Sentences with phrase «to be counterproductive»

Would it actually be counterproductive for the attainment of a broader exemption to the mandate, for the sake of Catholic universities and other institutions?
Rebalancing could even be counterproductive in such a case, as transaction costs and (if you're dealing with taxable accounts) taxes could outweigh any benefit.
Break rooms are an often overlooked feature of the workplace that can actually be counterproductive if used improperly.
We think DRM is counterproductive because it treats lawful customers like criminals.
And here, explicitly, the documentation — clearcutting tropical forests, which is counterproductive for climate change, although obviously profitable in the short term:
(1) I think the boycott is counterproductive as the pricing is artificial at this point and people that have no control over the price point are being adversely affected by it.
For these reasons, dairy products increase your levels of toxicity, which is counterproductive when dieting.
Arsenal need to be in the title race.I think making fun of spurs is counterproductive at the moment considering they are on their way to UCL, and have a good record against us in recent seasons.
If the goal of biofuels is to create a greener way to power transportation, converting prairies to do so is counterproductive.
Punishments can also be counterproductive because they cause kids to focus on their anger toward their parents, rather than think about what they can do better next time.
But avoiding all bycatch is unnecessary, he adds, and may even be counterproductive from a biodiversity standpoint.
No one can tell you exactly how much cardio is too much; however, an amount exceeding 60 - 70 minutes of cardio per day will most likely be counterproductive, especially if you are not consuming enough calories or protein to compensate for the calories you expend when you exercise.
But if the purpose of a long period of immaturity is to allow children to freely explore the world, learn from mistakes, and develop adaptive skills and knowledge, then this goal - centered parenting approach is counterproductive, she suggested.
These claims can only be counterproductive for the negotiations themselves.
On Sunday, Miliband said politicians needed to be «speaking out without timidity and truthfully about what is happening» and warned Israel that its actions were counterproductive because every death of an innocent Palestinian could increase support for Hamas.
TreeHugger Labs proved conclusively two years ago that Daylight Saving Time was counterproductive; now it appears that other research is backing us up.
Scolding or punishing the behavior is counterproductive with this disorder as the behavior itself often triggered by stress.
Lying and cheating, cutting corners and taking advantage of other people is counterproductive by default.
This type of behavior is counterproductive and ultimately leads to resentment.
Filling a witness statement with opinions is the wrong approach, and may be counterproductive on many levels.
That critique may be correct, but dismissing guppies as a control strategy is counterproductive, says John Hustedt, senior technical officer of the nonprofit Malaria Consortium in Phnom Penh, which has been releasing the fish into water storage jars in rural households to combat dengue fever and other mosquito - transmitted diseases.
Now comes the pastor, provocateur, Terry Jones and his plan to burn Qurans on September 11 at his Gainesville - based Dove World Outreach Center — a plan the U.S. commander in Afghanistan David Petraeus says «could endanger troops» and «the overall effort in Afghanistan» and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen says is both counterproductive and «disrespectful.»
In other words, introducing toxins into the system that will lower and limit immune health is counterproductive since immune health is a primary focus when working to fight gum disease.
Typically, many consumers rush the entire process, leaving or opening the door to mistakes and errors, which ultimately are counterproductive to their claim.
For SNC publications, hiring more people started being counterproductive when the lab hit 22 staffers.
Lobbying for the managing director's post is counterproductive at McKinsey, which disdains self - promotion over the collective.
Daxle has helped me see that worrying about perfect Intuitive Eating can sometimes be counterproductive when they feel like another kind of restriction or external set of rules.This means it's okay to eat some cookies even if I'm not hungry - I don't need to feel bad or guilty because I've broken an intuitive eating «rule.»
Once the lab size reached 25, adding new people was counterproductive.
However, the recent reactionary efforts to increase the number of armed School Resource Officers (SROs) in New York City schools are counterproductive and will lead to less safe and welcoming schools for students and teachers.
Furthermore, tying the minimum wage to average wages or realized inflation rates is counterproductive if you believe higher minimum wages are stimulative (I do not, but I should hold out the possibility that I may be wrong).
Shortening your résumé to a length everybody will read is counterproductive.
You don't want to dawdle, but rushing unnecessarily is counterproductive too.
They will call for the House leadership to show «backbone» and «do something» - even if that something is counterproductive.
Any effort on our part to reduce the suffering would probably be counterproductive.
Great academic leaders have been persuaded that the church is a counterproductive sponsor of ambitious higher education.
It may seem quicker to go stand on a street corner and pass out tracts or shout into a bullhorn, but in the end, I think such practices are counterproductive, and accomplish more harm than good.
Sitting around and blaming the parents is counterproductive, as is throwing up our hands and saying that the kids will never eat it.
States are raising their graduation standards, but returning kids to the classroom for a second attempt at algebra often is counterproductive — Why should we suppose they'll understand equations any better the second time around?
Research suggests that homework is counterproductive in elementary school.
I suspect that he is also correct to assert that the «win - win - win - win - win» formulation of recent years is counterproductive: if you insist that climate policy would be a wonderful thing even if climate change weren't real, people are going to suspect your motives for claiming to believe climate science.
Continuing to frame the debate in terms of political parties is counterproductive and ecologically dangerous.
Andy's ongoing efforts to reduce the size of state government are counterproductive, too.
«Those who think the boycott is counterproductive have been brainwashed by management,» said union shop steward and Desmond waiter William Spinosa.
The confrontational hubris that worked well in attacking Wall Street was counterproductive with Bruno and Shelly.
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