Sentences with phrase «to attract parents»

Besides this, the easy folding system will surely attract those parents who don't want to spend a lot of time to fold or unfold the travel system.
Successful Catholic schools typically attract parents with equivalent (or superior) academics in addition to religious instruction, strong moral environment, and tight - knit community.
By offering two or more bedrooms with different bed configurations and promoting your property as «family - friendly,» you're more apt to attract parents traveling with their kids.
Children who faced forward had difficulty attracting their parent's attention and parents were unable to observe their babies facial expressions to determine their level of distress.
They would notice a change only when their schools began to feel competitive pressures and, as a result, began to demand teachers whose characteristics attract parents.
With classes costing # 300 a course, the NCT's services are not reaching many parents - to - be and Nick Wilkie is reported as saying that the service is too middle class and must do more to attract parents from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Most choice schools used outmoded ideas and curriculum to attract parents because that's what parents know.
The Kalamazoo Promise was funded by anonymous donors who, according to the school district, had three primary goals: 1) to promote local economic and community development, in part by attracting parents and businesses to the Kalamazoo area; 2) to boost educational achievement and attainment; and 3) to increase confidence in KPS.
Attract parent volunteers by giving them their own space and appointing a coordinator whose job it is to make them feel welcome, comfortable, and needed.
Parents are still choosing charter schools and demand is high, but we are seeing that in some «high - choice» cities even high - performing charter schools are having a hard time attracting parents away from their default neighborhood school.
Under the façade of promoting student achievement, cram schools are able to use questionable pedagogical means, especially attracting parents of students who are struggling in school — yet these schools» ability to serve different levels of student needs because of a lack of differentiated instruction remains arguably elusive.
That's what attracted parent Susie Toles to the school.
«charter schools tend to be self - propelling entities — they succeed, which attracts parents and students who have a higher personal motivation to be activity engaged in a learning community, and a positive feedback cycle occurs that has less to do with what they are doing and more to do with who they are.»
Mitch attracts parents who are «very dedicated» to their children's learning, he said.
The preliminary findings of a landmark Melbourne University study were released this month, showing children with same - sex attracted parents and carers experienced better health than their peers in some areas.
However, the fact that parents from all social groups, including unskilled manual workers, minority ethnic groups, and single parents did attend and that the programme preferentially attracted parents of children with behaviour problems must be viewed as encouraging.
One argument which has been raised against a population based approach to the provision of parenting programmes is that this would attract parents least in need — that is, those from more highly educated «middle class» families with little evidence of child behaviour problems, while uptake would be poor among families most in need.6
However, a little upgrade of adding the IP connectivity feature would have gone a long way in attracting parents who have to stay away from their homes a lot, and have to depend on the Internet to interact with their family and kids especially.
At the same time, she worries that reductions to some areas, such as art and music programs, will give the city's 17 charter schools an edge in attracting parents, further contributing to enrollment losses at the 77 regular district schools.
There is an underlying theory of action, that schools whose existence depends on attracting parents and demonstrating performance will be more able to unify the work of staff, and more likely to search for effective methods and adapt to evidence, than schools where adults are free to do as they like and no one's job is at risk.
The Kurio Smart's hybrid design may attract parents because it promises to fill two needs with one device, and its pre-loaded motion - controlled games may be enough to pique a child's interest.
The author concludes that diverse schools will most likely need to eschew progressive pedagogy in favor of a more traditional curriculum, while offering something special to attract parents of all classes and races.
First, there could be a bias in the location and make - up of span schools — perhaps span schools are located in wealthier areas, or attract parents with higher educated parents.
Now let's hope that the 28 schools in the pilot program can attract parents to send their hungry kids there.
She may then cry it out or display negative manners to attract parents» attention.
The DC Baby Show is open to the general public and attracts parents, soon - to - be-parents, moms, dads, families and caregivers.
This extremely masculine and macho Swedish name means «Thor's Kettle», attracting parents who love Marvel comics, as well as those looking for a solid Scandinavian style name.
And she will then fight back the sleep to attract parents» attention.
They commonly serve disadvantaged students; they are all under pressure to attract parents and to satisfy a small number of authorizers; one school may deliberately imitate another by adopting a policy that seems to be working in the other school; schools may also imitate one another unconsciously (as when teachers who have worked at one school are hired by another and bring their knowledge with them).
Also, because pupil numbers were going to be a big issue in the future (and so funding) schools would be looking for their unique selling point to attract parents and students (especially if they did not have to follow a particular specialism any longer).
If they are going to continue to expand as they have been doing, they are going to have to find new sources of parents or new ways of attracting parents.
Education World offers some unique twists on the tradition — including an Open House scavenger hunt and an Open House night run by students — on our special archive page, Attracting Parents to «Open House» Night.
Both attract parents looking for something different than their local schools, whether that's a more progressive environment or a more academically - rigorous one.
They either provide an education that attracts parents or they lose their enrollment and funding.
If the school was of the progressive stripe, for example, attracting parents and teachers who abhorred standardized testing, then portfolios of student work might serve as the indicator of success.
Enterprising principals surely would design programs to attract parents» investment - perhaps an after - school program, an extra math teacher, or an intensive language course.
The philosophy has yielded academic impacts and attracted parents to the school.
The British School of Beijing is said by its head to be the hub of its expat community, attracting parents from British and other embassies as well as those working for major multi-nationals.
Certification agencies that proved their worth to parents — especially those that earned the trust of colleges or employers — would be in greater demand and therefore sought after by schools seeking to attract those parents.
Many charters can successfully operate with enrollments of 200 - 300, attracting parents who prefer more personalized school environments.
Have program offerings that attract parents, i.e. Culture, Student Life / activities, Before Care, After School, Family Engagement programs
But she doesn't think that hinders their ability to attract parents from differing backgrounds.
However, you can transform the middle school PTO meeting to attract parents who had never participated in PTO activities before.
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