Sentences with phrase «to avoid dangerous climate change»

The 450 ppm level is considered to be the point at which the world has a 50 per cent chance of avoiding dangerous climate change.
Our collective mission is to ensure that the world economy is on track to avoid dangerous climate change by 2020, while delivering sustainable growth and prosperity for all.
As many already know, climate change is already happening and there have been many arguments about what is a relatively safe level of carbon concentration to avoid dangerous climate change impacts.
By working together, business and government can avoid dangerous climate change while creating a safer, healthier, more prosperous world for us all.
This has led some climate scientists to declare that staying below the 2 °C warming limit, and hence avoiding dangerous climate change, is impossible.
It will be practically impossible to avoid dangerous climate change without addressing this problem.
Our mission is to ensure that the world economy is on track to avoid dangerous climate change by 2020 while delivering sustainable growth and prosperity for all.
Environmental group Friends of the Earth said the emissions cuts were far too weak to allow the UK to «play its part in avoiding dangerous climate change».
Stabilizing atmospheric concentrations at levels that will avoid dangerous climate change requires immediate action.
Benny Peiser wrote that at the UK Met Office's Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change conference,
By promoting a shift towards low carbon economic activities, governments can not only help avoid dangerous climate change impacts but can also make the region more competitive, contributing to a faster recovery from the current economic slowdown.
If we are serious about avoiding dangerous climate change, 250,000 megatonnes is the maximum amount of carbon we can put into the atmosphere.
Indeed, if the world as a whole is to get onto an emissions path consistent with avoiding dangerous climate change, it will probably be necessary to scrap some existing coal plants before the end of their working lives.
The conference, called Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change: A Scientific Symposium on Stabilization of Greenhouse Gases, took place at the invitation of the British Prime Minister Tony Blair and under the sponsorship of the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
With her colleague Robert Corell, Susan contributed a chapter that summarized the key findings of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment to the peer - reviewed book Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change, published by Cambridge University Press in 2006.
It's too late to avoid dangerous climate change just by switching to renewable energy, so we will also have to pull the greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere
If adopted, the Paris agreement will become the first concrete step on our collective way towards avoiding dangerous climate change.
The gap between 179 countries» modest, but creditable, emissions pledges so far and any reasonable trajectory toward avoiding dangerous climate change is huge, as I wrote recently.
The coincidence of these global governance milestones in 2015 presents a critical and rare opportunity for global leaders to send the right signals to the wider world at precisely the time when strong signals need to be sent in order avoid dangerous climate change.
She also co-authored a chapter on Arctic climate impacts for a book titled Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change, published by Cambridge University Press in 2006.
The world's population could live a prosperous, European - style lifestyle by 2050 at the same time as avoiding dangerous climate change, according to a new Global Calculator developed by the UK's Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
Avoiding dangerous climate change becomes a lot harder once we face up to the permafrost feedback.
And in common with all other climate pledges so far, its INDC remains well short of what would be required to meet the agreed 2C target for avoiding dangerous climate change.
Nations must both increase emissions reductions commitments immediately to give the world any hope of avoiding dangerous climate change while also agreeing to an international framework on future ghg emissions which will limit global ghg emissions in the medium - and long - term.
Avoiding dangerous climate change requires ambitious action to deeply reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the international, national, and local community levels.
What scale does CCS need to reach if it to play its part in avoiding dangerous climate change?
We want the prize to go to an approach that can materially help avoid dangerous climate change.
Avoiding dangerous climate change means getting as close to zero carbon emissions as possible, as fast as possible.
Government plans that include serious restrictions on the use of coal and unconventional fossil fuels have a chance at being compatible with avoiding dangerous climate change, while those that treat this as a side issue do not.
«The Paris Climate Agreement aims to put the world on track to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to 1.5 oC.
We simply won't be able to avoid dangerous climate change, as all our countries have pledged to do, unless we switch over time to using clean power for activities like driving our cars and heating our homes.
The world needs more of this kind of leadership from major energy producing jurisdictions if we are to avoid dangerous climate change
And, of course, those commitments and associated domestic measures are just Canada's means to achieve the ends of contributing to reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to a level that avoids the dangerous climate change, the shared goal set out in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and reiterated in the Paris Agreement.
We simply must change our consumption habits to avoid dangerous climate change in our lifetimes and for generations to come.»
Global dairy and meat production and consumption must be cut in half by 2050 to avoid dangerous climate change and keep the Paris Agreement on track, according to a new Greenpeace report.
John Mitchell, director of climate science at the Met Office, said: «This latest research emphasises the necessity to make drastic cuts in emissions as quickly and as soon as possible if we are to avoid dangerous climate change and highlights the importance of the negotiations that will take place in Copenhagen in December.»
A temperature rise of no more than 2C is widely acknowledged as the «safe» level to avoid dangerous climate change.
Many governments believe that holding the average global temperature rise caused by man - made warming to 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels gives the world the best chance to avoid dangerous climate change.
To avoid dangerous climate change, some scientists estimate that global CO2 emissions must be cut by at least 80 percent by the end of the century.
At the start of the latest round of climate talks in Cancún, Mexico, this week, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Rajendra Pachauri, warned that global emissions must peak by 2015 if the world is to avoid dangerous climate change.
IF HUMANITY is to avoid dangerous climate change, we need to capture hundreds of billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide.
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