Sentences with phrase «to be clones»

We have 4 horse riders, 2 of which are clones of each other.
And if she wants stuff you really don't want her to have, talk to her about the difference between style and trend, and the value of NOT being a clone.
If it's not, here's a clone recipe to satisfy your craving.
Almost all of the best apps out there are clones!
You do realize his game is a clone of another game that came out a while before it?
The similarity could mean only one thing: These cells were clones of one another.
There should be only one game of every genre, others are clones.
But because all bananas are clones, and a new fungal disease is threatening to wipe out the fruit, that might soon change.
I'm just saying that not everyone is a clone and different players will pick different cities irrespective of $ $.
Most Ride share applications are clones that follow the market leaders.
No, not scientifically designed sheep or characters out of B - movies, the kind of clone you have to worry about as a small business owner is a clone of yourself.
The new cryptocurrency is a clone of the original bitcoin blockchain, but it will play by different rules than the original digital currency.
Here's a clone recipe that gets one very important ingredient from another packaged product.
The adult cow was itself a clone, but was made using an embryonic cell.
Again, two of the warriors are clones, but they're also beloved characters by many.
Some of the good ones are clones of old games, which isn't bad since they are done well.
Many of the Term plans are a clone of some of the others but there are some exceptions.
Many of the Term policies are clones of one another.
But I do understand that asking for that sort of gameplay would result in the game being a clone.
For every two mobile apps released, one is a clone of an existing app.
Many of the new products we've seen in the last year or so have been clones of existing ETFs or exotic specialty funds.
There are about 50 recognized species of bananas, and nearly all bananas that are sold in stores are cloned from one variety (the Cavendish banana plant).
When Dolly was cloned in 1996 from a cell taken from a six - year - old ewe, she became the center of much controversy that still exists today.
The PCR products were cloned into the T - easy vector (Promega) and individual clones were sequenced.
Dolly was cloned from an adult sheep's cell, and so her cells could have hallmarks of age that would be characteristic of an animal as old as the combined life - spans of Dolly plus her cell donor.
Overlapping «cassettes» of 5 to 7 kilobases (kb), assembled from chemically synthesized oligonucleotides, were joined by in vitro recombination to produce intermediate assemblies of approximately 24 kb, 72 kb («1/8 genome»), and 144 kb («1/4 genome»), which were all cloned as bacterial artificial chromosomes in Escherichia coli.
IT DID N'T take long after Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1996 for maverick scientists to start talking about cloning humans.
Dolly was cloned using the technique of «somatic cell nuclear transfer,» when a nucleus from an adult cell is transferred into unfertilized egg that has had its nucleus removed, and is then shocked with electricity to start cell growth.
Her two new pups were cloned at Sooam Biotech, using cells extracted from Samantha's mouth and stomach.
Interracial Dating is a clone site of dating service InterracialDatingCentral.
These station replica handbags in many cases are the clone with the authentic beautiful channel totes.
A lot of the credit goes to the writers, but North's delivery of light - hearted banther and serious consideration of the trouble he was in really helped the character stand out and not just be another clone.
Briefly, the genes were cloned into a pET24 vector with kanamycin resistance and transformed into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) cells.
In this excerpt, he relates a story about whether or not dinosaurs could really be cloned:
And I quote» I told u we are short therefore we will be busy» goodness me who is this clone lol Surely not impossible 20 years on has Arsene finally changed??? Watch this space......
«The new intake of Tory MPs is conspicuous not for being a clone army of Cameroons, but for a flotilla of mavericks (Rory Stewart, Zac Goldsmith) in a sea of traditional Tories.
During a press event for the Honor V10 phablet in China, company executives provided the attendants with a glimpse into the feature lineup of a future Android phone model, revealing that it plans to roll out not only a facial recognition system similar to Face ID, but also animated emoji based on this tech that would essentially be a clone of Apple's Animoji.
With Vectored Virus vaccines, the viral DNA responsible for stimulating the patient's immune system is cloned into a live harmless virus.
Unlike most digital currencies (which are clones of bitcoin or assets on the ethereum protocol) Zcash uses a wholly new protocol called Zerocash, which offers both anonymous digital coins called zerocoins and non-anonymous coins referred to as basecoins.
Also, the iPad has already been cloned extensively so that there perhaps is no other fresh way to present an iPad clone tablet PC any more.
Since Dolly the sheep was cloned back in July of 1996, the world of manipulating animal DNA has come a long way.
When you hear the word «cloning» you probably think of Hollywood movies where entire human beings are cloned.
What somatic - cell nuclear transfer technology produces are cloned human embryos.
Snuppy is the latest mammal to be cloned after sheep, mice, cats, rats, cows, goats, pigs, horses, rabbits and a mule.
In Ground Zeroes players once more take on the role of the legendary solider known as Big Boss, the man whom Solid Snake was cloned from, as he infiltrates a gigantic prison complex known as «Camp Omega» in 1975.
And nothing has changed since: Facebook Places is a replica of Foursquare; Facebook Messenger video duplicates Skype; Facebook Stories is a clone of Snapchat; and Facebook Live combines the best features of Meerkat and Periscope.
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