Sentences with phrase «to be a bit of an issue»

The wide - angle sensor is a bit of an issue for portraiture, but that seems to be the direction the smartphone industry is going — capture first, crop later.
Looks like there's a bit of an issue with Cars 3 on Switch.
Even at top brightness, reflections are a bit of an issue in strong sunlight.
It looks great but it may be a bit of an issue if you're got smaller hands.
His penalty taking is a bit of an issue as well as he can be too casual.
The camera is a bit of an issue, giving at times some off the wall angles that don't necessarily translate that well into the race.
There will be 350 - 400 bags so cost is a bit of an issue but, with dozens of authors contributing, space will definitely be.
As it turns out, random robot attacks are a bit of an issue for the entire kingdom at the moment.
The limited internal storage is bit of an issue, as you see not more than 12 GB available, combined for both apps and media.
The dark upholstery was a bit of an issue from the beginning, though.
Here, the vents don't appear to be adjustable and don't move with the headrests when raised, so the placement may be a bit of an issue for taller drivers.
Naturally that also means you can download tracks from other players... but there's a bit of an issue or two with that.
Privacy may be a bit of an issue if you book with friends and are multiple couples.
This could be a bit of an issue with convenience for loading in kids.
I maintain that society so frowns upon «self promotion» that most of us have not developed this as a skill, which is a bit of an issue when one attempts to market one's self in a resume.
Both the room and service was great, the maintenance was a bit of an issue on the 3rd floor, we constantly bumped into workmen moving around materials and had to wait almost every time we needed to get into our room.
Reliability was a bit of an issue when the Virtual Cockpit first appeared in Audi's cars, with the display not working properly, maps freezing and strange read - outs on the screen when in operation.
Yes although a little distance from central Cairns which we knew about.Aircraft noise was a bit of an issue but we think that would be normal for all... Read Full Review
Spambots are a bit of an issue for Twitter, but even their prevalence — which the company estimates at about 5 % of accounts — doesn't account for the huge discrepancy between active and dormant users.
«There's a bit of an issue here,» Mr. Bernanke said at a press conference following the Fed's latest policy meeting.
Depth was a bit of an issue, as evidenced by Wisconsin's in - half regression — seventh in Q1 S&P + and fourth in Q3, then 41st in Q2 and 18th in Q4 — and that's not guaranteed to improve.
He put up good numbers at Missouri, averaging 19.9 points per game, but size was a bit of an issue.
Now you'd think this would be the easiest tip to follow, but if you love your tea, coffee or lattes, drinking just plain water can sometimes be a bit of an issue.
The events of the story tend to feel a little forced, and the relative lack of character development is a bit of an issue.
Fuel economy is a bit of an issue, though; Nissan doesn't release those specs (it doesn't have to; with a curb weight of 7,480 pounds, this sits outside of the light - truck classification), but I averaged 16.6 L / 100 km, with the truck ranging around 13.5 on the highway.
Legroom is adequate, although the narrow pedal box is a bit of an issue for taller drivers.
Togo was a bit of an issue for his owners as a pup and even got into fights with other dogs.
Looks like there's a bit of an issue between both Valhalla Game Studios and Valhalla Motion Pictures.
I suspect data quality and availability is a bit of an issue, especially on a global basis, but for the US — then, I think, * much * the world's largest economy — the picture is pretty clear.
Touch responsiveness was a bit of an issue, however, and sometimes I found myself having to tap a spot twice — like on a complication, for instance — to get it to register.
Performance has often been a bit of an issue for Samsung devices in the past, and even just last year we saw performance issues in even simple daily tasks with the Galaxy Note 7.
Nicolas Winding Refn: There was a bit of an issue in France where it was rated very low.
Considering the somewhat high price of many quality shaving soaps, this could be a bit of an issue as it's quite likely that you'll need to replace your soap more than often than you would otherwise.
One great thing about Xbox One 360 game playback is it usually stabilizes the framerate, which was a bit of an issue on the 360 version — but nowhere near as bad as it was on the PS3.
He ate people though... might be a bit of an issue if Activision want kids to play the game.
Huawei, and by that extension now, Honor's software has always been a bit of an issue for many in the West.
On the flipside, another neighbor had experiences close to my own: «Reliability is a bit of an issue... There is a significant delay in triggering the motion sensor... I had two packages delivered today and the Ring Video Doorbell recognized only one.»
Yes although a little distance from central Cairns which we knew about.Aircraft noise was a bit of an issue but we think that would be normal for all north Cairns accommodation.
There's a bit of an issue with Heroes of the Storm, in that a recent update limits the texture files available to systems with low dedicated graphical memory.
However, at the end of last year, there was a bit of an issue when Toro Rosso finally decided to boot Daniil Kvyat out of the team and Carlos Sainz left for Renault.
This can be a bit of an issue for people using computers with less free hard disk space.
Portion control can be a bit of an issue for me too!!!
Sugar seemed to be a bit of an issue for me in this recipe.
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