Sentences with phrase «to attract business»

The role involves attracting business from client companies by using sales, business development and marketing techniques.
International media coverage is appealing for many authors interested in attracting business worldwide.
Lunch with lawyers who handle estates and marriage matters might produce the occasional transaction, but is a difficult and time - consuming method of attracting business.
In the midst of that landscape, property managers are striving to retain and attract business by delivering value to the client.
They each hope that by attracting business with specials, travelers will stay loyal to the platform for all their travel booking needs.
These methods for externalizing costs help strengthen the ways Travel Leaders can attract business travelers and their employers.
An understanding of Islamic finance could also help attract business from that part of the world.
Generally, recruitment roles involve attracting business from potential clients by using sales, business development and marketing techniques.
Economic development is all about attracting businesses and talent to your city, county, and state.
The newly launched interactive websites are aimed at attracting business and leisure travellers through its website design and more immersive online content.
A strong personal brand will not only attract recruiters, it will also attract business and networking opportunities.
To continue attracting businesses and talent, residents and visitors must have access to basic technologies and transportation options that are available in the rest of the country.
We spend millions annually advertising online to attract business owners who are shopping for insurance quotes.
A good reputation attracts business better than any advertising.
The plan aims to attract businesses such as software companies, high - tech companies, and advanced manufacturers to the tax - free zones.
Having a university here attracts business, it attracts people — not only the professors and those working at the university, but just having a university available attracts residents here as well.
Supporters of right - to - work say such laws attract business, encourage investment and allow workers to choose whether they want to join a union.
We provide digital strategy and smart marketing execution for organizations to attract business buyers.
First, it means content marketing has gained critical mass within the popular marketing mix and any company in a competitive industry would be hard pressed to attract business without it.
You will attract business faster by keeping your topics specific to your target rather than by speaking on general credit repair matters.
Meanwhile, to attract business during difficult times, lenders have been increasingly approving subprime loans and stretching credit limits.
The property will undoubtedly attract business guests, as the city was originally renowned for its agriculture and textiles industry.
If you've signed a contract and your ads have been running for a while, you should be able to determine whether those ads are actually attracting business.
Once you start talking like a marketer, your conversions will go up and eventually you will begin attracting business.
Advertising is great for attracting business, but the place to make a personal connection to your customers is in your biography.
The city is also working to attract businesses with tax incentives and other strong draws.
Responsibilities * Using sales, business development, marketing techniques and networking in order to attract business from client companies.
By being online where people can get a sense of what you and your firm are like, you're helping build connections that can help attract business.
Those things are huge in attracting business investment and technology innovation,» Feist says.
The location of the house attracts business people and holidaymakers alike and is the perfect stopover when travelling to Mozambique.
Apple hoped November's iPad Pro would buoy sales by attracting business users, but it hasn't caught on.
A city councilman wants to rezone 100 acres in upper Manhattan to create a «tech hub,» in the hopes of attracting businesses like Google, Apple and Facebook.
States with fair and predictable legal systems that promote good business practices and don't over-punish attract business development and encourage job creation.
The launch event, which attracted business leaders from across the region, saw guest speakers including Northumberland Tourism Director, Jude Leitch and Northumberland College's Chair of Governors, Jacqui Henderson, outline the benefits of Career Colleges to high achieving students.
I wound up having to compete for business because I wasn't attracting business by simply being my authentic self.
The I - 75 project in Dayton is expected to attract business opportunities, improve access to employment and support economic growth.
Apple unveiled the larger iPad Pro on Sept. 9, hoping to rival Microsoft Corp's 12 - inch Surface Pro 3 in attracting business customers.
Americans will soon be able to fly Q4's from Denver on Frontier Airlines, where «Aggressive fares and higher fuel prices have forced all airlines to look for ways to keep and attract business as travelers forsake loyalty to a particular airline in favor of the cheapest ticket prices and most convenient ways to travel» - no word about flying green, just saving money.
Under Governor Andrew Cuomo's leadership, New York is investing in developments like Sheridan Hollow across the State that focus on attracting businesses, transforming communities, and bringing historic districts back to life.
«They are the sweetest of shoppers so anybody who attracts that business is taking the cream of the market,» Bishop said.
The Grand Fondo rides such as Banff, Whistler aren't cheap and are not fundraisers, but do attract business related acquaintances as well as anyone else willing to pay the fee.
Rather than going after more mainstream merchants, Holmquist has shifted focus, positioning the event to attract businesses more likely to win heavy users of the digital currency.
«Other jurisdictions are doing much more to attract businesses so Canada needs to up its game,» he said.
By building a public reputation, power mapping your way to coveted clients, mitigating perceived risk and making yourself interesting to be around, you're taking a major step toward attracting the business you want.
In 1819, it was set up by the British as a tax - free trading port, instantly attracting business from the entire region.
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