When we touch a hot stove burner, we associate pain with the stove and subsequently avoid a repeat of our mistake.
I am sorry that you associate pain, hard truth, discipline, consequence, change, etc. with hate.
Both the naturally occurring oils in salmon and the turmeric lend themselves to being a potential way to impede inflammation in the body and forgo any associated pain.
When a physical injury occurs and the associated pain is present, you can touch it, feel it and create timelines for its expected recovery.
On a more positive note, soothers are believed to aid colic pains - the constant sucking action is supposed to help ease the associated pain and move the wind along.
And apparently, as you get a bit older with the passing years, things like PMS and associated pains can become more common.
They might associate that pain with using the potty, and trying to help a child unlearn a painful experience is an uphill battle.
Specific to pregnancy, these findings are consistent with earlier work linking childbirth - associated pain and catastrophizing with subsequent depressive symptoms.22 — 24 The association between pain and depression is complex and may be mediated, in part, by differences in central nociception pathways.
The most common is decreased shoulder mobility with associated pain, but there may also be difficulty in talking or swallowing, and permanent nerve damage and numbness on the side where the surgery has been carried out.
La Jolla, CA — Shutting down a master activator of the body's inflammatory response — which is the goal of several experimental drugs now in development for the treatment of arthritis — may create even more inflammation with its associated pain and swelling in the body.
Although they're typically used as a form of diagnostic imagery, ultrasounds can also be used as a form of physical therapy to promote healing in damaged muscle tissues and alleviate any associated pain.
Ppressure form the massage, applied directly to the distressed area of inflammation, can help to make the surrounding muscles more limber, easing the associated pains and discomfort.
As one of the more well - known side effects of statins, muscle breakdown and associated pain, or myopathy has also been obscured in the literature.
Gastritis is a slight inflammation of the stomach wall, which is generally unnoticeable however, more serious gastritis can cause ulcers, with associated pain.
The associated pain, fever, swelling, redness, and frequent impaired function, are all indicators of inflammation.
Recall that muscle imbalance is the combination of weakness and tightness, often with associated pain.
The water where sweet potatoes are boiled can also be applied externally on joints to ease the associated pain of arthritis.
Stretches and icing of the IT band can help relieve some of the associated pain.
EYES OF MY MOTHER United States, 2016 Regional Premiere, 77 min Director — Nick Pesce After a traumatic event, a young girl begins to associate pain and death with love and friendship in increasingly dangerous ways.
If there is only the thrombus and its associated pain to deal with, this is makes the job simpler as the goal becomes pain control until the thrombus can dissolve and circulation can be restored.
For an examination of degenerative joint disease - associated pain and hypersensitivity in cats, $ 23,560 was awarded to Santosh Mishra, assistant professor of neuroscience, and Duncan Lascelles, professor of small animal and pain management.
They are more likely to associate the pain with the litter box than with declawing, and this can mean the cat refusing to use the box, not just for the time its paws are tender, but for the rest of its life.
Also, since this kind of infection is very painful, your cat might begin to associate pain with the litter box.
Cats that have had a urinary medical problem may continue to avoid their litter box even after the medical problem is resolved because they may associate pain or discomfort with the litter box.
A cat with a urinary - tract infection may find urinating painful and come to associate the pain with his litter box.
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