Sentences with phrase «to avoid extinction»

Size does indeed matter, even for avoiding extinction, but not in the way many scientists have long suspected.
«That gets attention and suggests there are more than a few partners in that firm that were against that merger,» says lawyer Mitchell Kowalski, author of Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century.
The four - time FA Cup winners narrowly avoided extinction thanks to a takeover from a consortium led by former player Dean Holdsworth.
A new study of amphibians argues that growing smaller to take up less resources won't always help a species avoid extinction in the face of a shrinking habitat, climate change, and disease.
Thompson Rivers is not alone in working on ways to equip students better for life after law school, and Sykes says she took inspiration from legal consultant Mitch Kowalski, whose book Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century is on the reading list for her course.
Adaptability is the key notion here since avoiding extinction due to environmental change would favor the generalists over the specialized niche species.
But small groups of Bornean orangutans living in protected zones and selectively logged areas will likely avoid extinction, the researchers say.
While there was significant ecological disruption during the PETM, most species were able to avoid extinction via adaptation or migration.
Since then we have narrowly avoided extinction by nuclear war and now appear to be well on the way to rendering Earth uninhabitable by changing the composition of its atmosphere.
As their habitats heat up, pikas living at low elevations have one major shot at avoiding extinction: migrating to cooler, higher parts of the mountain.
Warming is already having an impact [biological and geophysical signals are increasingly apparent yet they don't use thermometers, relocation of species may eventually become necessary to avoid extinctions]
Avoiding Extinction makes the case for how the law firm of the future will succeed, with a laser - like focus on delivering high - quality legal services better, faster, and cheaper.
Eventually, that's where the market is going to have to go,» says Kowalski, author of Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century.
«More [conservation] is needed, particularly to avoid extinctions in Hawaii and other islands,» Eaton agrees.
The work, published today in Nature Communications, suggests some Tasmanian devil populations are evolving genetic resistance to DFTD that could help the species avoid extinction.
Kowalski has been shaking up the legal profession with his unsettling book Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century.
If anyone's going to snatch the future out from under Uber's nose, it will be one of those players — not a carmaker desperately trying to avoid extinction.
Plants are well known to possess extensive genetic variation in drought and temperature tolerance, water - use efficiency, and other traits that can prove critical for surviving climate changes and avoiding extinction.
Asteroid strikes and supervolcano eruptions may threaten us in the next 100,000 years, but the odds are good that humanity will avoid extinction, says Michael Brooks
This effect seems to help keep populations of wild animals stable, and may help them avoid extinction
Because of this, the females may turn to parthenogenesis — reproduction without fertilisation from a male — as a last resort to produce offspring and avoid extinction, says a team led by Andrew Fields of Stony Brook University in New York.
Endangered fish seem to have undergone virgin births — cloning themselves in what might be a last - ditch ploy to avoid extinction
Furthermore, the habitat will become much less suitable for reproductive behaviors, which are of course critically important for populations to avoid extinction
Because in these days of franchises, stars have to go above and beyond to avoid extinction.
The breed was again outcrossed with another cat to avoid extinction, although this time the Persian was most likely used.
Avoiding extinction they remained mostly undomesticated, with some retaining a form of domesticity living with the Bedouin and earning their keep guarding the herds and camps.
On Windows we get schooled by Daryl, dungeon crawl across the oceans of time and do our best to avoid extinction.
However regarding the longer term resource scarcity issue, we have access to all the old knowledge on planting vegetable gardens and the like, and would avoid extinction.
2009 has been declared the Year of the Gorilla (YoG) in order to avoid the extinction of the largest living primate, by the UNEP Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), the UNEP / UNESCO Great Ape Survival Partnership (GRASP) and the World Association of
If the Chinese government cracks down on this illicit trade and speculation and, at the same time, supports efforts to educate consumers the way it did with shark fin soup, it's conceivable that the vaquita could, by the narrowest conceivable margin, avoid extinction.
Plants are well known to possess extensive genetic variation in drought and temperature tolerance, water - use efficiency, and other traits that can prove critical for surviving climate changes and avoiding extinction.
With less ice on which to hunt, will the iconic northern predator adapt in time to avoid extinction?
And despite the fact that the last reliable evidence of their continued existence is from a 1910 diary entry, biologists believed that the notoriously elusive animal might have avoided extinction in the years that followed, spurring the more - than - a-decade long study to find them.
He is a Fastcase 50 Global Legal Innovator and the author of the critically acclaimed book, Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century.
Find out at our upcoming webinar featuring Mitch Kowalski, author of the acclaimed ABA best - seller, «Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century.»
Lately, I've been thinking (and writing) quite a bit about change in the legal field, in large part because I've been reading Mitchell Kowalski's recently published book, «Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century» (ABA 2012).
In an interview with NZ blog LawFuel, Jordan Furlong gave some advice to solo and small - firm lawyers who want to «avoid extinction
Reference is made to Mitch Kowalski's «highly readable book» Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century «for a detailed fictitious version of a remade BigLaw firm».
The book is about remaking and is very much written from the perspective of a big law firm needing to change to avoid extinction.
He is the author of the critically acclaimed best - seller, Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21st Century (a copy of the book will be provided to each attendee).
He is also the author of the critically - acclaimed book, «Avoiding Extinction: Reimagining Legal Services for the 21stCentury.»
Avoiding Extinction is as entertaining as it is instructive, and it couldn't be more timely.»
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