Sentences with phrase «to be a sinner»

When people inevitably don't conform, they're often unfairly accused of being sinners — condemned to hell.
As were the sinners, except he carries his to the final judgement hoping his «works» save him - which is a way of saying «I'm my own savior».
It is naive and stupid to think that there are no sinners in the church.
The position of some christians that gays are sinners and wrong for being what they are is fine for those christians to hold.
Because humans are sinners, we deserve eternal punishment for our eternal offense.
Parents who do not themselves take this responsibility with their own children are sinners against society.
If there were no sinners then the church would have completed its mission.
This would insure that «sinners» really are sinners, and not just mistaken, victims of a charismatic preacher, or born into the wrong church.
Most of the time I go around thinking others are the sinners.
Both groups are sinners but the one tries to do good instead of evil, even as they fail.
I am seeing chatter about all of mankind being sinners because of «the fall».
This means, to put it briefly, that all men are sinners.
Also please explain the relevance to black people being sinners?
Rather, for the most part, there are no saints, there are no sinners, there are no victims, and there are no villains.
Even good people, after all, were sinners then and sinners now.
I get the feeling that some of our more vocal Christians here wouldn't be very happy with God if they ended up in a heaven that they had to share with people they just KNEW were sinners in life.
And now we meet Paul's question: If we are all involved in the sin of humankind and even saints are sinners too, if godly perfection does indeed totally escape us, and if our only hope lies in the sheer unmerited grace of God, then isn't the whole Christian view of human existence reducible to some pathetic farce?
Thus, even though all men are sinners before God, sin is not a universal characteristic of the existence of man or of human nature such as corporeality, nor is it some magical or mysterious quality of the sinner.
Now everyone is a sinner like him, makes Topher feel normal.
Observer — We are all hypocrites including Christians who as the bible says are sinners and God could have perfectly not given Jesus to save anyone of us.
From the Christian perspective, believing that someone is a sinner does not entail viewing him or her as inferior, and therefore Cochran's statements are not an indication that he has or will discriminate.
The number one dangerous prayer is the sinners prayer or when a sinner repents because the moment he / she does the real battles begin!
Any man who claims to speak for Jesus and then makes a profit off of Jesus is a sinner of the most foul proportions; he is destined to spend eternity in the firey pits he has assigned others to via his faux - christian propaganda.
We can not escape being a sinner on our own, any more than we can become Superman by wearing tights and a cape.
God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.
Austin: «but equally ignorant is rejecting God and his word because someone is a sinner.
Yes, Christians are sinner too, but the idea that we should accept any sin as long as it's not illegal or harming someone is 100 % unbiblical.
(Yet we'll talk a lot about being Sinners and needing Justification, like a debt - forgiveness transaction).
So if you tell a group of people you think are sinners to go burn in hell, you are saying the same thing to Jesus, because he hangs out with sinners.
There is no sinner without a future, just as there is no saint without a past.
But since God does not show mercy to himself, it would not be possible for him to exist without there also being sinners in need of his mercy — and that notion is absurd.
Are we then necessarily to conclude that since homosexuals are sinners — and healthy heterosexuals are less so — that Christ died for homosexuals but not for us?
Your saint is a sinner, get over your fine idea that Rush is any kind of a saint, after all how many women has he divorced to date.
God loved human beings; God hated sin; everybody is a sinner; God would send all sinners to hell if Jesus hadn't died in our place; believe it or you'll be sorry.
Why is a sinner like Lance Armstrong so successful?»
I think Paul's point is to make it clear that all from Adam to pre law are sinners.
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