Sentences with phrase «to be an author»

She producer of several birth related films and is the author of many books and articles on birth for both parents and professionals.
So, here is an author who begins his post by telling us there is no one correct way to right who is now telling us there is?
And the more you have going for you, the better your chances are of being the author who breaks out from the pack.
So coming back to the question, how do you tell who is an author by their handwriting?
They also save up money for a rainy day, month, or year, because if being an author is your profession, rain will be in the forecast.
I don't think there was an author there who didn't, in some way, credit his or her success to a librarian.
I love being able to relieve some of the pressure of the job of being an author for each person I work with.
I would not be an author if I only had the «traditional» option when I did my first book.
That being said, I know there are authors with traditional houses who have profit - sharing instead of advances.
The blog is authored by students at different points in their veterinary school career from various universities.
We also found that the beneficial effect of meditation on compassion disappeared if the meditation teacher was an author in the studies.
As well as being my author website to showcase the books I've written and self - published, it's also my content marketing and social media strategy freelance business website.
So, we have some very compelling data from the big companies that are involved in self - publishing, in one way or another, but what are authors saying about e-book pricing?
A monthly hop for authors who want to learn more about being authors.
One of the most important self - promotion tools available for writers is an author website — and, more specifically, the writer's blog featured on that website.
Author Marketing Club The best place we have found for authors is the Author Marketing Club.
Planning Matters articles are authored by external subject matter experts on a range of personal financial planning topics.
Keep in mind that the report was authored with the world's largest employers in mind, so it did not take solo - small firms into account.
The book has many strengths, the first and foremost of which is the author's characterization.
If you want to really be an author, you must try several publishing options.
And that is exactly how I feel about the Christian god being the author and source of morality.
Since some still have a negative view of self - publishing, to - be authors seek out indie or hybrid publishers to make their dreams a reality.
Not only is an author supposed to be an expert on writing, but also on marketing... and also on the publishing industry at large.
There are author services companies available that can do the formatting, cover design and upload your book for you.
Congrats on being an author at this exciting time!
You're most likely adding this to your income from your day job, so being an author is still a side gig at this stage.
One of my favorite stories is an author who I worked with who actually wanted to give everyone who attended his 50th birthday party a copy of his book... and he did.
I know there are authors out there who will never feel they've made it as an author until they have been published by a «real» publisher.
The parent company is Author Solutions, another company you can contact.
We really need more role models like this to show us the way forward in being an author first but also a marketer and a CEO of our book «business».
The hardest part about being an author used to be getting published.
Posts are authored by guest contributors made up of law firm partners and associates; law professors; finance professors; and PhD students.
Many of these resources are authored by mental health professionals, though they are not intended to replace professional counseling.
Writing your book query and book proposal is an author - to - literary agent situation.
The most appropriate expert to rate the level of endorsement of a published paper is the author of the paper, after all.
But what I really hear in the article is the authors giving people an easy way out of marriage, and using biology as the excuse.
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