Sentences with phrase «to be dangerous to one's pets»

However, these treatments may be dangerous to your pet if prolonged and only offer relief of symptoms at best.
A burning candle can not only be dangerous to your pet but also your home if it is knocked over.
Remember, if these products can kill critters, then there is a chance that these same products will be dangerous to your pet as well.
The cables are dangerous to the pets a point that they may fail to know.
In fact, both fleas and ticks can carry serious diseases that are dangerous to both pet owner and pet.
It is important to be aware of what household items are dangerous to your pets.
Although ticks and other parasites are dangerous to both pets and people, you can still enjoy the great outdoors by planning ahead and taking a preventive approach.
- Outdoor poisons such as insecticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers also are dangerous to pets.
Fireworks Fireworks are dangerous to pets in several ways.
Commonly used as a sugar substitute, xylitol is dangerous to pets.
If your pet got into something but is still acting normal, you should still call APCC so they can determine if the amount of xylitol ingested is dangerous to your pet's health.
«These unsubstantiated allegations stem from a single lawsuit filed against us by a single plaintiff who claims that levels of lead were found in three of our products that could be dangerous to pet health.
Other similar products which can be dangerous to your pets include paint remover, varnishes, and mineral spirits or paint thinner.
Heartworm disease is dangerous to your pet and some signs of the illness are tough to spot.
House Treatments - House treatments are an excellent form of flea control but can be dangerous to your pet if precautions are not taken.
Foods that are too fatty can be dangerous to pets in that they can cause a myriad of diseases ranging from mild gastroenteritis (stomach upset) to potentially life - threatening pancreatitis.
Sharp ornaments can be dangerous to pets if they have a habit of batting at dangling objects.
Restricting water can cause dehydration and be dangerous to your pet.
Garden Fertilizers — some contain iron or insecticides or other compounds that can be dangerous to your pets.
Dr. Ron DeHaven, CEO of the American Veterinary Medical Association, reminds us in the video below, «Halloween Tips for Pet Owners,» that chocolate is not the only ingredient in candies and baked goods that are dangerous to our pets.
Left untreated, worms can be dangerous to your pet's internal organs.
Pesticides in over-the-counter flea and tick treatments may be dangerous to your pets and your children.
The second reason to avoid MgCl2 products is that they are dangerous to pets, children, wildlife and adults too.
But is this strong flavor indicative of something that might be dangerous to our pets?
Fleas can carry a slew of diseases that are dangerous to your pets and your family, so it's all the more essential to make flea control a priority for your pet.
Of these, only the Western Rattlesnake (Croatus viridis) has poisonous venom that is dangerous to pets and humans alike.
Extreme cold temperatures can also be dangerous to your pet.
A loose animal inside the car can be dangerous both to the pet and the driver, so invest in a seat belt, car barrier, and / or a kennel.
Many of the holiday traditions can be dangerous to our pets.
If the directions on the label are not followed, these products can be dangerous to pets, so always use caution when dealing with insect poisons.
Please take note of these items that can be dangerous to pets and have a safe and enjoyable holiday!
Compost bins or piles Even though you are composting organic matter, decaying matter can produce bacteria, mold and toxins that can be dangerous to your pet and make them very ill.
Do not use cedar or pine chips — the oils they contain can be dangerous to your pets.
In addition, the ASPCA, one of the largest animal rights groups in the U.S., lists tobacco smoke as a toxin that is dangerous to pets.
Human pain medicines may be dangerous to pets.
Chocolate contains two similar chemicals that are both dangerous to your pet: caffeine and theobromine.
However, certain foods can be dangerous to your pet.
Ill - fitting costumes with dangling accessories can be dangerous to your pet.
The plastic components of lollipop sticks and other candy can also be dangerous to pets, potentially causing intestinal blockage or intestinal ruptures if ingested.
• Remember that too much sun, humidity and heat can be dangerous to pets.
Vehicle interiors heat up much faster than the air around them, and even a short time in a locked car can be dangerous to pets.
Some bugs are harmless while others can be dangerous to your pet's health and wellness.
Also, if you leave food outdoors, you can attract wildlife such as raccoons and skunks and coyotes, which can be dangerous to your pets and your family.
However, even milk chocolate can cause serious side effects and can be dangerous to pets.
If you hosted guests, check both your yard and home for food scraps or other debris that might be dangerous to pets, such as food skewers.
These are some of the things that are dangerous to the pet.
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