Sentences with phrase «to be constant»

With a golden sand beachfront, there is a constant reminder of some of the precious qualities that one is often to busy to appreciate.
There are constant reminders that the number - one killer worldwide remains a pressing problem despite advances in medical technology.
Thank you for being a constant source of inspiration and encouragement!
There was a constant struggle in meal planning with people having limited options.
Fear of failure has been a constant companion for most of my life.
Keeping up with change Change is a constant in all school districts — perhaps more than in the private sector.
To make the silence more ominous there was the constant threat of death.
Understanding consumer demands and their evolving needs is a constant challenge for the food and drink industry.
The comparative award prices are simply the old award prices which were constant throughout the year.
One thing is a constant with stocks and dividends — it is better to focus on stocks with low dividends that are growing rapidly, than on stocks with high dividends that grow slowly.
Political and social commentary is a constant theme in the artist's work.
From stories and pictures of his big brother to a needy, crying, newborn little sister who is a constant presence in his life.
Life is a constant work in progress so I hope these speak to you in some way.
Advice: Having friends who are mums means there is a constant stream of tips and advice.
There is no end to the practice of the person because driving is a constant process of learning the basic and the advanced.
But heating is a constant problem on both units as I've already pointed out.
Congrats on this one, I already have your first book which is a constant source of inspiration!
As was the constant noise, which I was not used to.
Rates were constant at 60,000 per night in the old system and will be 60,000 per night under the new system.
As for other parents, as I said above, I think the most important thing is constant pressure.
But what has been constant over time has been the strong relationship between the socio - economic status of a school population and its educational results.
Your family lawyer should not be a constant source of additional stress to you.
They may be unable to focus on one topic or task because there's a constant flow of data.
Working on this lifestyle change is a constant concern, but I know I can do it.
Life is a constant battle between damage and repair.
This occurs if there is constant pressure in one area of the head.
Your blog is a constant inspiration for me - I love the idea of matching hat and scarf in that photo where the poor hubby is doing his taxes!
Over time you definitely learn how the system works, but things keep changing so there is a constant learning activity you need to be undertaking.
A contemporary monochrome scheme is a constant feature throughout, creating a cohesive and considered look.
This means every battle is a constant balancing act between attack and defence, with each member of your team equipped with different abilities.
Fear of abandonment is the constant feeling that someone significant in your life is going to leave you.
When we brought home our first - born sleep time was a constant struggle every night.
If you're eating the wrong foods your body is a constant state of inflammation and imbalance.
When there is constant tension on the collar, the dog has no idea what is expected of him — whether or not he is doing good or bad.
Is a «good» game, but his several technical problems are a constant factor of distraction.
My one complaint was a constant fear of gaining weight whilst in his hands - everything was irresistible!
There's a constant debate as to whether women like men with facial hair.
Playing on normal was a constant barrage of cheers, then I went to check out the Very Hard difficulty and I only noticed at most two other players showing up to cheer at.
Such assignments as essays, research papers or course works are constant parts of one's academic path.
While it's been a constant fight to remove the stigma of breastfeeding cutting out the other family members from bonding, it's definitely important to find ways to encourage bonding!
For many breastfeeding mothers, low milk supply is a constant worry.
One major issue, however, is the constant questioning as to whether students actually learn better with digital textbooks, which may now have been resolved.
Indeed, it made so many mistakes in its 16 - year rule; a notable example being its constant effort at sweeping issues of public interest under the carpet.
In previous games, demon negotiation was a constant game of trial and error that really, really wore thin.
The most important part of the feedback process is constant communication among high - level management.
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