Sentences with phrase «to ban the practice»

"To ban the practice" means to forbid or prohibit a certain activity or behavior from occurring. Full definition
No one has banned the practice of religion, as much as they should.
In fact, some schools have now banned this practice in order to encourage kids to become more responsible and independent.
It may even be a better parenting strategy to ban this practice altogether.
It goes beyond legislation to ban the practice for minors that has passed elsewhere in the country by prohibiting it for adults as well.
Rent control continues to diminish in popularity, with rental property owners lobbying lawmakers for bills banning the practice.
If fracking is so safe then why are other countries banning the practice citing the dangers as the reasons?
If fracking is so safe then why are other countries banning the practice citing the environmental dangers as the reasons why?
As a result, several states are working on banning this practice.
But unless laws are put into place banning the practice, these factors are going to affect your rates.
Legislative efforts helped ban the licensing of Class B dealers that «random source» dogs, but sadly, it doesn't ban the practice of breeding dogs and other animals specifically for use in scientific research and educational purposes.
Additionally, federal law bans the practice of pregnancy discrimination too.
Cuomo also banned the practice of «conversion therapy,» which seeks to reverse an individual's sexual orientation but has been widely panned by LGBT advocates and mental and medical health professionals as harmful.
Several jurisdictions, including Germany, the state of New York and the province of Quebec, have banned the practice outright.
Meanwhile, in South Korea, so far the only country to have reversed the trend in sex ratios at birth, normative changes related to public policies apparently worked after banning the practice made matters even worse.
The Long Island legislator never disclosed to anyone that his son had secured a second contract with the company to sell its technology to frackers looking to purify the chemical - laced water used in the extraction process — an arrangement that came to naught when Mr. Cuomo banned the practice last year.
While shark finning is illegal in the U.S., current federal laws banning the practice do not address the issue of the shark fin trade, so shark fins are imported to the U.S. from countries with few or even no shark protections in place,» notes Oceana.
Kaminksy's bill would ban the practice from even starting in New York.
Some brokers also provide legal services, but the Russian government is considering banning this practice in the proposed law.
The White House has said that it does not plan on seeking a federal ban on conversion or «reparative» therapy, but, according to The New York Times, the President will «throw his support behind the efforts to ban the practice at the state level»...
Ben Yates, a lawyer with RPC specializing in fintech and cyber law, said he has seen significant growth in ICO - related inquiries since China banned the practice in September 2017.
(In fact, Massachusetts recently banned the practice for this reason.)
So this law will ban that practice as well,» Molinaro says.
Some District Court judges continue to order so - called pay - or - stay sentences, although the U.S. Supreme Court banned the practice in the 1980s.
Most recently, the representative body for veterinary surgeons in Ireland, has called for the introduction of legislation banning the practice of «tail docking» of puppies.
The ultimate solution to the current controversy over whaling is to ban the practice entirely.
Absent solid evidence, some states, including Maryland and New York, have even banned the practice altogether.
During a House Homeland Security subcommittee hearing on Thursday, Rep. John Katko (R - N.Y.) said he would introduce a bill permanently banning the practice by the end of this month.
Ms. Lever, the governor's press secretary, attacked Mr. Cuomo's political rivals, calling Ms. Miner «a pure hypocrite» who had taken money from her own appointees (Ms. Miner noted there is no order banning the practice in Syracuse) and saying the Senate has no policy forbidding its appointees from donating.
The thrifty Thompson had for years brought his own treats to the movies, but became enraged when his local theatre posted a sign banning the practice late last year.
People who own Tesla cars won't be able to use their vehicles to earn money through ridesharing after the car maker banned the practice.
That's already happened in other countries, most notably China — which this month banned the practice altogether.
On September 8, the People's Bank of China effectively banned the practice of holding token offerings (also known as initial coin offerings, or ICOs) within the nation's borders.
Since most polygamous practices are far from gender equal, I have little issue with banning the practice.
A constitutional amendment to ban the practice seems at present improbable.
[15] The Socialist People's Republic of Albania under Enver Hoxha went so far as to officially ban the practice of every religion
It also meant more publicity for aspects of the church that many Mormons would prefer not dwell on, like the church's onetime practice of polygamy (the church banned the practice more than 100 years ago) and its denial of the priesthood to black members until the late 1970s.
When the state of New Mexico banned the practice in April, the USDA announced it would begin requiring school districts to have written meal - charge policies.
And on the controversial natural - gas extract process known as hydrofracking, a majority of voters — 54 percent to 40 percent — agree with the decision by the Cuomo administration ban the practice.
Currently, five states and Washington, D.C. ban the practice, and although this bill would only affect a small portion of the country, it represents a greater message to the incoming presidential administration that policies like those supported by Pence will not be tolerated in many places.
And while fracking has gotten the most attention — demonstrators calls on him to ban the practice show up at many of Cuomo's public events — the other projects on hold could have significant implications for New York.
After former Governor George Pataki featured himself in a number of promotional ads for the state, including ones to increase enrollment in government funded health care for the poor, the legislature banned the practice.
From time immemorial, lawmakers have used pork to grease the legislative wheels — with efforts to ban the practice only driving it underground.
Shen and his fellow salad architects were thwarted when Pizza Hut banned the practice in China.
Sadly, photographs of Harada with an extremely large hairy lump on his head led to the Japanese Sumo Association banning the practice of scalp implants and rejecting Harada's application to join the sport.
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