Sentences with phrase «to be catchy»

There are a good number of tracks that are enjoyable to listen to and the theme song is catchy.
And it shouldn't come as a shock that the music is catchy as hell.
The Single Traveler might be a catchy name, but what happens if you meet someone on the road?
I just can't help it, this tune is catchy and stays with you and I actually woke up with it in my head yesterday.
Unless the headline is catchy enough, no one will be interested in the profile.
My enthusiasm is catchy as my coworkers often state and I have this inherent knack of converting challenges into viable solutions.
Fighting fire with fire is a catchy phrase, but not smart in practice.
The title may not be catchy, but it is about our democracy and identity as a nation.
Thankfully there is the catchy J - pop tunes to provide something worthwhile in this game.
Here is a catchy and impressive resume sample that can convince your employer to make an interview call for the job.
Even the soundtrack is catchy and cute, sounding like something ripped from a 50s sci - fi film.
Make sure the email subject line is catchy and the email content is interesting and valuable to the recipient.
You've got unique songs in every stage (all of which are catchy and fit the setting perfectly).
While his writing style is catchy, his stats are stupid.
The speed - dating component is the catchy part... can use.
All you need is a catchy and an impressive resume to get a call for the right job.
As such, the soundtrack can be catchy at times.
Remember that we are aiming to grab the reader's attention so a summary that is a catchy opening paragraph will increase the chances of your article being read.
For this, you need to make sure that your profile advertisement is catchy enough to draw the attention of the opposite sex.
Although the premise is catchy, the predictable execution leave much to be desired.
«Have it your way» may be a catchy slogan, but how does it work in education?
The front is catchy and features LED projector headlamps integrated into the chrome finished sleek front grille.
Demand driven, I believe is the catchy phrase they use.
I guess $ 499 is the catchy price for tablets nowadays.
The themes in most levels are catchy as well, with a few memorable tunes.
The opening cinematic is catchy and awesome, getting you set at the beginning for a game full of solid music throughout.
Created across a range of media, these works are catchy and infectious like a summer pop song, while drawing viewers into underlying ideas about modern life.
You want your firm's marketing efforts to be catchy but professional.
Are you willing to accept your current insurer's auto insurance quotes as the best available because their company motto is catchy and their commercial is on TV all the time?
With headlines like this, the right balance is needed between being catchy and confusing.
These infographic resume templates are catchy and someone eager to be in the focus of recruiters will love these resumes templates.
Unfortunately, just like rising tides raising all boats, the mentality of a «B» player is catchy.
However, the cast is great, the songs are catchy.
The dungeon music is catchy and the boss theme is cool.
The tune is catchy, the illustrations are great, and the words used in the trailer give you a glimpse into the important message that is shared in the book.
A dating profile has to be catchy enough to make an impact on its reader.
The cover may not be appealing, for example, or the title may not be catchy.
If the first line is catchy, the reader will continue reading.
Another trio of posts, this time at community site Bitmob: Jon Porter looks at «Heavy Rain and the destruction of traditional game design» which is a catchy title if ever I saw one; Richard Moss writes about «The Sound of Falling Tetronimoes»; and Rob Savillo brings us «Two Stories of Conquest and Catastrophe in Civilization 5».
The real selling point for the Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2 is its catchy design.
It's a rock record, but also a pop one since there are catchy melodies that are hard to forget.
Design Thinking is a catchy name, but a little misleading, given our understanding of the term «design.»
That makes sense because as you know, women are catchy email subject lines for online dating bombarded with 50 to 100 emails daily from linfs all desperately vying for her time.
In short, your profile will be wooed over only when your dating headline is catchy and intriguing.
Mandelson could better understand that the New Labour project, like sweeties at the check - out counter, was a catchy little number for a while but insufficiently nourishing or robust in ideas to feed the political appetite for very long.
While thumbs - up - and - down was catchy television, it implied a good - bad, either - or, yes - no mentality.
It can be hard to launch a fledgling musical, and I've seen a number of promising ideas fall at the first hurdle, however as something of a veteran of blind dates, the show hit all the key topics, and the numbers were catchy and wittily delivered.
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