Sentences with phrase «to be a sacrament»

Not the least of which is the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), the origins of the «biblical truth» of which is found in John 20:19 - 23 wherein Christ gives his disciples the power to forgive and retain sin.
There are no sacraments in Berlevaag, no Eucharist; perhaps a more robust conception of Christ's flesh and blood made manifest in bread and wine would lead them to take more delight in the act of eating and all the world's physical pleasures.
So it is that by Baptism, which is the sacrament of regeneration, those who, by nature, are members of the human race become members of Christ's people, His flock, and are incorporated into His Body, made living members of the same, and through that membership receive spiritual regeneration and Grace.
There was no sacrament of marriage until the 16th century (3).
«The Church is the sacrament of dialogue, of communication between men.
Baptism is the Sacrament which brings us into the Church.
The crucified Christ is the sacrament of a God who renounces omnipotence in order to «let us be.»
and there is a sacrament for each stage of life, linking its great moments to God through holy rites that communicate wholeness.
It is the union of a man and a woman, open to new life, and for the baptised is a sacrament.
Life is a sacrament when truly and fully lived for the Lord.
Sacraments are sacraments because God designates them to be such, but he doesn't override the features of things when he designates them to be used as rites in the church.
Confession is the sacrament in which Christ forgives us our daily sins and that is why Catholics go to confession regularly.
The Eucharist is the sacrament of unity, the sacrament in which the Body of Christ, the Church, partakes as an expression of our unity in faith.
If marriage truly is a sacrament, as many Christians (including myself) believe, then we need to be much more concerned with developing a robust theology of marriage and making that understood among our congregations than with mobilizing them to deny the right of a civil marriage to same - sexed partners.
Baptism and the taking of Communion are sacraments - marriage is not.
Baptism has always been the sacrament that I hold most gingerly, the one I understand too little and yet love most ferociously.
As Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York told the 2012 Synod of Bishops on New Evangelisation: «The primary sacrament of the New Evangelisation is the sacrament of penance.»
Marriage between two baptised people is a sacrament — and a sacrament is an outpouring of God's grace.
Marriage is a sacrament conferred by the spouses of one another and bins for life — an awesome reality given into human hands for God's work of establishing a family.
Outstanding exceptions among theologians have been Ulrich Zwingli and Karl Barth, both of whom rejected the notion that the Lord's Supper is a sacrament and a means of grace.
How often is the sacrament of baptism celebrated in a spirit of genuine hope for the whole world's future liberation?
The poor are a sacrament of salvation for the rich: «I was hungry», Mt. 25.
Luther's denial that Holy Orders is a sacrament changed the nature of the priesthood.
We would honor the maleness and the femaleness of creation, aware that in this union is a sacrament of life itself and that in this vision is life - giving wholeness.
Marriage between baptised Christians is a sacrament.
I believe writing is my sacrament, and I have a pathological need to write and write and write about the things that interest me, and catch my eye.
the answer that comes to mind is the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper!
I like to think that everything from the gathering of the berries to the raising of my tinies to the feeding of the hungry to the advocating for my local community's needs is a sacrament, and a foretaste, that we embody the Gospel by our roots, too, by our transforming love, by our unhurried community development, by our friendships, by our casseroles, and our wanderings.
But if Jesus is the sacrament of God's own reality, as Christian faith teaches, we must conclude once again that the essential content of revelation is nothing other than the kenosis of God that opens up the future to an all - inclusive vision promised in the resurrection.
But surely the riches of our faith are the sacraments.
Though still the stock - in - trade of professional priests, the rites were less distant, people went to communion more often, receiving the consecrated wine as well as the consecrated bread both together being the sacrament of the Saviour, bringing his real presence.
St. Paul's answer is the sacrament of baptism: «For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body»; «For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ».
Not all of nature is a sacrament, only the creaturely elements which «God addresses, names and hallows with his special Word,» that is, with Jesus Christ.
(q. 75, a. 1) The subject matter is the sacrament's status as Real Presence and not its status as sacrifice.
For the Church of Kopimism, information is holy and copying is a sacrament.
The Church is the sacrament of this revelation and its communication.
The kind of marriage desired by Christ is a sacrament; it is a visible representation of the transforming grace that has created a new reality that did not exist before.
The Eucharist, I was told, is a sacrament because as Catholics we believe it to be the actual flesh and blood of Christ.
The Eucharist is a sacrament which expresses our solidarity in the Body of Christ.
Since God's reign was immediately at hand, Jesus could not have established a church or appointed ministers for a long period of time; there were no sacraments in Judaism, therefore references to the Church or its life are not part of the original teaching of Jesus.
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