Sentences with phrase «to avoid waste»

I have found that students like the balance of independence and structure that the book gives them and helps avoid wasted time where they are looking at random ideas without a strong thread.
Here are my tips on how to shop wisely for classic vintage pieces that will never date and how to avoid wasting money on vintage fad trends.
It helps avoid wasting food and makes me a better meal planner.
By getting naked you are avoiding the waste of A LOT of plastic.
If you're not going to use something before it goes bad, you can still avoid waste by cooking and freezing it.
The report also says it may be better for the miners to shut down their mining tools and wait until Bitcoin rises again, while avoiding wasting energy for now.
It also avoids wasting food and blowing up our grocery budgets.
A clear focus of who your ideal customer is, and who they aren't, is required to avoid wasting resources and gaining traction.
I aim to alleviate the frustration associated with unanswered questions and help parents avoid wasting valuable time and resources on ineffective treatment.
You can also avoid wasting time with companies that can not offer you coverage.
Having someone on staff with legal expertise can be valuable, helping the department to anticipate what counsel will require and thereby avoiding wasted effort.
Findings show that for every # 1 the boroughs spent to reduce food waste, they saved # 8 in avoided waste management costs, and households saved # 84.
Knowing this will make it easier to move quickly to the next profile and avoid wasting precious time.
He describes in detail how to avoid the wasted fuel of acceleration.
You will find the best success by approaching angel investors or venture firms that typically invest within your industry, so avoid wasting time seeking investment from firms that do not.
In addition, you'll avoid wasting milk that has been stored too long.
She suggests being clever and examining purchases closely so as to avoid waste from the beginning.
Avoid wasting hours of cancelling credit cards and anxiety over identity theft.
The idea behind prevention is simple: Avoid waste production as much as possible.
Avoid wasting heat by matching up your pot / pan size to the correct burner.
To be effective, one must close out problematic candidates early on to avoid wasting everyone's time, including the candidate's.
By adding «jobs» as a negative keyword, the plumbing company would avoid wasted clicks by preventing the ads from being displayed for searches that include that term.
You'll have to use more beef than necessary — use it for another meal to avoid wasting ingredients.
To avoid wasting battery power, the turtle has a timer that automatically shuts off after 45 minutes, allowing plenty of time for your toddler to fall fast asleep.
How do you narrow down the seemingly endless list of mattress brands and avoid wasting large sums of money on such a significant piece of furniture?
To avoid wasting formula only prepare what you need for one day.
That way they'd avoid wasting grant money on following up on findings that don't withstand an independent test.
You need to sleep at least 7 - 8 hours per night, avoiding wasting nights and partying all the time.
Avoid wasting own time and energy on people that are looking for stability in a relationship, if you do not need the same.
The users are mostly serious enough to avoid wasting others time.
You can avoid wasting all that time attracting the wrong kind of man.
Realtors who know the requirements can help veterans avoid wasting time and money.
To avoid wasting points, divide the dollar cost of the flight by the mile cost.
The only difference now is that we have a published list of them, so that should help some folks avoid wasting hours looking for non-existent awards.
I'd love to hear form any of you about «going deeper» in your eco practices, especially avoiding waste.
In this way our law firm specializing in corporate law avoids wasted effort and businesses do not have to bear excessive costs.
When a settlement is reached during the collaborative process (which occurs about 90 % of the time), the parties have completely avoided wasting tons of money and valuable dollars.
We use technology to communicate and to avoid wasting paper.
We have them call us to confirm to make them responsible day one, and to avoid wasted man hours for our property management staff.
This can help you go straight for the cream of the crop, and avoid wasting money on mediocre sites.
Follow these tips to deepen good thinking and avoid wasting energy on negative thinking.
It's a step - by - step workbook that provides a structure for writing and publishing success; it will help you save time and avoid wasted resources.
If you identify them right away, you can move on quickly to the next available position and avoid wasting valuable job search time.
Employers will request these as needed, so avoid wasting space stating the obvious.
I taught them another great trick to avoid wasting precious commands unnecessarily.
Here's my ultimate shopping list to help you follow the rules and avoid wasting food.
You must also avoid wasting your time, money and talent in flat or dead markets.
Addressing these questions before you start writing will help you save time and avoid wasted effort.
In other words, avoid using gas by missing traffic, avoid using excess electricity by turning your lights off remotely, avoid waste by buying used goods.
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