Sentences with phrase «to be a nightmare for someone»

About 17 % of drivers are uninsured which is a nightmare for insurance companies.
But at fault accidents can be a nightmare for anyone trying to keep their rates low.
Having bad credit can be a nightmare for someone who needs to obtain a business loan.
Credit card debt is a nightmare for many people across the country.
Employees tend to prefer to bring their own devices to work, and switching between operating systems can be a nightmare for business administrators.
If level biology coursework writing is a nightmare for you, if you want to get a good grade for your coursework, do not rely on luck or teacher's kindness!
This will be a nightmare for opposing defenders and should hopefully help us unlock teams when they are sitting 10 men behind the ball.
He'll be a nightmare for defenses to handle when he gets the ball in space.
Taxes can be a nightmare for even the most organized attorney.
But what's happening at the state level is a nightmare for teachers, and for the teaching profession.
But I soon realised this current economic situation is a nightmare for everyone and that companies I created have their own unique problems so I need to be part of their unique solution.
This is a highly useful growth hormone in humans; it's found in milk and is part of the reason why dairy is a nightmare for some.
I never really suffered from acne to bad during my life but I know it could be a nightmare for others.
It would also be a nightmare for any lawyers trying to get the rights for all these different manga in order to get the title released here.
The flight was a nightmare for the terrible service of the crew but also because of the dimensions and the position of the seat.
These wicked marketing tactics are nightmares for your business.
It's definitely a walking city as the narrow streets are a nightmare for cars and one of the city's unique features is a network of underground tunnels that are used as roads.
Sorry to hear about your squash patch, from what I've heard this year's weather has been a nightmare for pretty much every type of home grown fruit and veg.
And let's face it, chewy beef would be a nightmare for tacos.
... combined with an aggressive, loaded defense would have been a nightmare for plenty of teams back in 2004.
To have to deal with kids eating breakfast which is quite likely to contain milk, margarine, cheese — that would be a nightmare for kids with allergies.
It can sometimes be a nightmare for some individuals due to various perfume - related allergies.
Do not let your search for your life partner be a nightmare for you, using other black dating sites.
That's the fastest restart of any automatic engine shutdown system today, but still, once that technology starts breaking down, it will be a nightmare for owners.
Actually, writing term papers is a nightmare for those students who do not have enough analytical and writing skills.
The past year has been a nightmare for value investors, and 2016 isn't getting off to a good start either.
This can be a nightmare for various reasons — your credit score impacts your ability to get leases, loans, phone plans, credit cards, and plenty of other much needed items.
Getting rid of negative reviews is a nightmare for any business (there is a whole industry around it, charging upwards of $ 10,000 to remove a negative review).
As we've mentioned before, buying life insurance is a very unique process because the dream policy for one person could be a nightmare for somebody else and people often forget this.
Such a situation would be a nightmare for consumers to navigate.
Chronic back pain can be a nightmare for anyone experiencing it.
The best dog in the world for one person could be a nightmare for someone else.
The market downturn of 2008 was a nightmare for many investors.
It has, however, been a nightmare for others, who have been struggling with connections.
The short period of Dem control the last time around was a nightmare for most of the state, especially Long Island.
PS: dairy is a nightmare for acne for some, but actually beneficial for many people.
Also having him and Sanchez both on the field is a nightmare for defences and may bring Özil game to another level.
Welbeck is not the scorer type, but his presence is a nightmare for defenders.
Syria has been a nightmare for U.S. policymakers partly because the order of battle there is so tangled.
He'll be back, he'll be awesome, if we fans think this year was a nightmare for us... imagine how it's been for a competitor like Kawhi Leonard.
Team selection in the past has been a nightmare for Wenger with a shortage of quality players and injuries.
St. Patrick's Day is a nightmare for non-beer drinkers.
The deciding moment was a nightmare for the 18 - year - old on the night he replaced Real Madrid great Iker Casillas as the youngest goalkeeper to start a Champions League match.
«It's going to really be a nightmare for states,» predicted Cecil J. Picard, the state superintendent of education in Louisiana.
Unregulated school choice is a nightmare for parents and very difficult to fix.
and the last thing is a nightmare for everyone who just wants to ignore those achievements... you said that people who don't like them should just ignore them... well play e.g Gears of War 3 or Halo Reach..
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