Sentences with phrase «to attend counseling»

If your spouse isn't interested in attending counseling with you, consider counseling for yourself.
Couples can benefit from attending counseling together to learn how to work together to treat and deal with mental illness.
If your partner will not attend counseling with you, I highly encourage you to come on your own for individual counseling.
You may find that the routine of attending counselling sessions will in itself offer comfort and structure.
While a crisis is motivating and a time where patterns are more easily observed, you can also attend counseling before your marriage or emotions are at a crisis point.
Some people attend counseling alone (sometimes by choice, sometimes not) to learn more about their relationship struggles or to make some difficult decisions about the marriage or relationship.
In his study, couples attended counseling or watched relationship - themed movies and completed discussion guides together.
Before making a custody order, the court has the discretion to order that the parents and child attend counseling.
A judge can weigh whether he's taking steps to deal with the problem, such as by attending counseling or getting treatment.
If attending counseling is difficult after baby, it is encouraged to complete the 6 sessions in advance of baby's birth.
If your spouse isn't interested in attending counseling, dragging your spouse to a session probably will not turn out well.
The other participants acted as a control group, so they simply attended their counseling as usual without performing the gratitude task.
In both counseling sessions, individuals are encouraged to express their feelings and learn how others perceive them, as well as provide encouragement and help to other individuals attending the counseling.
Many couples find they experience greater satisfaction from their relationships after attending counseling.
Although some couples may consider attending the counseling sessions the most important task at hand, the majority of the work on your relationship will happen in between counseling sessions.
If you have not already attended counseling, the judge may order you to do so.
You can attend counselling alone, with your partner, as a family, as a parent and child, or your children can come by themselves.
Again, you can't make your partner attend counseling with you, but you can ensure you are communicating in ways that promote closeness, openness, and connection.
People who have never attending counseling may have some misconceptions about what counseling is.
Despite attending counseling, their marriage just doesn't seem to improve.
Since your growth doesn't have to be dependent on others changing, you don't have to wait for your spouse or child to agree to attend counseling too.
Family counseling is most beneficial when every member of the family actively attends counseling, but in cases where that isn't likely, the remaining members can still benefit from family counseling sessions.
If the environment is chaotic or dysfunctional it is helpful for the family to attend counseling together.
Applicants also must attend counseling sessions before being able to participate in the program.
If more couples were required to attend counseling before going through with a divorce, it could have a positive impact on the divorce rate.
Parents of children and young people attending counselling can access our range of family support services — family mediation, relationship counselling, child contact centres and parenting workshops.
Fortunately, by attending counseling, the couple can find ways to work through the difficult times by rebuilding trust and connecting.
As sessions can take place without travel, the time requirement of attending counselling can be dramatically reduced.
When one or both individuals attend counseling, change begins to happen.
There is no single treatment and often there needs to be a «village» approach in which the family must attend counseling with the child or baby.
Studies show that couples who participate in weekly group counseling had a much smaller decline in marital satisfaction — than parents who didn't attend counseling.
People can attend counselling as individuals, couples, or as a family.
Howie attends counselling groups, but Becca finds their pontificating worthless.
Staff members who work at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School are asked to attend counseling at:
HUD strictly prohibits lenders from attending the counseling session.
The company says that after working with Groups for six months, 95 percent of patients attend counseling each week and 85 percent abstain from opiates.
School operations have been disrupted by the media, and several students infected with the virus reportedly have stopped attending counseling sessions for fear that their identities would be discovered, school officials said last week.
Neuberger & Partners LLP was retained and P.L. attended counselling.
In Georgia, while a couple may choose to voluntarily attend counseling, state law does not require it as a prerequisite to divorce.
Students who attend the Counseling Psychology & Community Services program at UND are building a foundation for making a lifelong difference in their communities.
Don't make the mistake of constantly justifying or nagging your partner about attending counseling if he or she is strongly against it.
You must also attend counseling sessions to help you adjust your spending.»
Attend Individual Counseling If your partner won't budge on the issue, you should still consider attending counseling on your own.
Sometimes couples attend counseling because they have some general feelings of disconnection or difficulty getting along.
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