Sentences with phrase «to be a good product»

Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on what is the best product for your pet.
I know there are better products out there, but being in the «best seat in the sky» while flying to another country isn't the reason I travel.
This may not be the best product if you want to use it for a year or longer, but at this price, the quality is difficult to beat.
It would be nice to recommend something that you think is a good product without getting anything in return.
We've designed these to be the best products on the market and I think that they are.
A happy child is the best product of any business / field.
If life insurance is your only way to provide financial protection for your family, a variable life policy may not be the best product for you because it involves high risk.
I have tried the Storm for a couple of weeks and it seems to be a good product overall.
And we spent a lot of time figuring out what was the best product for each one of those three constituencies.
I'm sure there are better products out there, but this was the first time I had done anything remotely close to this.
Life Is Good products cost about 20 percent more than middle - of - the - pack offerings.
In short, the supplement is not very intense, and there are some better products available in the market.
This used to be a good product with dark rich black sesame oil that was great for oil pulling and salad dressings.
Here are the best products we came across specifically dedicated to small puppies.
The V Face studio contour blush is the best product from the face studio range.
You can discuss with them which vaccines he needs and how often, and which is the best product to control heartworm, fleas and intestinal worms.
Might have been a good product when I was much younger.
There is no better product more readily available to the senior population in terms of supplementing retirement, balancing a portfolio and managing retirement risks.
I've always maintained that for 95 % of life insurance needs, term insurance is the best product.
I hope that more people look into this because it really is a good product.
For instance, a major increase in your income might mean an ARM is the best product for you, providing low payments for now and more rapid repayment after a promotion.
The best SEO is a good product, so don't think of marketing as separate from product.
This can often happen when there is a good product built but no real customer adoption yet.
Keeping this short, because this interview is jam packed with great information just about how to be a good product developer, communicator, and mother.
This specific breast pump is a good product to have around when the electric goes out or when you want to spend the day outside with the baby.
We're targeting it towards the regular person, although it would also be a good product for bodybuilders.
Many clinical studies showed that this protein is the best product to reduce the cholesterol percentage in the body.
This palette is the best product to use for a «glow from within» look.
Naturally curly hair products made of clean, organic extracts from the earth are the best products for curly hair.
The brow pencil is a good product but nothing I've never seen before.
First priority is better product and not premium cost.
Debt consultants know a consumer proposal is a better product for someone who is looking to make a debt settlement plan with their creditors.
Fixed Rate mortgages are the best product if you plan on living in the home for the next fifteen to thirty years and want the same principal and interest payment.
There are also two other topical flea kill products on the market that I have heard are good products.
The practical reality is that all 4 of these smartphone platforms are good products.
That said, the Sense Pro is a good product, even if it can't quite keep up with the best of the security bunch.
Conventional is a better product for the home owner hoping to turn a profit, the soft costs add up.
It might not be the best product if you do a lot of desert camping around the southwest, but it should be fine for everyone else.
If life insurance is your only way to provide financial protection for your family, a variable life policy may not be the best product for you because it involves high risk.
So, what are the best products to help you better protect your child in your home?
Although there are some good products out there — this one, for example — they can be pricey.
There is no better product more readily available to the senior population in terms of supplementing retirement, balancing a portfolio and managing retirement risks.
If you need the policy to last your whole life or want it to build cash, then it won't be the best product for you.
The Samsung Gear Live is a better product at a better price, but it only comes in black.
[Will update] I am very confident that if you are serious about dandelion root as a detox that this would be the best product because of its freshness and also high quality.
«From our perspective, in the international arena of increasing food safety demands, we have a system here that will provide us with those assurances that Australian product is the best product in the world.»
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