Sentences with phrase «to be around other people»

People are going to naturally prefer to be around other people who look, think, and act like they do.
This is an important thing to consider, as many realize just how much they enjoy being around other people only after it's too late to turn back.
«We all know it's difficult and just being around other people helps,» he said.
Then the community aspect of it, where you can alleviate startup loneliness by being around other people and other startup energy, to build this community of people.
These friendly dogs are great with children, and they even love being around other people than their owners, which is uncommon for many other breeds.
After participating in diversity workshops, I notice my tendency to want to be alone, to avoid being around other people.
The idea of going to a workshop and being around other people scares me, but it sounds like it could really help people.
Be around other people in the same struggle might be helpful.
You want to be around other people for your entire date in case things don't work out the way you are expecting them to.
Your dog needs to be okay with being around other people and dogs.
You can take them around the block or to a local dog park, where you'll likely be around other people.
The more often your pet is around other people and different environments, the easier trips to places like the veterinary hospital may become.
Being around other people makes us happy, improves our physical well - being, and boosts our mental performance.
For example, you may discover that you will enjoy your work more if it involves being around other people or you will be dissatisfied if your work lacks variety.
For me, I've found the easiest way to cultivate the abundance mentality is to be around other people who practice the abundance mentality.
I enjoy being around other people and am not afraid to gain a few pounds if it means I get to eat good burgers.
Just being around other people, speaking to them and having a bit of banter with them helps as well.
The ultimate goal for all NON-K9 training is to raise an obedient dog that will feel comfortable when being around other people and pets indoors and outdoors.
«We're looking for people who like being around other people and are excited about delivering a «magical» experience to our guest.»
«If you have a preference for extroversion — where you get your energy from being around other people — participating in team sports is fantastic,» Brecht says.
«We all know it's difficult and just being around other people helps.
Women who experience clumsiness along with blurred vision should limit their time driving, being around heavy equipment, and try to be around other people as much as possible.
You might find yourself withdrawing from friends and family, doing work at home rather than at your local coffee shop, quitting the gym, or doing just about anything else you used to enjoy that requires being around other people.
Shyness (also called diffidence) is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness especially when a person is around other people.
Tracks is based on the true story of «camel lady» Robyn Davidson, who, in 1977, walked across a huge stretch of Australia because she really hated being around other people.
An obvious example would be that an introvert would not do well in a career that requires him or her to be around other people all the time.
Being around other people who treat me like the professional that I am reminds me to focus on my accomplishments, not my inner critic.
It's not exactly that I don't like being around other people (I do, kind of).
When we first learn how to speak, we learn from being around other people and simply picking it up by repetition — by osmosis — from people who already know how to speak.
People don't like to be around other people who are that controlling or tightly wound.
«It's hard for me to be around other people and I am so angry and irritable.»
I love community, I love to be around other people.
I love to be around other people when everyone's feeling good and doing their best.
«But being around other people that understand what I've gone through just recharges me.»
We laugh 30 times more often when we're around other people than when we're alone.
Exercising is effective for increasing energy and positively impacting mood, but I've found that taking exercise classes work best for me because I get to be around other people.
They wanted him to be around other people who were just like him so he could feel like he was part of a community of others like him.
It's kinda tough to watch porn or get frisky with your girlfriend or boyfriend when you're around other people.
He loves to be around other people, especially girls (ladies man) and I know in my heart he is going to have a blast this fall.
(not sure how long yet) Im not concerned about her naps, as no one else is sleeping during the day, just her night sleep and being around other people.
Therapists» tips for couples having fertility problems, how to support your partner, how to be around other people's babies, an...
«But it's better for you to get out and be around other people than to stay isolated at home.»
It makes us want to be around other people and do things for them.
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