Sentences with phrase «to avoid a government shutdown»

With less than one month to reach a compromise, a bipartisan congressional committee remains divided on the best approach for a long - term budget deal that would help avoid another government shutdown.
«We want to get rid of it,» Brady, a Republican, told reporters outside his office, adding that this could «possibly» be part of an agreement lawmakers are seeking to avoid a government shutdown on Jan. 19.
New York state will avoid a government shutdown after lawmakers approved a two - month stopgap spending plan.
As you're probably aware, Congress is (hopefully) scrambling to avoid a government shutdown today.
(CNN)- The Senate on Friday approved a short - term spending plan that would avoid a government shutdown next week, sending the measure back to the House after Democrats restored funding for Obamacare, which is opposed by Republicans.
PLATTSBURGH Congress must pass a spending bill in early - February to avoid another government shutdown more
ALBANY, N.Y. (WBEN / AP)-- New York state avoided a government shutdown Monday when reluctant lawmakers passed an emergency two - month spending measure proposed by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo after he and the Legislature failed to strike a deal on a spending plan.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is crafting a bill in the upper chamber with Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to avoid a government shutdown Thursday night, has made such a commitment.
But instead of having several months to work through the budget, appropriators will have only a few weeks to beat a 15 January deadline for avoiding another government shutdown.
Speaker John Boehner said the House will have to pass a stopgap funding bill to avoid a government shutdown in September, a sign of the wild fall in store for Washington.
Congress avoided another government shutdown by passing a resolution to fund all federal programs (including education) through the beginning of December.
In March, Congress approved a $ 1.3 trillion federal spending bill, narrowly avoiding a government shutdown.
The $ 1.3 trillion spending bill Congress passed to avoid a government shutdown includes new rules to prevent the VA from conducting medical testing on dogs.
The proposed Continuing Resolution that temporarily avoids a government shutdown extends the EB - 5 Regional Center Program through December 11, 2015.
Congress faces a deadline to pass a short - term funding bill to avoid a government shutdown on Saturday.
Now that the health care bill has been defeated, Senate leaders hope to move on to tax reform and to passing a spending bill in order to avoid a government shutdown at the end of September.
New York State will avoid a government shutdown after lawmakers approved a two - month stopgap spending plan Monday.
Democrats, without control of either chamber of Congress, are aiming to secure key legislative priorities in the funding bill that must pass by January 19 to avoid a government shutdown.
In between, Congress will try to pass a new spending bill that would avoid another government shutdown and a handful of other data releases should shed some more light on U.S. economic growth.
Congress returns with tight deadlines on pressing issues ranging from children's health care to avoiding a government shutdown.
The Republican - led Congress has struggled immensely over the past eight months, and the party now faces further division as they return and urgently need to raise the debt ceiling to avoid a government shutdown, pass an aid package for Hurricane Harvey — some of which is expected to be tied to the raise of the debt ceiling — and now reach a decision on DACA.
DeMarco: It's not only the debt ceiling; the continuing resolution on the federal budget is set to expire on December 8 as well, and there are some concerns about whether Congress will be able to avoid a government shutdown.
Investors» risk appetite appears to be improved by positive economic data out of China, Japan and other key economies, an agreement between US political parties that avoided a government shutdown, and progress in tax reform negotiations in the US, among other things.
The U.S. Senate reached a bipartisan deal on stopgap spending designed to avoid a government shutdown and defuse a fight over aid to victims of natural disasters.
Congress is set to vote on a massive spending bill on Thursday night to avoid a government shutdown.
To fund the federal government and avoid a government shutdown, while also specially carving out funding for the Department of Homeland Security, * this week Congress is on track to pass the so - called «CRomnibus» — a combination of a continuing... [Continue reading]
The bill needed to be signed into law before midnight on Friday to avoid a government shutdown.
Speaking to reporters at the gay pride parade in Manhattan, Paterson said the two - way deal the Assembly and Senate plan to pass tomorrow «theoretically» will avoid a government shutdown, but also called it a «gimmick to prevent me from using emergency appropriations.»
Congress is expected this week to pass yet another short - term spending bill to avoid a government shutdown, prompting a bipartisan pair of senators to introduce a narrow bill on immigration aimed at ending the impasse that has hindered a two - year budget deal.
Trump cast the Affordable Care Act as the Democrats» problem and noted that it needs money to stay afloat, tweeting as his surrogates in talk show appearances said the Democratic Party must agree to border - wall funding to avoid a government shutdown.
These data, collected in an April 5 - 9 Gallup poll, come as Congress negotiates terms of a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown.
While Trump held campaign rallies with a raucous audience pushing him to «build the wall» at the U.S. border with Mexico, many Senate Republicans want to avoid a government shutdown at all costs — at least between now and the November elections.
A 56 percent majority of Americans say it's more important for Congress to approve a budget agreement that would avoid a government shutdown, compared to 34 percent who say it's more important to pass legislation that maintains the DACA program.
About 71 % say it's more important for Congress to approve a budget agreement that would avoid a government shutdown than to defund Planned Parenthood, 22 % say it's a bigger priority to eliminate the organization's federal funding.
Lawmakers were scrambling on Thursday to avoid a government shutdown.
Despite the robocalls that went out on Long Island over the weekend, Senate Minority Leader Dean Skelos has now made heretofore source - based speculation official: His conference will provide sufficient votes this afternoon to pass the 11th budget extender and avoid a government shutdown.
Congress's continuing resolution, a short - term spending bill passed to avoid a government shutdown, will only cover overtime expenses for the NYPD and other city agencies guarding Trump Tower and other vulnerable locations linked to the incoming commander - in - chief.
On Friday, all but five Democrats voted against a short - term continuing resolution, which would have avoided a government shutdown.
[Paterson said the two - way deal the Assembly and Senate plan to pass tomorrow «theoretically» will avoid a government shutdown, but also called it a «gimmick to prevent me from using emergency appropriations.»]
In their latest bid to avoid a government shutdown, House Republican leaders are trying to move forward with a new plan that would keep the government funded into January while kicking fights over issues like immigration and surveillance into the new year.
(CNN)- «We have broken through the partisanship and the gridlock,» Sen. Patty Murray, one of two chief budget negotiators, said of Tuesday's deal to avoid another government shutdown.
Congress must pass a bill by Feb. 8 to avoid another government shutdown.
PLATTSBURGH Congress must pass a spending bill in early - February to avoid another government shutdown
The Senate began passing budget bills Tuesday night, one day after lawmakers approved a two - month extender that avoided a government shutdown.
«President Obama's lack of seriousness on deficit reduction is crystal clear when you look at the budget deal he insisted on to avoid a government shutdown,» he said in a statement.
For now, most investors and forecasters seem to expect a lot of bluster from the White House and Republicans, followed by an eleventh - hour agreement that avoids a government shutdown or debt default.
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