Sentences with phrase «to be a dog owner»

On the other hand, there are dog owners who feel that their dogs must always boast a pristine coat and smell fresh as roses, so off to the groomer they go.
Unfortunately there are some dog owners who consider dogs to be a piece of merchandise or an item that has no feelings.
Are you a dog owner in need of some organization for your dog's feeding area?
There are also a significant number of financial and social responsibilities that come with being a dog owner.
Having been a dog owner for decades and loving to try new products, this one is a shining star.
The attentive anticipation that you see in your dog's face once they see a treat is coming is one of the best things about being a dog owner.
I used to be a dog owner so I know this.
The author of this article should not be a dog owner, because they obviously have no real knowledge of dog mentality.
Being a dog owner comes with a multitude of responsibilities related to the care and protection of one's animals.
What's a dog owner to do when no one seems to agree?
Before you hit the trail with your pooch, here are some dog owner essentials that you need to bring to make your dog as comfortable as possible.
He says most people that get bit by dogs are dog owners who are kissing their dogs good night.
You can even bring your pet along as the coffee house is dog friendly, so if you and your partner are dog owners, it could even be a double date!
Being a dog owner means sometimes taking on tasks that might not be that pleasant — for either you or your dog.
At the other end of the spectrum are dog owners who make a great deal upon returning home.
One of the most common scenarios in dog training are dog owners that claim «my dog is really not much food oriented».
Small dogs that don't shed are a dog owner's ideal pet for themselves and their families.
An important question to ask yourself is: are you a dog owner suffering from broken - record syndrome?
Ask your friends that are dog owners which veterinarians they recommend.
I have been a dog owner all my life and I have a lot of friends that own dogs and cats as well.
Those of you who have been dog owners probably have already learned just how insignificant the word «NO» is to a puppy.
The client was a dog owner, but she agreed to the deal.
Feeding your canine companion a nutritious and healthy meal is an important part of being a dog owner.
There are dog owners who prefer the real grass boxes as its feel and scent helps their dog's transition easier and more efficiently than those synthetic ones.
If you've been a dog owner for awhile, you know that getting a dog to take his medicine isn't always easy.
The name you choose also says a lot about the relationship you have with your pet and how you feel about being a dog owner.
However, there are some dog owners who take up the matter to their vet for advice and check up.
Walking your dog is part of the responsibility that comes with being a dog owner.
Not being a dog owner, I can only judge what I see from people I know who own dogs.
Piko was a wonderful, unexpected addition to our family and being dog owners before, we thought we could handle the adoption of an adult dog into our family very easily.
This is a particular worry for those would - be dog owners living in apartments or places without yards, Ingersoll continues, noting the demand for house - training products is on the rise, especially in urban areas.
«Since several colleagues within our agency are dog owners as well — and some of them affirmed the music effect — we thought it was a great idea to match dog and owner with the same music taste via Spotify,» Hans - Peter Sporer, the creative managing director of Serviceplan Campaign X, told This Dog's Life.
I can wholeheartedly recommend being a dog owner, if not for the reasons stated above but also for the fact that he gives the best hugs you could possibly imagine — and who doesn't love hugs?!
Some owners had to fork out more than # 500 after being DOG owners are being warned to be on their guard after a dog took ill after licking what was believed to be palm oil on Walney shore.
That's when I realized the bigger problem that needed solving was dog owners needed a better way to interact with their pets remotely.
That said, I also understand that there may be personal situations and reasons where being a dog owner (whether adopting or buying) may not be the right thing for you, for your family or even the pet.
While Martin was a dog owner in the past, he wanted to adopt a cat because they tend to be easier to care for and more independent.
Millions of Americans are dog owners and receive a vast number of benefits from their companionship.
New to the world of online blogging, Amanda hopes to continue reporting on all things pet related and her quest to someday soon be a dog owner.
Brushing is any dog owner's first line of defense in the battle to keep a dog clean.
He's never been a dog owner, but is keeping the dream alive - in fact he's recently moved in with Gussie - full name Augusta Hermione Jumble - and her mum & dad.
Although nearly 80 percent of the respondents were dog owners and 61 percent cat owners, 11 percent had birds, 6 percent own «pocket pets» such as a gerbil or hamster, and 5 percent own a reptile.
Although being a dog owner does not make you a dog trainer, there are steps you can take to housebreak your own dog.
Shop through our Soggy Doggy products to find the one that make being a dog owner easier!
So why are dog owners so unwilling to shout and scream that Breed Specific Legislation is wrong?
Living in Los Angeles comes with many people being dog owners.
According to numerous studies, including one at Michigan State University, not only are dog owners more likely to take regular walks, but dog owners are more active overall than people who don't have dogs.
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