Sentences with phrase «to avert something»

Employees who will use it can also avert themselves from lengthy and complex trainings because the program has made it easier for them to figure it out on their own.
Hunching is bad for the body, so a new system averts it in musicians by making it bad for their music too.
Don't let the stock market avert you on the mistakes you made here.
The following is a statement issued by U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson after his yes vote for legislation which averted the
And even if an economy is drifting inexorably towards a tipping point, they showed that small perturbations of the system parameters can move an economy around a tipping point, thus averting it.
And yet our efforts to avert it verge on the pitiful.
Unless Congress averts the
A couple of pages later, he laid out the implications of warming and the need for «global cooperation and sacrifice now, to avert something far in the future.»
It seem to me that the usual problem of injury have started but i pray for God to avert it from Arsenal this time.
By the time you're sure that burnout is imminent, it's often too late to avert it.
But they also said talks to avert it would be easier without Varoufakis, an avowed «erratic Marxist» economist who infuriated fellow euro zone finance ministers with his casual style and indignant lectures.
The oil sector of the economy was more concerned with a trade war and if that is averted we will raise our oil demand expectations.
«God does not change men's condition unless they change their inner selves; and when God wills people to suffer evil [in consequence of their own evil deeds], there is none who could avert it: for they have none who could protect them from Him.»
The method of averting one's attention from evil, and living simply in the light of good is splendid as long as it will work.
The urgency of the great prophets of the Old Testament came from their conviction that catastrophe need not happen, that even a small deviation from the course toward doom might avert it.
But for the city itself to be put in jeopardy and their own goddess Diana damaged would be a calamity so great that they ought to exert every effort to avert it.
Or maybe the idea is that it's harder to avert one's eyes inside a building than outside on the street.
Unfortunately, it did not lead the lovers to God» on the contrary, it led to death without God» but the yearnings - against - their - will, their overwhelming attraction and desire despite their efforts to avert them are of the very same emotional and spiritual and factual material that dramatic religious conversions are made of...
René Girard has attracted a great deal of attention by arguing that to avert one's eyes from the sight of the real victims is a characteristic human act.
He has implored them to take measures to avert it, and he has told them how.
Here we are again Arsenal fans, with seemingly everyone in the world of football except Arsene Wenger thinking that the Gunners are teetering on the brink of a disaster and needing some quick action in the January transfer window in order to avert it.
As we know, it is always best to avert one's eyes when sausage is being made.
Being equipped with explanations around your newfound sensations may not help you avert them, but it may help you better cope with these unavoidable afflictions.
The cuts don't take effect until January 2013, which means there's a lot of time for Congress to avert them.
Rev. Owusu Bempah said the deaths, accidents and murders would be worse if nothing to done to avert it.
The «Eagle Prophet» as he is popularly called, gained recognition for his famous prophecies that has caused a great stare among Ghanaians due to his unflinching ability to deliver prophesies amid several backlash from a section of the public who treat his prophesies with scorn rather than finding solutions to avert them.
«There would be fire and brimstone in the run up to the 2016 elections, but we can pray to avert it and cease it from happening entirely, God would do it...,» he said.
(CNN)-- Republican Sen. John Barrasso said Sunday the country should be prepared for the sequester and its massive spending cuts to kick in next month, despite Democrats» proposal last week to avert it.
I'm trying to make the case that it will continue unless we avert it.
How much anthropogenic warming would be needed to avert it?
So, the healthy warm - up will avert you.
Perry's movies, including Impolex, Queen of Earth, and Listen Up Philip, are of a rare strain of American independent dramas that neither fetishizes awkward quotidian interactions nor averts them.
The violence is very graphic and determined but at the same time so very campy that you roll your eyed more than averting them.
Still, huge accolades have averted him, his unapologetically dark tones keeping him out of the mainstream.
The cuts, which total 5.2 percent this year, are slated to stay in place unless lawmakers come up with a deal to avert them.
Before moving forward to attain our guidance, at first you need to go through the issues that avert you from preparing a high standard finance assignment.
This coming month Midlothian Animal Clinic would like to help our clients become more aware of these consequences and what you can do to avert them.
So I guess the worse case scenario really could (possibly, if not likely) happen — since people aren't doing much to avert it.
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