Sentences with phrase «to be dangerous to one's health»

So how did the poultry industry get hooked on drugs that are dangerous to the health of both humans and companies?
As a note, raw onions are not friendly on your pet's digestive system and can be dangerous to their health so should be avoided.
Remember to watch your dog's weight carefully as over feeding and under feeding are both dangerous to their health.
When planning its menu, you can include vitamin - C rich foods that will not be dangerous to its health.
Spirulina is high in antioxidants and hence stabilize the free radicals in our body which are dangerous to health.
«The use of elephants in these types of settings is dangerous to their health and potentially abusive,» Gov. Cuomo said.
Research has shown that smoking is dangerous to the health of smokers and to others.
In 2015, 58.8 percent of the people who recently used e-cigarettes also currently smoked conventional cigarettes.6 The U.S. Surgeon General has found that even smoking a few cigarettes a day is dangerous to your health.
But if, you're not a sports fan but you attend rally againsts sports, erect billboards against Olympics, charter a private plane for a flyer advocating a sports less USA, put signages in public places that say: sports is dangerous to your health, go to court against Oath of Sportsmaship, etc..
«So competition in the provision of news is essential to democracy and diminishing competition is dangerous to the health of democratic politics.
In their lingering twilight, our endogenous retroviruses can still be dangerous to our health.
I believe aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are dangerous to your health in so many ways, I even wrote an entire book on this topic called Sweet Deception.
I find no evidence that exceeding your daily minimum protein requirements is dangerous to your health, so when in doubt, err on the side of eating more, not less.
The logic behind why these fats can be dangerous to our health stems from their chemical structure which is straight, meaning that they can stack on top of each other, potentially clogging our arteries.
The bottom line is cookware that contains synthetic chemicals and metals is dangerous to your health and is often not manufactured with Earth - friendly practices.
Worms and other parasites are dangerous to the health of your dog and your family.
Giving this medicine to a heartworm infected dog is dangerous to their health.
Professionals sometimes prefer tranquillizers to assist in grooming the animal, but this seems to be dangerous to their health if often done.
Hertel and Blanc concluded: «Food prepared in microwave ovens is dangerous to health and may lead to pathological changes in the blood that indicate the beginning of a cancerous process.»
Schwarzenegger suggested telling customers at petrol stations that «what you pump into your tank may kill you», and plastering oil tankers driving along highways with messages that their contents are dangerous to health.
An example includes when you pick at scabs to a point which is dangerous to your health.
«The use of elephants in these types of settings is dangerous to their health and potentially abusive,» Cuomo said.
Smoking is dangerous to your health, but there are still varying degrees of «good health» a smoker can be.
According to the JereBeasley Report, one in five patients is administered antipsychotic drugs that are not necessary and can be dangerous to the health of elderly patients.
Coders call it brain hacking, or addiction coding, and it could be dangerous to your health.
Ignoring a downward trend in your sales or profitability can be dangerous to the health of your business over time.
Could be dangerous to your health and survival» (in Feminist Interpretation of the Bible, edited by Letty Russell).
Click HERE to learn about why household cleaners can be dangerous to our health and to learn more about healthier alternatives.
These infections can be dangerous to your health and the health of your baby if left untreated.
Being a member of a communist party in Iran, can be dangerous to your health.
However, despite these glitches, he finds little evidence that people are misinterpreting genetic information in ways that might be dangerous to their health.
New Jersey sent a strong message to young people that indoor tanning salons can be dangerous to their health.
The product might smell and look good, but contain bacteria or fungi that are dangerous to your health.
Plastic fibers contain «estrogenic chemicals that are dangerous to our health
Studies have shown that too much exposure can be dangerous to our health.
Probiotics help to nourish our healthy gut bugs so that we have a healthy intestinal lining (no leaky gut where toxins get out into our bloodstream) and so that bad bacteria, which can be dangerous to our health, don't proliferate.
Unlike the fat that accumulates on the butt, arms and thighs, abdominal fat can be dangerous to your health.
There's nothing wrong with eating some sugar, but eating too much can be dangerous to your health.
If not done sensibly, fasting can be dangerous to your health and emotional well - being.
There is but one alarming conclusion to reach: a high - carbohydrate, low - fat diet may be dangerous to your health.
While more research will likely be needed to confirm this potential link, there's plenty of evidence showing that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose (Splenda) can be dangerous to your health.
If you have a compromised immune system or are in a highly stressed or otherwise weakened state of health doing a detox has the potential to be dangerous to your health.
Too much of these vitamins can lead to toxicity and may be dangerous to your health.
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