Sentences with phrase «to avoid a trade war»

On trade, it's in Germany's interest to ensure that Trump avoid a trade war with U.S. allies by permanently extending Europe's tariff exemption, which is set to expire next week.
Desperate to avoid a trade war in the wake of Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs, the OECD said Tuesday that «governments should avoid escalation and rely on global solutions [read: established World Trade Organization rules] to resolve excess capacity in the global steel industry.»
FRANKFURT / BERLIN, March 5 (Reuters)- German car companies urged policymakers on Monday to avoid a trade war with the United States «at all costs» after U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to tax car imports from the European Union.
China's President Xi Jinping has to back up his words with actions if he wants to avoid a trade war, John McCallum, Canada's ambassador to China told CNBC.
Governments should work together to fix overcapacity in the steel markets and avoid a trade war, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) said Tuesday.
President Donald Trump's latest round of tariffs against Chinese imports have prompted U.S. allies in Asia such as South Korea, Australia and Japan to call for calm to avoid a trade war.
However, two developments since then signal hope that the U.S. and China might be able to avoid a trade war.
FRANKFURT / BERLIN, March 5 - German car companies urged policymakers on Monday to avoid a trade war with the United States «at all costs» after U.S..
The carmakers» remarks were echoed by Chancellor Angela Merkel's government spokesman who said Germany wanted to avoid a trade war with the United States because it believed such a conflict would be in nobody's interest.
«The only way to avoid the trade war, and make life better for everyone, at least create conditions under which it can be made better, is for Trump to back down on that, but he has never backed down on anything,» he said.
China's President Xi Jinping has to back up his words with actions if he wants to avoid a trade war, Canada's ambassador to China told CNBC.
«Xi Jinping's strategic intention here is to put things into a holding pattern, to buy time, and to potentially move down the pathway of negotiation and avoid a trade war,» he said.
Voicing hopes that Beijing and the United States could avoid a trade war, Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday that China would open its economy further, so that foreign and Chinese firms can compete on an equal footing.
The Trump administration does seem willing to negotiate with trading partners and make deals to avoid trade wars.
He is taking a longer view, and wants to avoid trade wars.
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