Sentences with phrase «to attend services»

You might quit attending services at a local church, but if you were ever his, there is no leaving.
The miracle here is that after abuse in so many churches I am regularly attending services in one.
Apparently, the community church is only open to the community of people who attend the services.
Only a handful of people attend this service of Morning Prayer.
They can, for example, make full use of modern medicine but also attend a service of spiritual healing.
This was in a church with 2000 members attending services on weekends, but they managed to interrupt and stop most of my conversations!
A contract provides a structured process to help some parents attend services for the benefit of their child.
I never attended services while in the military and to think there is any drawbacks for attending or not attending is just plain silly.
By not attending the service, you are not in the presence of this transformation and you do not derive the benefit of being within its presence.
Pro: You are allowed to choose the level of religious value as well as how often someone attends services when searching through profiles.
By regularly attending services and social events at a place of worship, your toddler will come to see that spirituality plays a central role in the life of the community.
By attending services, you give your child the opportunity to truly understand what the day really means to people of faith.
The conference facilitator may attend all service team meetings before the conference (if it is beneficial), and all meetings from the initial conference to the review meeting.
It is about a journalist that investigates a snake handling pastor and begins attending services.
Leading by example is a great idea, telling someone they need to attend a service before they'll get food... not so much.
Others no longer attend services but long for cultural connections.
If the individual does not currently attend any services or professionals for psychosocial support you will have to discuss what type of service the patient would like to attend for their detox support work.
· Please outline the range of activities and resources that will be available to children attending the service.
There is a range of different online counselling methods that can provide convenient access to services without having to attend a service location.
Those who attend services come to hear what is different from ordinary life: what is the same they may learn far better from journals at home.
If you and your partner share the same religious beliefs and actively attend service, your child is less likely to engage in bullying, fighting, or arguing.
Because only 15 % of black single men attend services or Christian singles groups regularly.
Once you become a certified dog trainer and gain volunteer experience, you can either train your dog to become a service dog or attend a service dog trainer school.
A significant number of young people attending these services experience high levels of general psychological distress compared with the general population.
As for accuracy, attending services at one's place of worship is not «supporting» the preacher.
Compared with women who never attended services, women who attended once per week or more had a five times lower risk of subsequent suicide, according to the results.
They never ask why many persons are not attending services, or what is the experience of those who do.
It exists, millions of people attend services, something must happen.
Also attending the service with de Blasio was his wife, Chirlane McCray, Bratton and politicians such as Reps. Grace Meng and Peter King.
Years ago, I was initially excited to find a beautiful neighborhood church and excitedly began attending services there.
Vice President Joe Biden will also attend the service at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center, as will former first lady Laura Bush.
Politicians from both chambers of the US Congress - the Senate and the House of Representatives - will attend a service marking the arrival of Graham's body next Wednesday.
The crucifixion of Jesus was marked in Jerusalem on Good Friday when thousands of Christians attended a service held at a church considered by some believers to be where Jesus died and was buried.
This is why Toller stays in his post at First Reformed, leading his sparsely attended services even if, in private, he can no longer pray (something he shares with the sickly title character of Bresson ’s
So I'm glad the President and his Family attended a Service on a nice morning here in Washington, D.C..
On my ship, people were allowed to get a watch relief to attend services whether they be muslim, christian, or jewish.
By all estimates a higher percentage of members of Indian Christian churches attend services on a given Sunday than do Christians anywhere in the West.
When it comes to attendance at worship services, Christian women are, on average, 7 percentage points more likely than Christian men to report attending services weekly across 53 countries with data on Christian attendance patterns.
Back in 2013, Rose not only attended the service for a 6 - year - old murdered in Chicago, he offered to pay for the service.
This is why Toller stays in his post at First Reformed, leading his sparsely attended services even if, in private, he can no longer pray (something he shares with the sickly title character of Bresson's Diary of a Country Priest).
Resolved and attended service needs, questions and complaints by telephone and written correspondence.
Spain's Crown Prince Felipe and his bride Letizia Ortiz attend a service in Atocha church, following their wedding in Madrid, May 22, 2004.
Yet when droves of well - educated women took on jobs and busy schedules, they too tended to pray more than men, to attend services more, and to affirm (to pollsters) more religious beliefs.
Log College men visited that state and soon had large numbers attending the services.
Worship is not an indifferently or casually performed activity such as going to a movie or concert; the worshiper attends a service in expectation of being in the presence of the Living God.
Joel preaches a thurough message if you would bother attending a service rather then just spitting out of your fecises mouth.
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