Sentences with phrase «to be a good strategy»

So what is the best strategy for winning in the patent game?
So, what is the best strategy for finding this «perfect» lure?
This might not be the best strategy if the policy does not cover the most important scenarios for which insurance is needed.
What do you think is the best strategy for exiting with minimum taxes?
There are some good strategies in this book, and I appreciate the concept, but the layout isn't user friendly and many strategies were not new.
Staying the course and not changing is the best strategy as long as your stock / bond mix is in a zone where you can sleep well at night.
My personal point of view is that there are some better strategies for dealing with problematic student loans other than what people assume.
Some players might find the gameplay a little too slow and tiring, but if you can get past the game speed then there's a good strategy game waiting for you.
So here's a better strategy for the real estate investor who is just getting started with very limited capital resources.
Investing in a wide range of stocks, preferred or common, is a good strategy because this keeps your exposure to wild market swings at a minimum.
What's the best strategy when a job posting asks that you include your salary requirements?
But remember too that keeping things real is the best strategy of all.
Having a clear view of your financial status will help you spend within your means which is the best strategy by far.
Having both cards in your wallet is a good strategy too.
Multiple offers are common in a seller's market, so submitting your highest and best is a good strategy for winning a house.
Choosing stocks that can be held over a longer period of time is a better strategy.
· Using corporate class mutual funds may also be a good strategy given they can defer most sources of income.
Today, I've presented what I believe is the best strategy for healthy weight loss.
But that doesn't mean that buying and holding an index fund is the best strategy at all times.
For better protection for your heart, brain and bones, an early start is the best strategy.
For many folks investing a portion of your wealth in an annuity is a good strategy on retirement so you can ensure basic living expenses are covered regardless of how long you live.
And based on years of research and experimentation, we believe a plant - based diet is the best strategy for optimal wellness.
Talk out what each of you feel is the best strategy for different scenarios, schedules, sleeping, feeding, play areas, electronics, etc..
Paying off pending debts is a good strategy for improving your credit score.
I have always agreed with you that price action method of trading is the best strategy in the forex market because I have always spent time to examine that.
Investing in a globally diversified portfolio with a dollar cost averaging strategy is the best strategy for most investors.
Having both cards in your wallet is a good strategy too.
Why curating existing content is the best strategy for creating courses?
We've already seen that buying pieces of properties across the country is the best strategy for diversification.
Make extra income - earning extra income and using that income to pay off debt faster could quite possibly be the best strategy mentioned here.
Because there is not a safe or effective treatment, prevention is the best strategy.
Whether that proves to be a good strategy remains to be seen.
The main premise behind this article was to illustrate how the general arguments regarding whether buy - and - hold is a good strategy or not are frankly ridiculous.
Improving the worst rating first is the best strategy to increase approvals and improve interest rates.
For launching a book, though, I don't think free is a good strategy anymore.
If you need tens of thousands of miles right away for an upcoming award, the current sale is a better strategy — even though you're paying a higher price.
She says «constructive approaches are a better strategy than rushing for the exit».
Losing weight is always difficult to do, which is why preventing, or controlling, weight gain is the best strategy.
Of course, keeping ticks off your dog in the first place is the best strategy, but it's worthwhile taking the time to check him regularly for ticks.
Choosing the investment option with the highest returns won't necessarily be the best strategy for someone picking investments to get them in a position of financial stability 30 years down the road.
Volume is the best strategy for people with marginal qualifications — with and without a cosigner.
His stock broker father taught him as a teenager that selling options was a better strategy than buying them.
You might find that weighing - in once a week is a better strategy if you find yourself dealing with this problem more than you like.
I thought that focusing on sound quality was a good strategy as I haven't been convinced about smart speakers.
While this isn't a bad idea, paying off your credit card balances in full prior to the statement closing date is the best strategy.
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