Sentences with phrase «to attack targets»

These are weapons that would select and attack targets without further human intervention.
And don't think small businesses are immune: Nearly two - thirds of all cyber attacks target smaller companies.
There is no action which can justify, either in international law or and mainstream moral ethos, launching attacks targeted at civilians (whether successful or not).
With the industry witnessing record malware attacks targeting intellectual property and customer records, every organization is at risk.
The implications of terrorist attacks targeting trains are becoming increasingly extensive.
Or do we instead guarantee that our children will live in a world where every week a terror attack targets civilians and law abiding citizens die?
Using this ability, you can instantly attack a target and stack poison damage, potentially doubling the poison damage the enemy takes on each of their turns.
More than 80 % of all cyber attacks target software applications.
Major exchanges have lost millions in routine cyber attacks targeting user accounts.
As an antibiotic attacks its target, it can also kill harmless flora, the term for the billions of bacteria that live in healthy intestines.
The player must choose which direction to attack the targeted beast.
A lot of these special attacks target more than one creature, so it lends a bit of ease to fighting a group.
Lemar, who has been aggressively pursued by Arsenal for the duration of the summer transfer window, was added to Jose Mourinho «s list of attacking targets as Internazionale continue to price Ivan Perisic out of a move to the English Premier League.
Earlier in December, many security professionals noticed that because of Bitcoin's ever - growing value, phishing attacks targeting Bitcoin wallet and trading services intensified in previous months.
According to Don Balon, the Belgium international is among Florentino Perez's three main attacking targets for the summer, alongside big names such as Liverpool's Mohamed Salah and Bayern Munich striker Robert Lewandowski.
When an American satellite is hijacked by The Federation and hacked to attack targets on American soil, a military unit known as Ghosts are dispatched to save the red, white, and blue before imminent annihilation is unleashed.
The Alpha Jet aircraft acquired and attacked the target with bombs, neutralising many of the BHTs.
«Our finding that DNA repair enzymes have found a detour and don't attack their target object directly in the first step brings new perspectives for understanding these processes,» Ochsenfeld says.
The decision was brought about by transaction malleability issues, which indirectly led to a massive DDoS attack targeting bitcoin exchanges on Monday.
«They [Muslim leaders] must move merely beyond condemning the spate of attacks targeting non-Muslims to initiating practical steps to the sympathisers of terror and helping us to build bridges between faiths and communities».
Creatures with higher speed can't be blocked by slower ones, and are also able to pick slower creatures as attack targets.
The leader of the crime gang behind the Carbanak and Cobalt malware attacks targeting over a 100 financial institutions worldwide has been...
Yesterday's ransomware attack targeted computers in important government departments.
Insom explains that it can keep verification times on par with Bitcoin without requiring a lot of memory once a solution is found, making the network more resistant to DDoS attacks targeting verifiers.
A double bomb attack targeting Shi'ite pilgrims in Damascus killed at least 40 Iraqis and wounded 120 more who were going to pray at a nearby shrine, the Iraqi foreign ministry said.
Your characters only attack the target directly in front of them, but you can rearrange your party's formation at any time during the combat.
April 16 - The United States and Britain on Monday warned of a global cyber attack targeting routers and other networking equipment, blaming Russian government - backed hackers for the campaign on government agencies, businesses and critical infrastructure operators.
There have been attacks targeting similar vulnerabilities of airports overseas, including a suicide bombing in 2011 at Domodedovo Airport in Moscow, an attack on the Jinnah International Airport by the Pakistani Taliban in 2014, a terrorist attack in Brussels that killed 32 people and injured more than 300 in March 2016, and an attack in June 2016 at the Ataturk Airport in Istanbul, Turkey, that killed 45 and wounded more than 200.
Throughout the upcoming weeks, the South Korean law enforcement and cybersecurity agencies are expected to focus on finding solid evidence to link the hacking attack targeted at Youbit to North Korean hackers.
A relatively unknown cryptocurrency exchange by the name of BitGrail has informed its users of a coordinated cyber attack targeting Nano (XRB) tokens.
The government apparently can not control large swaths of territory, as Islamic State insurgents regroup, solidify footholds, and launch attacks targeting security forces and energy infrastructure.
A 2001 commission led by incoming Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld issued a report that contended that the U.S. should maintain superiority in space by protecting its own satellites, by denying the use of space to adversaries, and by retaining the ability to attack targets from or within space.
COULD a variable - yield bomb reduce the number of innocent people killed or injured during an air attack targeting enemy soldiers?
Now, new research shows that the catalyst attacks its target pollutant in an unusual way, providing insight into how to make the best catalytic converters.
Now, new research by scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory shows that the catalyst attacks its target pollutant in an unusual way, providing insight into how to make the best catalytic converters.
«[We] saw attacks targeting a relatively high number of cryptocurrency exchanges and services,» states the report.
If such methods aren't adopted and cyber-security isn't prioritised at board level, then it's all the more likely more attacks targeted at law firms will continue in attempts to obtain the precious data they possess.
My alma mater, Harvard, is the second - most - attacked target by two Red Army divisions.
Until travellers start voting, they'll be an easy target for the irresponsible politicians who attack them
«Due to a recent increase in sophisticated attacks targeting Coinbase users, we are taking extra precaution to protect your account,» Authy wrote.
Islamic State claimed responsibility for the incident - the fourth deadly attack targeting Christians since December last year when a suicide bomber struck a chapel next to St Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo, killing 29 people.
They are armed with sophisticated weapons and usually attack their target communities at a time they are most vulnerable such as at midnight or on Sundays when they are in church, killing people indiscriminately and burning houses and looting properties.
The Trump administration will kick nearly two - thirds of Cuba's embassy personnel out of the United States after months of mysterious attacks targeting American diplomats drove the White House to pull its own staff from Havana.
Most Luring attacks target multiple dating services and send spam messages to a large number of users, inviting them to different dating sites, probably all controlled by the same hacker.
Widely believed to be linked to the North Korean regime, Lazarus Group has been linked to the 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment hack, the global WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017, multiple massive attacks targeting the banking and media sector in South Korea in 2013, the $ 80m Bangladesh Bank cyberheist and the cyberattacks targeting South Korea cryptocurrency exchanges towards the end of 2017.
Congressman Richard Hanna (22nd CD) says one estimate is that three of every five cyber attacks targets small businesses.
The group, known also as APT37, in 2017 began attacking targets in Japan, Vietnam and the Middle East after having focused on its southern neighbor for years, FireEye said in a report.
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