Sentences with phrase «to attract a mate»

The phrase "to attract a mate" means doing things to make someone else be interested in being in a relationship with you. Full definition
If you are going to learn the new way of attracting a mate or finding hot dates, why would you want to pay before you know online dating «rules» and etiquette.
He believes that our early ancestors attracted mates by providing them with food.
The songs are either used for attracting mates or defending territory.
It almost certainly could not fly, however — an important confirmation that wings and feathers originally evolved to serve other functions like attracting mates and keeping eggs warm.
Can you imagine if this thing tried to attract a mate while the plane was in the air?
But could it possibly be that that hair was for more than keeping warm or perhaps attracting a mate?
Adult attachment and dating strategies: How do insecure people attract mates?
The persistent stereotype is that women are more interested in, and derive their sense of self - identity from, their romantic relationships compared to men, and that their physical appearance is important in attracting a mate.
They posit that birds sing only for functional reasons such as attracting a mate or establishing territory.
Female insects often attract mates with Contact pheromones — waxy substances that rub off their abdomens and stimulate chemoreceptors on the forelegs or mouth parts of eligible males to induce courtship.
Among lingcod, Bishop explained, the male not only chooses the nesting area — which he uses to help attract a mate — but also guards the nest after the female deposits her eggs there.
Color helps these flashy insects attract mates, avoid being spotted, or even signal to predators that...
In the animal kingdom, the flashiest males often have more luck attracting a mate.
Female mantises attract mates using odorous chemicals called pheromones, and the invaders» pheromones may be more alluring or more abundantly released than the natives», the scientists speculate.
How well would the lone toadfish do at attracting a mate if he left it up to the female toadfish to notice his desirability?
The researchers suggest that the strategy enables males to attract mates without alerting other males during the courtship ritual.
Males who use their long, elegant tail feathers to attract mates now have less stuff to strut: Their tails are short, probably deformed by radiation.
As long as they were still emitting RS, they could continue to attract mates even as they also began to produce RR.
This will not be a discussion about how your musky, earthy scent attracts a mate.
They had to procreate within that limited amount of time, making it essential that they were able to meet and attract a mate quickly.
Additionally, their scent glands are used to mark territory and attract a mate when the time is right.
Estrus occurs about every six to eight months beginning with proestrus, where the vulva swells, a bloody discharge is present, and the female dog attracts a mate.
During times of combativeness toward one another, cats they may hiss or growl and females in heat seeking to attract a mate sometimes make a characteristic yowling sound; but they do not meow at one another.
Thus, people seem to tune in to what attracts a mate, and the simple act of thinking about an envied friend experiencing a misfortune related to mate value can make people feel just a little bit happier.
Female moths deemed unworthy or unattractive to male moths can increase their odds of attracting a mate by emitting their sex pheromones — their «come - hither» scents — in close proximity to attractive females, according to new research from North Carolina State University.
Good looks are nothing to sniff at, but if you're a male guppy in a murky stream, your body odor may be more important for attracting mates.
Biologists have long suspected that the monkeys» howls played a role in attracting mates.
Every year in late spring and early summer, along coastlines from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico, a fish called the plainfin midshipman uses its swim bladder to emit an odd droning sound in hopes of attracting a mate.
Nearly all of the 160,000 types of moth and 17,000 types of butterfly have different wing patterns, which are adapted for purposes like attracting mates, giving off warnings, camouflage (also known as «crypsis»), and thermal regulation.
The study is the strongest evidence to date that the genitalia of human males — which are unusually large compared with other apes — have evolved to help attract mates, says Mautz.
Until relatively recently, people considered it ludicrous to think that living creatures other than human beings possess the ability and desire to play — with play being defined as an activity that has no absolute goal, such as attracting a mate or getting food.
If this idea is new to you, you're likely reacting with some skepticism that you could find that new career that brings in six figures, attract a mate with all the attributes on your «desired qualities list», or pay off all your credit card bills in three months.
Paleontologists note that the large opening would have made it rather useless in combat, so it may have been that it was used to regulate its body temperature, or that it was perhaps part of a sexual selection behavior designed to attract a mate.
To human ears, the aesthetic value of a bird song suffers when the bird must become practical and repel an intruder or attract a mate (ANHN 105 - 31).
If you need to lose weight or start exercising, do it for yourself — not to attract a mate.
An animal's ego would force it to display qualities that attract a mate.
His beauty ensures ongoing life and death — attracting the mate for procreation but attracting the predator as well.
Few of us are honest when it comes to attracting a mate, surgery or not.
(One could also argue that breasts are also for attracting mates, considering other primates don't have the prominent T&A that human females do, but I digress.
While Darwin observed that animals» colors and markings had often evolved from natural selection, either to conceal them from predators or to attract mates, the American painter Abbott Handerson Thayer insisted that coloration evolved only for concealment.
The bioluminescent ring on a female Bolitaena pygmaea; image courtesy of Michael Vecchione / NOAA / Smithsonian Institution Many animals go to great lengths to attract a mate.
As for camouflage, the bright colors of many small animals have not evolved for that function but for the purposes of attracting a mate or signaling kin or a predator.
The lengths that some males go to attract a mate can pay off in the short - term.
It is too extreme to say that for all biology cares, males need only to attract a mate and then can pretty much die.
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