Sentences with phrase «to attract new students»

Get the best high school websites available at a price that fits your school's budget and start attracting new students and supportive parents in only six weeks!
These investments help them successfully attract new student cohorts.
This work, then, benefits advisors, policy makers and leaders of higher education institutions who all have their own bottom - line challenges and need to effectively attract new students.
Voucher proponents say Indiana's maximum award amount is too low to continue attracting new students at the current pace.
Using Facebook ads for users who like your Facebook page or Twitter ads for users who follow you can be a highly effective strategy for attracting new students to your school.
With an over 30 % referral rate from current or former students, the college attracts new students through its reputation for outstanding faculty, classrooms and laboratories, along with its wide spectrum of health care specialties.
You want to open yourself up to as many customers as possible, so spending a little extra time focussing on some unloved marketing areas could be enough to start attracting those new students.
Find religion With church membership dwindling and more families struggling to afford the cost of college, many private religiously affiliated colleges and universities are slashing tuition and offering incentives to attract new students - and to stay afloat.
New York (CNNMoney)- With church membership dwindling and more families struggling to afford the cost of college, many private religiously - affiliated colleges and universities are slashing tuition and offering incentives to attract new students - and to stay afloat.
Find religion With church membership dwindling and more families struggling to afford the cost of college, many private religiously - affiliated colleges and universities are slashing tuition and offering incentives to attract new students — and to stay afloat.
Although Gilbert awaits the answer, he hypothesizes that it is the relative diversity of both faculty and existing students that attracts new students.
Not only do clean schools provide optimal learning conditions and reduce absenteeism, but they also help to attract new students and assist with the recruitment and retention of the best teachers.
Districts that are overpaid have no incentive to attract new students, as their state aid would not go up, and, in fact, would be better off on a per - pupil basis if some of their current students left.
When running your eLearning website, the most important factor that'll keep learners interested and attract new students is good course content!
Attracting new students is an urgent priority for the nation's Catholic schools, which have suffered a steady enrollment decline in recent decades due to changing urban demographics and a declining church population, among other factors.
And, a happy parent is more likely to attract new students to your school through word of mouth.
In our experience, it is just as important that your school website and all of your communication efforts keep your current parents happy and enthused as it is to attract new students and their parents.
Your website can attract new students and staff or push them away to keep looking for a better fit.
Buying ads is easy if you have the budget for it, but as you'll see, it's not the best solution for promoting your driving school and attracting new students.
These are 3 of the most cost - effective advertising options to attract new students to your driving school and grow your business!
But how do you attract new students to your driving school and convert them into paying customers?
Bringing new technology into a bureaucratic university environment can be a challenge, but colleges seem to be learning that if they want to attract new students, they need to meet them on familiar ground.
After that they use the information to change current programs and design new ones to attract new students to the school.
Typical Admissions Director resume samples list duties such as designing admission procedures and financial strategies, attracting new students, promoting the organization, analyzing enrollment trends and maintaining a large flow of qualified applicants.
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