Sentences with phrase «to be a daunting process»

Major dietary shifts are a daunting process for many people who have grown up shopping, cooking, and eating in a certain way.
Online dating can be a daunting process if you are not familiar with the internet, but we are a site that caters for all needs.
Dating can be a daunting process under normal circumstances.
That's understandable, undertaking a bold design or gameplay mechanic without big money backing those ideas is a daunting process.
But getting to that reward is a daunting process that requires more tutorials than is perhaps reasonable for a mass market game.
It can be a daunting process trying to figure out which life insurance company will provide you the best coverage at the lowest rate.
Moreover, if making your resume is a daunting process, it is now the time to get certified executive resume writers.
Paying back student loans can be a daunting process without the right tools and knowledge, but SimpliFi makes it easy to find the best possible choice to help borrowers pay down their loans quicker with lower interest rates and flexible repayment options.
«Home sale is a daunting process and spectrum realty made it very seamless.
Buying your first home is a daunting process, but if you're equipped with the right relationships, you can explore options like Andrew did, and capitalize on the hot housing market, and stop throwing your monthly rent check at somebody else's mortgage.
Drug discovery is a daunting process that requires chemists to sift through millions of chemicals to find a single hit.
Dating is a daunting process, especially for those of us who do not have the luxury of being in a setting designed to facilitate it (e.g., high school, college, etc.).
There's no question: Arranging the marketing and publicity for a new book is a daunting process.
For property managers, becoming a certified data furnisher and complying with the applicable regulations is a daunting process.
Renting an apartment may not be as big a financial commitment as buying a home, but it can still be a daunting process if you haven't done it before.
Installing a smart thermostat is a daunting process, but our top pick, the Emerson Sensi Touch Smart Thermostat, made the process less scary.
We hear it all the time: building education plans, transitioning careers, and entering or reentering the workforce is a daunting process when a person lacks the support of others.
Yet for many California parents and caregivers, securing stable, high - quality care to supplement their own is a daunting process.
Paying back student loans can be a daunting process without the right tools and knowledge, but SimpliFi makes it easy to find the best possible choice to help borrowers pay down their loans quicker with lower interest rates and flexible repayment options.
Assure him you know a first - time sale is a daunting process, but exude the confidence that you'll get him through it because of your knowledge.
It was a daunting process, and Martella wondered how quickly a 100 - year - old organization could embrace so much change.
Buying a home for the first time can be a daunting process but we're here to help you every step of the way.
It's a daunting process planning this next phase of my life, especially when the admission rates for clinical psychology are somewhere around 5 %.
It is a daunting process applying to Oxford and being able to provide some information with a little relevance to their sport was hopefully helpful.
Choosing the one that best suits your needs can be a daunting process, since each vendor touts assertion their product as the best.
Determining the right breastshield size can seem to be daunting process, however many first time mothers do not even realize that breastshields come in numerous sizes.
D. programs can be a daunting process; it will consume much of your time and energy during the year you do it.
However, amid all the myriad of options available in the market, choosing one that is perfect for your requirements can be a daunting process.
For most people, cleaning a house can be a daunting process.
I started with adding my pants first... I am slowly purging my closet while cataloging my wardrobe so it's a daunting process as you can imagine
Joining an exclusive dating site, and getting ready to meet your match, can be a daunting process.
Taking the first step, joining an exclusive dating site, and getting ready to meet your match, can be a daunting process.
Dating can be a daunting process, especially when it starts to feel more like a chore than a choice.
At eHarmony, we know that finding a Muslim marriage partner online can be a daunting process, which is why we take time to really get to know you and what you're looking for in a partner.
Dating in your senior years can be a daunting process and we aim to make things as simple as possible with our easy to use messaging and search features.
With so many options out there, finding the best dating apps for you can be a daunting process.
As a mature dater finding a partner online can be a daunting process and we aim to make things as simple as possible with our easy to use messaging and search features.
Terrifyingly mustering an equally frightening amount of emotional dread and sorrow with physical apprehension and fear on a continuous basis can be a daunting process for people whose lives are driven by alarming circumstances.
Preparing for a job interview can be a daunting process.
With the market rife with these tools, selection can be a daunting process.
Finding your next new or used car can be a daunting process.
On the Road: Buying a Home helps demystify what can be a daunting process.
Editing can be a daunting process — over 4,000 changes can look really frightening when you first see them — but David made Eleanor a stronger book, drawing out themes that I had written but not fully internalized, extracting meaning from moments that I had let pass by unacknowledged.
Loading apps in yourself can be a daunting process for new users, so we have made it easier then ever with our line of video tutorials and essential software.
Writing a novel about Hildegard von Bingen, the 12th century visionary abbess and polymath, was a daunting process.
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