Sentences with phrase «to be beneficial for»

This type of diet will also be beneficial for many other health conditions.
In addition, tomatoes are loaded with nutrients like potassium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A, all of which are beneficial for dogs.
This may also be beneficial for women who have not been exercising prior to pregnancy, but want to stay active.
Even then, it may not be beneficial for everyone.
It's still not clear whether a very low - carb diet is beneficial for everyone, especially those with pre-existing thyroid issues like me.
The food also relies on whole grains for long - term energy which is beneficial for dogs with diabetes or that suffer from obesity.
Talk therapy is beneficial for children who have experienced trauma, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse or the death of a loved one.
So, I'm a very firm believer that getting a second opinion, in a neutral and safe environment, with a trained professional is beneficial for anyone.
Not only is this beneficial for mother but directly beneficial for baby as well.
New research is showing that stepping on the scale daily can actually be beneficial for weight loss.
Our limited ingredient diets are beneficial for pets with sensitive digestive systems.
He also believes it is possible that the treatment might be beneficial for patients with dramatically increased heart rates.
We know that aerobic exercise is beneficial for many of the systems involved in walking at a brisk pace, including the cardiovascular system and brain.
This type of policy is beneficial for parents of young children, people with debt obligations and also home buyers.
Either way, these things are beneficial for other reasons too so they are worth a try!
This training is beneficial for professionals in the medical field, service agencies, education and justice studies.
Still, plenty of moms look to studies and research that shows breastfeeding is beneficial for babies and even for mom.
Such strategies are beneficial for reducing your overall risk, regardless of the recent market turmoil.
Additionally, they contain iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc all of which are beneficial for individuals, but especially those following a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.
The anti bark collars are beneficial for pet owners who can not get their dogs to stop barking excessively when there is no cause for the behavior.
These antioxidants are beneficial for skin health and wound healing too.
And although a brain «slowing down» sounds undesirable generally speaking, it may actually be beneficial for brain health.
Some studies have looked at whether calcium from dairy foods is beneficial for weight loss.
«Traditional diet» followers feel that whole grains — when properly prepared — are beneficial for most people when used within the context of a whole foods diet.
It's also true that a high protein diet is beneficial for fat - loss compared to a high - fat diet.
Not only breast milk and breastfeeding is beneficial for baby and mom, it is absolutely free.
By now it's common knowledge that diets rich in vegetables are beneficial for heart health, digestive health and are protective against many cancers.
What is beneficial for someone, or what makes for a good life, can be controversial.
While deferred payment plans are beneficial for students who have little to no income during their college career, they come with a caveat.
This program is beneficial for numerous reasons, including the fact that you can work towards getting your citation dismissed.
, which is beneficial for helping food pass through your stomach and intestines more quickly and helps in preventing constipation.
Setting up your expectations before you start work is beneficial for several reasons.
This research suggests that eating buckwheat is beneficial for treating hypertension.
Because laser therapy is beneficial for most patients, you will have plenty of opportunities to demonstrate that you are on the forefront of veterinary technology.
This plan is beneficial for investors who are looking for medium risk investments or steady income flow.
However they might in fact be beneficial for diabetic dogs.
Like many dried fruits, raisins are very high in fiber, minerals, and plant antioxidants that are beneficial for humans (16, 17).
Omega fatty acids are beneficial for many bodily functions.
Coconut oil is beneficial for so many reasons but can be hard to eat if you don't like the taste.
It is a good source of easily digestible proteins and is beneficial for maintaining cholesterol levels in the body and preventing ailments like hypertension.
This training is beneficial for users who don't want to explore their IT environment to the SaaS product initially.
This system might be beneficial for schools as they can deliver multiple copies of the same book, without having to buy 30 individual copies.
If cinnamon is beneficial for blood sugar control at least in some individuals, it would be reasonable to wonder if it might help with weight loss efforts as well.
I kept hearing that IF was beneficial for weight loss, so I looked some things up.
This product proves useful for improving nitrogen retention in the muscles, which is beneficial for building muscles and gaining mass.
This can be beneficial for consumers who are currently paying a lot of money towards credit card interest, and want to get some breathing room to pay off their debts.
Based on the findings, the author claims that tracking is beneficial for high - achieving students.
The fiber found in quinoa is beneficial for digestive health.

Phrases with «to be beneficial for»

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