Sentences with phrase «to attract support»

The phrase "to attract support" means to gain approval, favor or backing from others. Full definition
By creating a system of publicly financed elections, we'll reward candidates for attracting support from ordinary voters, not CEO campaign contributors.
In his day, he was lauded by the more progressive art critics and attracted the support of modern art collectors.
There is good news and bad news for Labour as it seeks to attract their support once again.
It won't if several new initiatives attract the support they expect.
The addition of an income tax was a compromise to attract the support of these states - the income tax hits wealthy people more than poor.
Unlock Democracy's protest on Saturday succeeded in attracting support from Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg and the group is hoping its efforts will help strengthen the party's resolve in calling for a referendum on electoral reform as coalition negotiations continue.
The small Burlingame, California — company has already attracted support from private investors and garnered a $ 1 million National Institutes of Health Challenge Grant, made possible by NIH's stimulus funding.
His early support for increasing FHA loan limits helped attract the support of others in his party at a time when many Republicans opposed the measure.
Ritz and her backers opposed Bennett on many grounds, including his positions in favor of teacher evaluation and vouchers, but she also attracted some support from conservatives who had opposed his stance on the standards.
Elsewhere, The Telegraph's Mary Riddell notes that Chuka Umunna is «talked of as a certain challenger» to Corbyn and that he is said to be attracting support across the party for his new grouping, Labour for the Common Good.
Jason Kenney's possible plunge into Alberta politics left the province's conservative parties scrambling to respond Wednesday, even as the former federal cabinet minister is attracting support for a potential run.
If the Odyssey phase can succeed in attracting a support base of content creators, then Tron's main net will have the potential to rival some of the largest traditional media concerns on the Internet.
You need to offer something worth attracting support.
Since then, many of the reform groups have disbanded, unable to attract support because they could no longer get a hearing in Congress, the FCC, or the White House.
Labour's amendment attracted support from crossbenchers but just three Liberal Democrat peers rebelled.
Nick Griffin has easily escaped facing a vote for the leadership of the British National party (BNP) after none of his challenges attracted the support of 20 % of members.
Although Blairism still attracts the support of many MPs and senior party figures, Liz Kendall's 4.5 % showing in the leadership contest implies that enthusiasm amongst the grassroots is desperately low.
While Nigel Farage and his lieutenants have invested considerable resources in terms of pavement politics in the working - class midlands and north - east, they still have considerable difficulty attracting the support of younger and urban voters — precisely the electoral tranche Labour is now pursuing.
you also must have enough common sense to realize that a candidate like Obama who attracts the support and crowds (and numbers in the polls against a guy like John McCain)
Third, they say that Bernie Sanders does not attract support from people of color.
Regardless of which parties UKIP attracts its support from, Labour needs to confront UKIP's racism, but this is also the way to drive back UKIP and for Labour to advance.
Gerson will likely attract support from the United Democratic Organization in Chinatown and the Truman Democratic Club on Grand Street, although those clubs have not held endorsement meetings.
The Nutrition Bowl attracted support from numerous groups, including Oprah's Angel Network, Exelon, WGCI, Dominick's, Farmer's Best Market, the DuSable Museum of African American History, the University of Chicago Medial Center Office of Community Affairs, and the University of Chicago Institute for Translational Medicine.
Beyond that, the show of solidarity attracted support from major directors, including Ava DuVernay, who tweeted that she was «standing with» critics.
They created a student group, which attracted the support of other students interested in the subject, and by January, they had partnered with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, which is advising on ways to ensure open - access course materials for teachers on the internet.
[And Somers wouldn't have much trouble attracting support from other disgruntled investors!].
The sign of a great console is surely its ability to continue to attract support long after it has been superseded.
MOCA's reputation for discerning curatorial vision immediately attracted the support of South Florida's community leaders.
And though the New York — based artist attracted the support of important critics, Clement Greenberg among them, and his paintings have joined the collections of more than thirty
It is not surprising that the eco-pragmatists attract support from conservatives who have doggedly resisted all measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions, defended the interests of fossil fuel corporations, and in some cases worked hard to trash climate science.
During the bill's second reading, Baroness Deech cited a letter from a senior judge which warned against «the crude and amateurish reform of the delicately calibrated law of financial provision following divorce, which is currently attracting some support in the House of Lords».
But an early day motion on the issue has already attracted the support of at least 63 Labour rebels, suggesting enough may be listening to Mr Betts» arguments rather than the government's.
The findings, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B journal, appear to vindicate the instinct of spin doctors that having a lower voice will help attract support - even if the candidate is female.
As well as attracting the support of voters who instinctively vote Labour, they would retain control of the party's institutional donors, campaigning operation and campaigning data, as well as a bigger share of the Short Money given out to opposition parties.
For instance, Ken Livingstone shows how you can have a distinctly progressive, Labour candidate who can also attract support from Lib Dems, Greens and left - leaning independents,
Chuka Umunna, talked of as a certain challenger, is said to be attracting support across the party for his new grouping, Labour for the Common Good.
Even before Tony Blair became Labour leader, the party famously invested a lot of donor's money holding reassuring shrimp cocktail receptions for City personnel to attract their support for a prospective Labour government.
Radical right - wing parties with a more leftist economic signature — retirement age down, pensions up, maintain a social safety net for «our» workers — are more successful in attracting support from these men.
«Despite Cuomo's wide, early lead over Nixon, among Democrats most enthusiastic about voting, she already attracts the support of close to what Zephyr Teachout got,» says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.
He's also attracted support from the New Democrats and Blue Dogs.
And the early outlines of the Senate's legislation shares plenty of similarities with the House - passed American Health Care Act, albeit with some important tweaks meant to attract support from moderates.
The program has been so successful that it has won awards and attracted support, including financial sponsorship, from some of Atlanta's major corporations.
Indeed, the next round of cuts could be nixed if the Harper administration doesn't sweeten its next budget with expensive items to attract support from at least one opposition party.
All of this is why Gawker's fight with Hulk Hogan, despite the sleazy subject matter, should attract the support of media companies and free speech advocates everywhere.
Back during the primaries when he was an unlikely challenger to a slew of other more mainstream Republican candidates, Trump managed to attract the support of a whopping 41 percent of small business owners despite the crowded field.
It was the desire to free the poor from this «welfare trap» and eliminate the bureaucratic middlemen that revived interest in a universal guaranteed income in the 1960s and attracted support from across the ideological spectrum.
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